17 Luckiest People in the World

Everyone is familiar with the expression "born with a silver spoon in his mouth". The saying refers to those who managed to get out of dangerous life situations unscathed. These are the real lucky ones, to which category we can also include those people who became unexpectedly rich. As they say, "from rags to riches". The top includes the luckiest people in the world, to whom fate was truly kind.

1. Lena Palson

Lena Palson opens the list of the luckiest people in the world. In 1995, during the Christmas holidays, the Swedish woman was doing housework and decided to take off her wedding ring. After finishing her housework, Lena did not find the ring where she had put it. The wedding accessory returned to its owner almost 17 years later. The woman found the lost thing in her garden, when she pulled out a carrot from a bed. Before that, the family had also been planting vegetables, and Lena considers the fact that the ring was found on cultivated land after such a long period of time to be a real miracle.

2. Anders Hellstrup

Anders Helstrup is one of the top ten luckiest people on Earth. It is very hard to believe, but this man managed to avoid a collision with a real meteorite. The skydiver jumped with a parachute, at the same time, a few meters away from him, a stone fell from the sky at a tremendous speed. The man did not immediately understand that the falling celestial body was nothing more than a meteorite. Nevertheless, Anders managed to film everything on camera, which is a strong confirmation of this event. The skydiver was very lucky that the chosen jump course was a little further than the falling meteorite.

3. Harrison Okene

Harrison Okene is a real lucky guy who was very lucky in this life. The young man worked as a cook on a tugboat. As a result of an accident, the ship began to flood. At that moment, the guy was in the bathroom. Feeling something was wrong and then assessing the dire situation, the cook rushed to the engine room. A small air cushion formed there, which helped Okene to escape. Harrison spent three days on the sunken ship in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. The cook was pulled out by rescuers who arrived at the scene. The man admits that after the incident, several years later, he is still tormented by nightmares associated with the sunken ship.

4. Nichiren


He went down in history not only as a famous religious figure, but also as one of the luckiest people in the world. He was a preacher, which almost caused his death. The authorities believed that Nichiren's teachings could undermine their reputation and authority in society, so they decided to execute the monk by beheading. At the moment of execution, the executioner was suddenly killed by lightning. This fact was considered a sign, so Nichiren was left alive, but sent into exile. The monk managed to live to an old age, become a religious figure and find followers of his teaching.

5. Maarten de Jong

Maarten de Jong is a man who has been truly lucky in this life. He is one of those lucky people who manage to escape a dangerous situation as a result of a combination of circumstances or their own premonition. He is one of the few people who have cheated fate twice. It happened a few years ago, when the man was supposed to fly on flight MH370, which has been missing and has not been found to this day. Some time later, he bought a ticket for another flight, but found a cheaper option and decided to exchange the ticket. The aircraft on which the man was originally supposed to fly was shot down in the skies over Ukraine.

6. Tsutomu Yamaguchi

Tsutomu Yamaguchi went down in history as one of the luckiest people. During World War II, the man was an employee of Mitsubishi, so he was constantly on the move almost all over the world. When Tsutomu went on a business trip (1945) to Hiroshima, the first atomic bomb was dropped. The man received various injuries, but survived. When the man was able to return to his job responsibilities, the second nuclear bomb was dropped, the explosion of which Yamaguchi was also able to survive. Tsutomu can also be considered a long-liver, he died at 93 years old.

7. Joan R. Ginter

Joan R. Ginther is one of the luckiest women in the world. The American is one of the few lucky ones who have managed to win large sums in the lottery more than once. Over the course of several years, she has repeatedly managed to hit the jackpot of several million dollars. Her biggest win came in 2008, when the woman won 10 million US dollars. Joan still buys many tickets, which number in the hundreds. She sometimes gives some of the tickets she buys to her friends and family.

