20 Smartest Celebrities With High IQ

Smart celebrities - a rather unusual phrase for an ordinary person. But they are also people, and their minds can also overcome barriers. And the smartest and most famous, of course, are better to know by sight.

1. Gina Davis. IQ 140

She was the best student in her class and got excellent grades. The future actress was also a very exemplary girl outside of school. On weekends, she accompanied the church choir, playing the organ. And sometimes she even sang along with everyone.

Gina, who started her career as a model, has a naturally good body. However, to keep fit, the actress trains regularly. She often has to master one or another sport because a new role requires it. So, preparing for the film "A League of Their Own", the actress learned to play baseball. And before filming the film "Cutthroat Island", where Davis played a pirate, she learned to fence. In 1999, Gina tried to get into the US Olympic archery team and even made it to the semi-finals, although she was unable to participate in the Sydney Olympics.

"Sports gave me confidence," says Gina, who was self-conscious at school about her height - 1.83 metres.

Today, Gina is known for her acting, numerous film awards and social activities. Until 2015, she managed to try herself in several roles: model, actress, screenwriter and even producer. She plays several musical instruments and speaks Swedish perfectly. The film "Tootsie" became one of the main film hits of that year and brought its creators a huge number of various awards.

Gina's personal life is very diverse, in all her years of life she married four times and never regretted any of her marriages. She never hid her romances, but on the contrary, shared with journalists all the facts about her personal life.

2. Ashton Ketcher.IQ 160

This famous actor graduated from the University of Iowa with a degree in bioengineering. In between filming, Ashton began working for Lenovo. The talented man created several organizations to combat pedophilia and sex crimes.

Despite his great potential, Ashton was a lousy student. Due to his hooliganism, he lost his scholarship to one of the most prestigious technical universities in the world – Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Then he studied to be a biochemist at the engineering department of the University of Iowa. But he dropped out to pursue a modeling career.

But that's in the past. Today, Ashton is not only a sought-after actor, but also a successful businessman. Together with a partner, he founded the investment company Sound Ventures, which is a shareholder in Airbnb, Foursquare, Skype, SoundCloud, Uber and other IT startups. He often holds innovation summits.

On November 30, 2016, Ashton and Mila had a son, who was named with the Slavic name Dimitri. Ashton himself told about it on his personal website A Plus: "Dimitri Portwood Kutcher was born at 1:21 on November 30, weighing 3.6 kilograms." For fans of Ashton Kutcher, the choice of a Russian name was a surprise. However, if Ashton learned Russian to communicate with his wife's relatives, there is nothing surprising about this.

3. Dolph Lundgren. IQ 160


In the future, he planned to follow in his father's footsteps and become a scientist-chemist. His father often beat his mother and called his son a loser. By nature, Dolph Lundgren is a stubborn scientist. This father's attitude made him go to the gym and start doing contact martial arts.

This action hero not only boasts powerful muscles, but also doctorates in chemistry and chemical engineering. He speaks seven languages.

The first film in which Dolph took part was "A View to a Kill". This is one of the parts of the "Bondiana", in which he played an insignificant and unremarkable role. Real fame came to him after the movie "Rocky 4". He did not get the role easily either. The candidate had to be a muscular guy no taller than 191 cm. Lundgren's height was 195 cm, so he was gently "turned off". But here the guy's persistence played a very important role. He created a new portfolio, in which he provided his photos in boxer shorts at the casting. He was hired.

During the filming, one of the most famous funny incidents in the life history of Stallone and Dolph Lundgren occurred. Sylvester wanted the fight to be real. Lundgren, who after passing the casting began to work out hard in the gym and at the time of filming his weight was 111 kg. Lundgren knocked out Stallone and the latter was taken away from the set in an ambulance. But the role of the Russian boxer made a real star out of an unknown actor.

4. Arnold Schwarzenegger. IQ 144

The famous “Mr. Universe 1967”, the most popular actor, director, producer, businessman, philanthropist and the 38th Governor of California. The best evidence of the high intelligence of “Iron Arnie” is the long list of his achievements. As for his studies, in 1979 Schwarzenegger received a bachelor’s degree in economics from the University of Wisconsin.

