The most unusual stories about the ordinary work of a courier

Usually people are happy when a courier comes, because he brings a long-awaited order or a trinket ordered in a drunken state. Most often, a visit from a delivery service representative is quickly forgotten, but sometimes this meeting can remain in your memory forever. Today we have selected the most terrible stories about courier deliveries.

1. Coffee Criminal

This Coffee Delivery Guy Scammed More Than One Montreal Restaurant

Sean Magna, from the small town of Sud-Ouest outside Montreal, Canada, delivered coffee to local eateries and always took cash. If employees had questions, he simply called the manager and confirmed the order over the phone.

The only downside to his job was that Sean wasn't officially a courier, and when he made phone calls he would call a specialist by name to make it look real. Sean would give the order, take the money and leave. He managed to pull off this trick 43 times between 2007 and 2009, after which he was exposed and sentenced to 18 months in prison. The sentence was later increased to 7 years for breaking the rules.

After being released from prison in 2017, Sean managed to pull off his business 70 more times before he was caught again. The man himself says that he is a gambling addict and did it to somehow pay off his debts. Sean is currently in custody awaiting sentencing.

2. Courier-burglar

A cunning robber sneaked into victims' homes disguised as a courier

A courier delivering a parcel to neighbors looks quite harmless and does not arouse suspicion. That is why a thief from the village of Mill Creek, Washington, USA, managed to commit thefts during the day. But a video camera was installed on the porch of one of the houses, which recorded how the courier approached the house, threw out his empty box, which he used to divert curious eyes, and after a while left with two boxes. Thanks to the video from the surveillance camera, the police were able to identify the criminal.

3. Shooter

Did you order pizza?

Remember when you were a kid and your parents always forbade you to open the door to strangers? Now you'll understand why. Nothing marred the Sunday morning in November 2017 when a twelve-year-old boy opened the door to a man holding a box. Almost immediately, the boy's father came to the door, and that's when the fun began. The man tried to break into the apartment, but the boy's father stopped him from doing so. The next moment, two more men jumped out from around the corner, one of them fired and wounded the boy's father in the leg. After which all three jumped into a car and fled the scene of the crime. The lawbreakers were never caught. The only good thing is that the father and son were not seriously injured.

4. Texas Raiders

It turns out that even a courier in the uniform of a world-famous delivery service cannot be trusted

On Thanksgiving Eve 2016, Lawrence Berry of Houston, Texas, opened the door to a UPS delivery driver who immediately pointed a gun at Berry's face. There were two other women in the house, one of them Lawrence's wife, and two small children. The women grabbed the children and hid. Suddenly, three more armed men showed up and attacked Berry.

As a result, Lawrence received serious injuries: 6 of his teeth were knocked out, his jaw was broken, his neck was severely damaged, and 28 staples were needed to stitch up the wounds on his head. While the women and children hid in the closet, the criminals took jewelry and weapons from the house. Unfortunately, the criminals were never caught.

5. Pizza delivery man

Sometimes a simple pizza delivery can turn into a crime

On a Sunday night in the summer of 2015, a teenage girl from Palo Alto, California, USA, opened the door to a pizza delivery man. She told the delivery man that no one had ordered a pizza and began to close the door, but the delivery man stopped her. He was accompanied by two other masked men, one with a knife and the other with a gun.

Hearing strange sounds, the girl's mother went to the door, then her father came out and the robbers fled. The girl was able to describe the face of one of the criminals, and the police made a composite sketch, but they did not see the faces of the other two. But the case was not solved.

6. Christmas gift

After such an incident you will definitely start tipping the couriers

In 2017, William Washington and his children moved to a new house in Aurora, Colorado, USA. The family was expecting Christmas gifts to be delivered, which were brought by a real courier who left a small souvenir for the Washington family. Security camera footage captured the courier relieving himself right on the doorstep of the house, apparently he couldn't stand it. The owner of the house reported the incident to the online store, but the store employees said they couldn't make a claim against the logistics company, since the courier delivered the goods on time, thereby fulfilling his obligations to the customer.

7. Dirty work

What should a courier do if he really needs to go to the toilet?

Nemi Bautista of Sacramento County, California, came home from work one day to find human feces in his driveway. After reviewing surveillance video, he learned where it came from: A delivery man had done his dirty work while squatting behind his truck.

Bautista posted the video on Facebook, after which a supervisor from the courier company came to his house to sort out the situation. He cleaned up after his employee, but did not want to take the feces with him and threw it in a trash can near his house. Later, Amazon employees reported that the courier no longer delivers Amazon packages, which does not mean that he no longer works for the delivery service. Bautista received a card apologizing for the inconvenience.

8. Good neighbors

Sometimes it's good to be friends with your neighbors, because they may notice things you don't.

You wouldn't expect to be robbed by someone you've let into your home voluntarily, but believe me, it happens. Niall Collins was looking after his four-month-old twins in one room, his wife in the next room, while two furniture delivery men were in their home, when Niall discovered £50 was missing from his wallet. His wife was missing £10, while her son discovered his tablet was missing.

