List of products that will help strengthen your immunity

If you have been bothered by weakness, fatigue and frequent infections lately, then it is time to start strengthening your immunity. As you know, it is the immune system that is responsible for protecting our body from bacteria, fungi and various infectious diseases.

To have a strong immune system, it is necessary to keep in mind a number of factors that have a beneficial effect on the immune system: avoid stress, get enough sleep and, of course, stick to a healthy and balanced diet.

Healthy sleep, exercise and hardening – many know that thanks to them you can strengthen the immune system and prevent the development of many diseases. But the list of mandatory conditions for heroic health includes another very important point – proper nutrition.

Experts have talked about products that help strengthen the immune system. They are loyal allies of our immune system.


To successfully remove toxins and waste from your body, your body needs water. It is important to note that water can eliminate infections. It also protects and cleanses the respiratory tract. Try to drink 10-12 glasses of water daily to keep your body hydrated.

Green tea

Green tea contains about 450 types of organic compounds, about 500 elements and almost the entire vitamin range. But special attention should be paid to the substances that enable green tea to exhibit its beneficial properties:

  • minerals – help to increase immunity and are responsible for the normal functioning of all systems;
  • alkaloids – give vigor and fill with energy, thanks to them mental and physical activity is activated and efficiency is increased;
  • Polyphenols are often used in medicine to prevent cancer and cardiovascular diseases.


Kefir has long been used to nurse weakened and sick children, people with frequent colds and digestive diseases. The whole secret is that kefir increases immunity thanks to bifidobacteria. They are the ones that improve digestion and help vitamins to be better absorbed by the body. It is best to drink fresh kefir with live microflora daily or make kefir yourself from starter and whole milk. This way you can get the maximum benefit.


Garlic will not only add interesting flavors to your dishes, but will also take care of your immunity. It has antibacterial and antiviral properties, thanks to which the immune system becomes stronger.
In addition, garlic contains beneficial enzymes, antioxidants, potassium, phosphorus, zinc and calcium.
Garlic improves respiratory health and increases white blood cell count.


To strengthen your immune system, it is especially important to include lemons, tangerines, grapefruits, oranges and other citrus fruits in your diet. These fruits are high in vitamin C and antioxidants, which protect the body from respiratory diseases and speed up the patient's recovery from such diseases. But the benefits of citrus fruits do not end there. These fruits are a rich source of fiber, potassium, magnesium and calcium. All these microelements are necessary for strengthening bones and muscles, as well as for the proper functioning of the human nervous system.

Bee honey

Although honey is most often used to add a sweet taste to dishes and drinks, its beneficial properties are much more extensive. Bee honey contains a large number of various antioxidants, relieves coughing and takes care of lung health. Thanks to it, we can cope with a dry throat and remove excess phlegm. On the other hand, honey is a natural sedative. It calms the nervous system, reduces cholesterol levels in the blood, improves digestion and, of course, strengthens the immune system.

Important! Just never add honey to hot drinks, as under the influence of high temperatures, most of the valuable substances will be destroyed!

Honey works great on its own, but if your immunity is greatly weakened, it can be combined with other healthy products:

  • honey + freshly squeezed aloe juice, mixed in equal proportions, taken twice a day - in the morning before breakfast and in the evening before bed;
  • honey + grated fresh ginger – this mixture helps improve blood circulation and reduce cholesterol levels;
  • 100 ml honey + 1 lemon + 3 cloves of garlic – grind everything in a meat grinder and take a tablespoon before breakfast and before bed.


Ginger is good because it has an anti-inflammatory effect similar to garlic. A big plus is that it has no unpleasant odor. In addition, eating ginger improves digestion and normalizes blood circulation. Ginger contains a lot of vitamin C, retinol and B vitamins. To stimulate immunity, ginger should be taken as a seasoning for various dishes or fresh. Ginger tea has an excellent warming effect, which fights infections and activates the body's cells to fight viruses.


One of the most popular natural remedies for treating respiratory infections and strengthening the immune system is onion. This is because onion has cleansing and disinfecting properties. It contains vitamins, mineral salts, sulfur, magnesium, iron and sodium. Onion helps in the treatment of diabetes, heart disease, infectious diseases and digestive disorders.