When Arnie was a teenager, his parents were afraid that he had a non-traditional orientation. The fact is that at a young age he already admired bodybuilders and hung their posters around the room. His mother even called the doctor to make sure how serious a sign the images of oiled and almost completely naked men in her son's bedroom could be. The Guinness Book of Records named Arnold the most perfectly pumped man in human history.

"I tried to be the most muscular man in the world, and that gave me the path to the movies. That gave me everything I have."

In Terminator 2, Schwarzenegger only said 700 words and was paid $1,045,000. It was the most expensive "Hasta la vista, baby" line ever. It cost $1,045,000.

He was the first private citizen in the United States to own a Hummer. Arnold needed two parking spaces to park his Humvee.

5. Cynthia Crawford. IQ 154

Before she became famous, she studied chemistry and biology at university. In her youth, when Cindy's father fell ill, she was forced to work in the fields between classes, picking corn to help support the family. There, a local photographer captured her. The photo was published in newspapers and became very popular, after which 16-year-old Crawford knew where she should go next.

The mole above her upper lip is Cindy Crawford's true calling card and one of the "elements" of her sexuality. It's surprising, but there was a time when the model dreamed of... getting rid of this mole. Her mother talked her out of it. "Of course, you can resort to surgery, but then there will be a scar, and it is completely unknown how it will look," she told Cindy. In the end, the model accepted herself with all her features and was terribly unhappy when one day, on the cover of a fashion magazine, photo editors "painted over" her mole.

The supermodel once tried herself as an actress. But the film "Fair Game", where Cindy played a lawyer, and William Baldwin - a detective, was a fantastic failure, earning only 11 million dollars with 50 million spent. Several other small roles in the cinema can hardly be called noticeable.

6. Natalie Portman. IQ 140

She has been acting since she was 13, and her acting career did not prevent her from getting a prestigious education. Smart, beautiful, and athletic, she easily sacrificed the premiere of Star Wars: Episode I to prepare for her high school graduation exam.
In 2003, Natalie graduated from Harvard with a bachelor's degree in psychology. And the following year, she entered the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. In addition to her native English and Hebrew, she studied French, German, Japanese, and Arabic. In one interview, Natalie admitted that she is not afraid to sacrifice her career for the sake of her studies. She said that she would rather be educated than a movie star. And she once said that she dumped one of her boyfriends because he reproached her for thinking too much.

Natalie's real last name is not Portman at all, but Hershlag (which translates as "heart attack"). Portman is her grandmother's maiden name, which she decided to use as a pseudonym.

In his very first film with Natalie, George invited rising star Keira Knightley, who struck him with her resemblance to the new queen of the screen. In the film "Star Wars: Episode I. The Phantom Menace," Keira played Natalie's double, so much so that her own mothers could not tell them apart on the day of the premiere.

7. Sharon Stone. IQ 154

The actress is as smart as she is beautiful. According to her parents, she began to speak before she was one year old, learned to read at four, went to school at five, and at 15 entered the University of Pennsylvania to major in Fiction and Fine Arts. However, some media outlets claim that she dropped out of school to pursue a modeling career.

The actress does not have her own children, but is raising three adopted children. She is called a fanatical mother - she fought in court for the eldest of the adopted children with her ex-husband and was very upset when the court left the boy with his father. The actress does not like to show her children in public, does not appear with them at events, does not post their photos on social networks.

The Hollywood star has health problems. The actress suffers from diabetes and asthma, and in 2001 she was diagnosed with a cerebral aneurysm (intracerebral hemorrhage), from which she almost died. On October 2, 2001, Stone suffered a stroke, which led to a state of clinical death. For eleven days, the actress complained of a headache, but doctors could not make a correct diagnosis, and blood from a burst vessel was flooding her brain. At the time when Sharon lost consciousness, there were only her and her one-year-old adopted son Ron in the house, her husband Phil was away. She was found lying on the floor completely by accident.