The Collinses didn't have a security camera, but their neighbors did. After watching the video, it became clear that when they left, the furniture delivery guys grabbed a tablet: something rectangular was clearly sticking out from under the T-shirt of one of them. The Collinses reported the incident to the store, after which the police were called in to investigate.

9. While the owner is not at home

New trend in courier services - delivery of goods "to the couch" in the absence of the owner of the house

While you can control those you let into your home, it's hard to keep track of those who entered without permission. One day, Scottish resident Caroline Lindsay returned home to find a package delivered to her. Right on her bed.

Once again, this was an Amazon delivery through a middleman. The front door and back door were locked, and the garden door was open. However, to place the parcel on the bed, the delivery man had to go through the dining room. Caroline could not determine whether the delivery man had been in other rooms. In response to Caroline's complaint, Amazon responded that the delivery man was no longer delivering their goods.

10. Who is the boss in the house?

Nobody likes uninvited guests and couriers

What's worse than realizing that someone was in your house while you were away? Only realizing that someone is in your house with you. That's exactly what happened to Michael Lentiti, who was waiting for a delivery from an online store. It's important to note that Michael did not agree to the "Key" service, which allows a courier to enter a customer's home in their absence and deliver a package.

Lentiti was in his bedroom when the doors to his private elevator opened and a delivery man emerged with a package in hand. He checked CCTV footage, which showed the delivery man simply hanging around his building, but Amazon claimed the delivery man was convinced it was an apartment block. Lentiti didn't believe it, of course, but he was assured it wouldn't happen again.

The next day, the same thing happened. A courier with another package was walking around his house. Amazon sent an employee to talk to Lentini, but the man refuses to continue using the store's services.

11. The customer is not always right

One of the most amazing and instructive stories about the work of a courier was told by a certain Peter, an employee of a reputable delivery service. One working day, he received an assignment to deliver a letter to the addressee. Naturally, having familiarized himself with the route and specified the delivery time, he went to the specified address. Upon arrival, Peter discovered that the client was not at home. For some reason, the addressee did not leave a contact phone number, and Peter had no choice but to go to other addresses.

From that day on, his "ordeals" began: every day, the dissatisfied client called the company and complained about the delivery service, which allegedly did not deliver his mail. Every day, Petr came to the already familiar address, each time he was faced with a tightly closed door and a stable silence behind it. It is worth noting that the courier arrived at the addressee at a strictly appointed time. For what reason the strange client did not want to open the door is a mystery, the answer to which has not yet been received.

So Peter unsuccessfully drove to the same address every day for a week, until he finally realized that all his attempts to deliver the letter to the customer personally were useless. And then a unique idea came to him – to throw the letter through an open window. All the circumstances contributed to this: the client lived in a first-floor apartment, Peter was tall, it was summer outside, and the window was open.

It would seem that the situation was resolved favorably - the courier delivered the mail and fulfilled his duty. But... It was not to be. Before Peter had time to return to the company, another call came from the troublemaker, who furiously attacked the dispatcher and claimed that the mail had never been delivered to him. Imagine his surprise when Peter kindly asked the "gentleman" not to be angry, but to look more closely at the TV, where the letter had fallen after Peter had thrown it into the open window.

12. "Tips" for life

Another unique case occurred in the United States of America. It was told by a participant in the events named Michael. He, like all couriers, came to the profession to improve his financial situation a little. Since Michael was a student and lived on a scholarship, he was happy with any "tips" that customers left, pleased with his efficiency and politeness.

One day, which can be called the happiest in his life, Michael received an order for the delivery of a small parcel. He immediately noticed that the delivery address was located in a prestigious area. He received the parcel from the coordinator with a note about urgent delivery, so he immediately set off on the road. Despite the complicated transport connections and difficulties with moving along the roads of a big city, Michael managed to deliver the parcel on time, which was duly noted by the client. The thing is that the young man did not use public transport, but went by bike, thanks to which he successfully overcame all the "traffic jams" on the roads.

The respectable gentleman was so surprised by the efficiency and resourcefulness of the young man that he gave him such a "tip" that no one had ever been given in the history of the courier service. After completing this order, Michael could calmly study for a couple more years without thinking about the need for additional income.

13. Delivery of love

Couriers have a particularly favorite, romantic story. It is passed from mouth to mouth and is already considered a legend. The main character of this tale is a young Frenchman, Jacques, who worked as a courier because he could not find a more worthy alternative to earn money. Jacques was attractive in appearance, so it is not surprising that one day the young courier fell in love with his client.

The young woman was beautiful and wealthy, so she never complained about the lack of attention from the opposite sex. However, her heart was free. One day, she ordered a new phone from an online store, which was supposed to be delivered the next day. When she opened the door to the courier, she simply lost her head... She liked Jacques so much that she literally started buying up all the products in the store and asked that this young man do the delivery.

After just a week of daily trips to the beauty Charlize, Jacques realized that he also fell in love with the girl. They began dating.

This is the love story of a simple courier and a young, well-off girl. The young people, despite social differences, were able to overcome all conventions and found their happiness.

After such stories, you will start listening to rustling sounds in the house and be wary of any strangers who knock on your door. The main thing here is not to become paranoid, and caution never hurts.