8. Bill Morgan

Bill Morgan opens the top three luckiest people in the world. The 37-year-old man got into a serious car accident, receiving multiple injuries. In the hospital, Bill was given a drug that caused allergic shock. As a result, clinical death occurred, which lasted for 14 minutes. Doctors managed to restart the heart, after which the victim lay in the intensive care unit in a coma for two weeks. Doctors told relatives that the man should be disconnected from the life support system, since there is a high probability that with a prolonged period of clinical death, brain cells could die. However, to everyone's surprise, the man soon came to his senses and quickly recovered, while no deviations in the functioning of the brain were found. This was not the end of the miracles in Bill's life, since he subsequently won large prizes in the lottery twice.

9. Virginia Fike

Virginia Fike is one of the luckiest women in the world. The American has won big money prizes in the lottery twice. She decided in advance which ticket numbers she would buy. They had to contain the anniversary date and the age of her parents. Both tickets turned out to be winners, each worth $1 million.

10. Frane Selak

Frane Selak is the luckiest man in the world, having outwitted death 7 times, which is hard to believe. The man first encountered mortal danger in 1962, when a derailed train fell into a river. Frane escaped with only a broken arm and a few bruises. Just a year later, the man fell out of the open door of a falling plane and landed right in a haystack. Three years later, he fell into a river on a bus he was riding. The lucky guy swam safely to the shore, escaping with minor injuries. In 1968, Selak was teaching his son to shoot a gun, as a result of which he shot off his own scrotum, although everything could have ended much worse. A few years later, he was in several accidents, surviving. Then fate tested the man's strength again, he was hit by a bus, he avoided a collision with a truck. Frane not only managed to avoid death many times, but also became the owner of a large sum of money in his old age, having won the lottery on his 73rd birthday.

11. Steve Flaig

After years of searching, Steve Flaig found his biological mother. It turned out that they worked in the same chain of stores. Steve had been looking for his biological mother since he was 18. Only in 2007 did the man realize that he had been searching by the wrong name. A new search yielded results - Steve had found his mother! The woman works in the same chain of stores as he does!

12. Juliana Koepke

The sole survivor of the 1971 LANSA Flight 508 crashThe plane fell from a height of 3 thousand meters into the depths of the tropical forest, and in the fight for life, 17-year-old Juliane Koepcke made her way through the jungle to people for 9 days on her own, having cut wounds and a broken collarbone

13. Michael Benson

A 49-year-old cameraman spent two days in a fire-breathing volcano crater in Hawaii. In 1992, he and his colleague Chris Duddy were filming from the air for their movie when their helicopter broke down right above Kilauea, one of the most active volcanoes on the planet. The documentary filmmakers and the pilot ended up right in Pu'u 'oo, one of the volcano's two smoking cones, narrowly missing boiling lava. Pilot Craig Hosking and Duddy got out the next day, but they spent another day trying to find Benson from above through the smoky clouds. He spent two sleepless nights inside, breathing toxic fumes and listening to the lava boil and bubble beneath him. And only then was he able to see the rescue net thrown to him and reach it.

14. Howard Ulrich

Howard Ulrich and his son survived the highest tsunami wave in 1958. The largest tsunami wave in history was recorded in Lituya Bay, which is located in the American state of Alaska. The wave was 520 meters high! The wave picked up Ulrich's boat, but the people remained unharmed.

15. Reshma Begum

19-year-old Reshma worked as a seamstress in the Rana Plaza building in Bangladesh. After the building collapsed, she spent 17 days under the rubble! She even managed to find some food and water under the rubble, which saved her life.

16. David Centner

While flying over his home, David Centner spotted a stranger stealing his trailer. The pilot immediately contacted the police and the thief was arrested.

17. Ann Hodges

Ann Hodges is an American who became famous all over the world after a meteorite hit her. It so happened that in 1954, while Ann was relaxing on the couch, a fragment suddenly flew at her, and it flew at such a speed that it even broke through the roof of her house. This incident went down in history - the Sulacogue meteorite (it was later even called the Hodges meteorite) became the first case of a meteorite hitting a person.