8. Emma Watson. IQ 138

The young actress easily got used to the role of the excellent student Hermione, because in real life she was an A student. In between filming in 2009, when she turned 19, she entered the English Literature Department at the prestigious American Brown University. She "juggled" studies and filming, the USA and Great Britain, was incredibly tired... And Brown's consultants suggested that she take a break from her studies. Then the actress transferred to Worcester College in Oxford, close to home. But filming again prevented her from finishing her studies. In the end, she returned to the USA again and in 2014 she finally received her diploma.

“I just need something to stop the noise in my head,” the actress told GQ magazine. “I’m a very passionate and fast-paced person. There’s so much going on in my head, so meditation is essential for me to slow down my thought process a little bit and do things more calmly. It really helps me.”

Keeps four diaries at once. One for dreams, one for sketches, one for daily notes, and the last one for work-related topics.

For almost twelve years, the actress was forbidden to make any drastic changes to her appearance because of her role in the Potter films, so the girl had to look like Hermione all year round. When the final "Stop! Cut!" was called and the filming of the second part of the Deathly Hallows movie officially ended, the long-awaited moment arrived. "I kind of missed all the experiments that teenagers go through. I wanted to do something like this since I was sixteen, and as soon as I had the chance, I thought:

"Okay. It's time," Emma explained.

9. Meryl Streep. IQ 143

As a child, Meryl Streep dreamed of becoming an opera singer and took singing lessons from the age of 12, but later decided to go to law school and become a lawyer. We might not have seen her in dozens of wonderful roles, but fortunately, Meryl... slept through the exam and decided that it was a sign from above.

She was the pride of the prestigious Vassar College, where she studied English literature and drama. Incidentally, Jacqueline Kennedy and Jane Fonda once graduated from this institution.
Later, she continued her studies at the Yale University Drama School. At the same time, she played in the theater non-stop! It was there that she learned what envy was. Her classmates were so envious of her talent and success, they bullied her so quietly that the girl even turned to a psychotherapist. Fortunately, this pressure did not last long.

“I had dark hair, I wore glasses and braces,” the Hollywood star now recalls.

But then Meryl dyed her hair blonde, changed her glasses to lenses, took off her braces – and turned into a beautiful swan, became a cheerleader and even the queen of the school prom.

During her acting career, Streep has won an Oscar three times and has been nominated 19 times. In addition, the actress is an eight-time winner of another prestigious film award, the Golden Globe. The actress has been nominated for this award 29 times, which is an absolute record.

During the wedding celebration, Meryl accidentally set her hand on fire with some kind of pyrotechnic device and did not lose her composure. She told the astonished guests and her husband Don that she would do the same to him if he was a bad husband.

10. Steve Martin. IQ 142

The famous comedian majored in a rather serious science – philosophy – while studying at the University of California. Charming, cheerful and simply kind… It’s always a pleasure to watch with family, laugh and feel such lightness when watching all his films.

It cannot be said that Steve dreamed of an acting career since childhood. He received his education at the University of California in Long Beach. There he even studied philosophy for some time, but he never achieved success in this field. One fine day, the actor realized that comedy was his life's work.

Despite the fact that Steve Martin often plays someone's father, the actor himself became a father at the age of 67. He was married to Victoria Tennant for six years, but they had no children. The actor remarried in 2007 to journalist Anna Stringfield. In 2013, they had a daughter. By the way, Steve and Anna's wedding was a secret. Guests, including Tom Hanks and Diane Keaton, were invited to a regular house party. And only after the guests found out that they were at a wedding.

11. Quentin Tarantino. IQ 160

A famous actor, director, screenwriter and producer, winner of two Oscars. He is known for his sensational films shot in the niche of "Independent American Cinema". Despite his enormous intelligence and talent, he did not even finish high school, as he dropped out at the age of 15 and went to work as an usher in a porn movie theater.

Tarantino wrote and directed the final two episodes of the fifth season of CSI. The director based the episodes on the second part of Kill Bill - a pile of guts, people buried alive and a confused narrative.

For the German release of Inglourious Basterds, the posters, trailers and the official website of the film were censored, as the use of Nazi symbols is banned in Germany. The swastika was removed from the logo, leaving holes in its place… from bullets.