This root vegetable is often called a natural antibiotic. And this is not surprising, because it contains a large number of mineral salts of sodium, calcium, iodine, phosphorus, iron, potassium. Radish has antimicrobial, bactericidal properties, which helps the body cope with bacteria and viruses. Radish helps to increase appetite and improve digestion, which also has a beneficial effect on the immune system.


Sauerkraut, which is also a happy owner of vitamins C and P, can easily become a competitor to rose hips. In addition, during fermentation, probiotics are formed in cabbage, which have a positive effect on the functioning of the intestines, namely, immune cells are formed there. Being a source of ascorbic acid, sauerkraut in combination with green or onions is one of the most inexpensive ways to improve immunity.


This vegetable is characterized by pronounced antioxidant properties. It contains a large amount of vitamin C and useful amino acids, which help the body maintain its defenses and prevent the development of various diseases. By eating broccoli, you can cleanse the blood of cholesterol, remove excess fluid and salts, normalize the condition of bone tissue and improve the process of hematopoiesis.

Red fruits and vegetables

The red color of some fruits and vegetables indicates the content of special nutrients that are beneficial to the human body. Thus, red vegetables and fruits contain a large amount of carotene and vitamin A. The latter are excellent for strengthening the body's defenses. They are excellent antioxidants, improve blood circulation and help remove toxins from the body.
Thanks to these microelements, a person’s mood improves, they protect the skin from the effects of sunlight and stimulate cell regeneration.


Fresh berries are one of the most important components of a healthy diet. Their main function is to reduce oxidative processes in the body, which are known to provoke premature aging and suppress the immune system.

Most berries contain natural antioxidants, including:

  • Vitamin C – maintains the health of blood vessels, joint tissue and skin;
  • quercetin – relieves inflammation, improves brain function, stopping the process of memory loss;
  • Anthocyanins – provide prevention and treatment of arthritis, exhibit anti-inflammatory properties.


Champignons are not only ideal for strengthening the immune system, but they can also fill your body with energy to successfully cope with all the tasks that arise during the day. These mushrooms have antimicrobial and antiviral properties, and also contain potassium. This mineral fights fluid retention and edema, normalizes blood pressure and stimulates metabolism.


The benefits of almonds are primarily associated with the high concentration of vitamin E in their composition. This substance is a powerful antioxidant and slows down the aging process. Also, these nuts contain B vitamins, which are responsible for the proper functioning of our body as a whole. Useful properties of almonds Helps remove sand from the kidneys. Normalizes the functions of the spleen and liver. Cleanses the blood. Has an anticonvulsant effect. Improves brain activity. Increases stress resistance.

Whole grain cereals

Whole grain cereals have a high biological value, as they contain a much larger amount of vitamins, macro- and microelements, as well as essential nutrients than refined grain products. Whole grain cereals are a source of fiber, which has the following effects on health: stimulates bowel activity; promotes proper natural bowel movements; prevents constipation; cleanses the gastrointestinal tract of harmful substances that enter with food; promotes the development of "good" microflora.

But it is important to remember that immunity is not a reinforced concrete wall, it is quite easy to undermine it. Here are several factors that negatively affect immunity:

  • An unhealthy diet dominated by refined foods, various chemical additives and semi-finished products.
  • The use of antibiotics, not only for the treatment of humans, but also in the production of livestock and poultry for food production.
  • All kinds of toxic effects associated with industrial factors and unfavorable ecology.
  • Mutation and adaptation of bacteria, viruses and pathogenic flora - as a result of the impact of unfavorable ecology, the use of antibiotics and toxic effects.
  • The ever-increasing amount of stress and depression caused by modern living and working conditions.
  • Chronic and incurable diseases, the number of which has been steadily increasing recently.
  • Alcohol abuse.
  • Smoking.
  • Caffeine, found not only in coffee, but also in tea (except green tea) and carbonated drinks


If you often get sick and feel weak, it means that your immunity leaves much to be desired. By including several products from our list in your diet, you will strengthen your health and also get rid of at least half of your bad habits.