In Django Unchained, Jamie Foxx's character is told he can't ride a horse - which is especially ironic considering the horse actually belongs to the actor. Foxx got the bay mare Cheetah for his birthday in 2008. Owning a horse helped his chances of getting the role - he said during his audition, "I know you want a guy who can ride a horse, and I DO have a horse." But even with his experience, he found filming horseback riding challenging. Cheetah was nervous about the crowds, and Foxx had to switch to another horse for one scene - riding it at full speed, bareback, and with a gun in his hand, like a true cowboy.

12. Shakira. IQ 140

The singer was born and raised in Colombia, but her parents are from Lebanon. She was a precocious child, writing poetry at the age of 4, and began writing music at the age of 8. She recorded her debut album at the age of 13.

Shakira is not just a beautiful performer, she is truly talented and smart. Shakira in Arabic means "woman full of grace" and in Hindi it is translated as "goddess of light". She speaks Spanish, English, Italian and Portuguese fluently.

Shakira's signature belly dance, which later became her calling card, was taught to her by her Lebanese grandmother so that the girl would remain true to her Middle Eastern roots.

In 2010, the artist released her first perfume, S by Shakira.

"This is a fragrance for women who feel strong and know how to love, it is for women who believe in themselves. I wanted this fragrance, like my music, to be something special, personal," Shakira said.

In 2000, Shakira began an affair with Antonio de la Rua, the son of the then Argentine president. Less than a year passed, and in the spring of 2001, Rua proposed to the singer, but they did not marry. The couple was together for ten years, and in January 2011, they announced to the world that they were temporarily freezing their relationship. They said this one after the other — first Shakira, then Antonio. The decision to take a break from their relationship coincided (oh, really!) with Shakira’s acquaintance with football player Gerard Pique. They met on the set of the Waka Waka video. In March 2011, the singer made an official statement about her affair with the Barcelona player. The couple bought a house in Barcelona, and in January 2013, they had a son, Milan. Shakira and Pique have the same birthday — February 2. But with a difference of exactly ten years. In January 2015, they had a second son, who was named Sasha.

13. David Duchovny. IQ 147

David graduated from Yale and has a PhD in philosophy. The actor also graduated from Princeton and wanted to become a writer. David was a good student and even received several incentive prizes for his student works. It seemed that he would have a typical career for such circumstances - college, university, defending a doctoral dissertation, teaching, scientific articles ... And David went a significant part of this way.
If David's scientific career was quite easy, then with cinema everything was different, at least at first. For quite a long time he had to be content with episodic roles, secondary films and theatrical productions. His career began with an extremely small role in the famous film Working Girl (in which he appears for a split second) and not so small (in the little-known film New Year's Day). Duchovny's real guide to the world of big cinema was his role in the science fiction series The X-Files, in which he began filming in 1993.

David Duchovny first married in May 1997, at the age of 37, out of passionate love. The actor's chosen one was American actress and producer Tea Leone. The couple got married in the chapel at the school where David's mother taught for many years. In 2008, David underwent treatment for sex addiction to save his marriage. But it did not help. The actor himself filed for divorce after reading a text message that his wife wrote to her lover.

14. Jodie Foster. IQ 138

Foster graduated from Yale University in 1985. A few years later, the university awarded her a doctorate in fine arts. The two-time Oscar winner studied at a private French lycée in Los Angeles. At the age of 14, she received her first Oscar nomination for her role in Taxi Driver. But success did not go to her head, and the actress continued her education at one of the most prestigious universities in the world. At Yale, she specialized in literature. The university later awarded her an honorary doctorate in fine arts. Jodie Foster speaks fluent French and Italian, and can communicate in German and Spanish.

Jodie also tried herself as a director. In 1992, she opened her own studio, Egg Pictures, which specialized in independent film production. Before the studio closed in 2001, Foster managed to give audiences several exceptional films, including Nell, for which she was once again nominated for an Oscar in the Best Actress category.

“An actor’s responsibility to the audience is much greater than the audience might imagine,” Foster is convinced.

Jodie Foster has two sons. Some sources claim that Jodie Foster is a lesbian. Her girlfriend is film producer Sidney Bernard.


15. Lady Gaga. IQ 166

Who would have thought that the outrageous singer and actress had such a high IQ! At the age of four, she taught herself to play the piano. At 17, she was accepted early to the School of the Arts at New York University. However, she later dropped out without receiving a diploma. This did not stop her from earning a huge fortune. According to experts, her income is $295 million.

Not just music. In 2009, the singer became the heroine of the comic book "Lady Saga". She also managed to star in films. The most popular is the series "American Horror Story", which is still being filmed. Lady Gaga's height is only 1.55 m. Therefore, the technology of visually increasing her height by means of computer processing is used in the videos. This technology is nothing new. This clever trick is successfully used, for example, by Kylie Minogue, whose height is only 1.54 m.

Has fifteen tattoos. The tattoo on her inner left arm is a quote from the same Rainer Maria Rilke.

Lady Gaga used hard drugs.

"I used cocaine at the beginning of my career. But now I don't touch it. As soon as I realized that cocaine was ruining my life, I said to myself: stop!"

In the winter of 2015, she agreed to marry 33-year-old Taylon Kinney, whom she met four years earlier on the set of her video. The couple planned to have a lavish celebration, but a year and a half later, the couple announced their breakup.

16. Lisa Kudrow. IQ 154

The American actress and comedian will forever be remembered as the eccentric Phoebe from Friends. But before getting this role, she dreamed of becoming a scientist. The future TV star received a bachelor's degree in psychobiology from Vassar College, one of the oldest and most prestigious women's colleges in the United States. Later, together with her neurologist father, she conducted medical research on headaches. Until one of her brother's friends inspired her to try herself in show business. Later, the actress admitted more than once that she does not regret this turn of fate. After all, this path brought her much more happiness and success.

In the TV series Friends, Kudrow's character, Phoebe, became pregnant. However, this was not originally in the script. The fact is that the actress was actually expecting a child, and it was not possible to stop filming, so the writers completely redid the scenes of the fourth and fifth seasons. Kudrow says that after giving birth, she realized that the greatest happiness in life is to hold a baby in her arms. Lisa did not stop working even after giving birth. A few months later, in addition to working on Friends, Kudrow voiced cartoons. Lisa admits that she is still ashamed of the fact that she took her son to the set of Analyze This when he was only three months old.

Immediately after the birth of her son Julian, the actress wanted to get pregnant again, but watching Julian grow, fall, hit himself, be capricious, the actress decided to postpone the birth of a second child, since she experienced a lot of stress due to her busy work schedule and raising her son. Now Kudrow regrets the lost time and the fact that she never found it in her schedule to have more children.

17. James Woods. IQ 180

He boasts the highest IQ among Hollywood actors. He is also one of the rare people who are equally good with both his right and left hands. Innate abilities and the strict upbringing of his military father helped the future actor achieve brilliant results in his studies and receive a full scholarship to study at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. There he studied political science. However, in his final year, he dropped out and moved to New York to try his luck in the acting field.

The actor's personal life was not as successful as his career. Each of his romances ended in scandal. The only exception was his first marriage to model Kathryn Morrison, which lasted from 1980 to 1983. The couple broke up quietly and calmly. But all of James's subsequent relationships made a lot of noise. After breaking up with actress Sean Young, Woods sued her, claiming that she was throwing dolls pierced with needles and photographs of dead animals on his doorstep. The trial ended in nothing. He was married to actress Sarah Owen. After the divorce, he also sued her, accusing her of throwing dirt at him. He found a new lover - young actress Tori Otslait, who is 30 years younger than him. It is known that they were engaged, but the wedding never took place.

18. Harrison Ford. IQ 140

In 1960, Harrison graduated from high school and entered Ripon College, and in 1964 he moved to Los Angeles, where he signed a contract with Columbia Pictures. By the way, the actor, beloved by millions of viewers, was known as a loser at the beginning of his career and temporarily worked as a carpenter.

Ford cemented his status as a Hollywood celestial by playing the title role – a bespectacled university professor and fearless hat-wearing archaeologist – in another long-running franchise, Steven Spielberg’s Indiana Jones. Despite Lucas’s involvement as producer, Harrison didn’t get the role right away, but only after Tom Selleck, who had been approved for it, withdrew.

In the 70s, Ford struggled to make enough money as an actor, but things were going badly for him at the beginning of his career. And so the unsuccessful actor decided to retrain as a carpenter. At that time, Ford did not yet know that he had made the best decision in his life. One day, he was assembling furniture in George Lucas' house and the director asked him to read lines during the auditions of other actors. That's how Harrison Ford got the role of Han Solo, which made him famous. By the way, the actor personally built a house on a ranch in Wyoming, in which he then lived happily.

Ford is an accomplished pilot, equally adept in both a plane and a helicopter. He owns seven aircraft, which he typically pilots between his homes in Wyoming and New York City. In 2004, Ford was named president of the Eaglets program, which aims to give children around the world a chance to get off the ground.

19. Nicole Kidman. IQ 142

The actress is considered one of the brightest women in Hollywood. And her high intelligence was somewhat predictable, because her father was a biochemist and clinical psychologist, and her mother was a book editor. Nicole trained at the Youth Theatre, and then at the Philip Street Theatre, where the future celebrity improved her vocal skills and studied the history of the theater. Nicole received an education at the North Sydney Girls' School, but due to her mother's illness, she had to leave her studies.

Nicole's first husband is actor Tom Cruise. They met on the set of the film "Days of Thunder" and Cruise divorced his wife Mimi Rogers without hesitation and married the girl who charmed him. They lived together for more than ten years, but Tom could not love Nicole forever, as he promised before the altar, so as quickly as he entered her life, he just as quickly left for another actress Penelope Cruz, and only then for Katie Holmes. By the way, they say that Nicole did not expect Tom to file for divorce and she had a miscarriage (according to the media, she was three months pregnant). In addition, Nicole said that at the beginning of her relationship with Cruise, she had an ectopic pregnancy.

Red hair is not natural for Nicole. A natural blonde, she once decided that a fiery shade would suit her porcelain skin and blue eyes better, and changed her hair color. However, the actress periodically returns to her "native" color.

The actress is very protective of her white skin and is afraid of the consequences of tanning, so she never leaves the house without a hat and sunscreen. Nicole Kidman also has a terrible allergy to strawberries and does not like butterflies.

In early 2005, the actress won two court cases against Sydney paparazzi who were too zealous in meddling in her life.

Right during the filming of the movie "Moulin Rouge!" Nicole managed to break a rib. Naturally, the production of the film had to be stopped immediately, but when the actress recovered, the film was still continued. In a number of scenes, you can see Kidman close-up, and she is practically motionless, because the injury made itself felt.

20. Madonna. IQ 140

A world-famous singer, dancer, composer, screenwriter, entrepreneur, philanthropist. She has achieved great success, her fortune is estimated at hundreds of millions. She graduated from school as an external student several months before her final exams. After a year and a half of studying at the University of Michigan, Madonna gets to a master class with the famous choreographer Pearl Lang and dreams of joining her troupe. She leaves the university and moves to New York.

Despite the large number of gentlemen she changed like gloves, Madonna, who was inclined to constant experiments, could not help but try dating representatives of her own sex. Everyone knows about her kisses with Christina Aguilera and Britney Spears, but this is only a game for the public, in her life there were also real lesbian romances - even Naomi Campbell fell into Madonna's net, with whom she has several compromising photos.

The quality I despise most in people is assumptions. Without proper research, investigation or interviews, people just assume things. It drives me crazy. I also hate it when I'm talking to someone and they text me. My kids do that. It drives me crazy. I usually take their phones away and ruin their plans.

Madonna's name is in the Guinness Book of Records: she is named the most successful female singer of all time. Her fortune today is $1,400,000,000, which she earned honestly after selling 200 million copies of her albums worldwide. Over her 25-year career, she has released 64 hits that have entered the UK Top 40.