The most unusual gyms in the world

Rows of treadmills, racks of weights, and pumped-up customers – it seems like every gym is somewhat similar to all the others. However, there are some exceptions to the rule. There are stunning designer gyms or, on the contrary, completely handmade from the simplest materials. If you like to travel to unusual places around the world, perhaps some of the items on this list will inspire your next trip.

Competition forces businessmen to be creative in order to attract customers, which is how incredible ideas are born, such as a pumping bus, a gym on the roof of a skyscraper, or a fitness club where you can only work out naked.

1. HotelIcon, Hong Kong

The gym at the five-star HotelIcon is not particularly well-equipped, but its charm lies elsewhere – in the fact that it is located on the roof of a skyscraper in the center of one of the world's largest metropolises, Hong Kong. Do cardio on the treadmill, admiring the city landscapes and Victoria Bay from a bird's eye view, and after your workout, you can swim in the open-air pool at the same height. By the way, the gym is open 24 hours a day, so you can also admire the views of Hong Kong at night – it's even more beautiful.

2. Makeshift Gym, Rio de Janeiro

What could be cooler than a gym on the beach? Only if it is one of the most beautiful beaches in the world – Brazil’s Copacabana. Brazil is a cult of the body, so everyone and everywhere goes in for sports. To be able to train with a view of the ocean, Brazilians have set up an improvised gym right on the beach. Barbells and dumbbells made of stone blocks, which were used for training in ancient times, give the gym a special charm.

3. Brooklyn Boulders, New York

Americans decided to combat the sedentary lifestyle of citizens in an unusual way and combined coworking spaces, where office plankton works, with a fitness club and a climbing wall. The project quickly gained popularity, and now Brooklyn Boulders is a whole network of fitness establishments throughout the country. Combining work with sports at Brooklyn Boulders is not even an opportunity, but an obligation. The network has a rule that every 30 minutes a visitor must do at least 5 squats and pull-ups, and also talk to at least one stranger.

4. Rocking Bus, New York

New York is rich in creative ideas, another atypical gym was organized by the fitness chain InForm Fitness. As an advertisement for their clubs, they launched a special gym bus that travels around the city and invites people to exercise right on the way to work or home. The mobile gym is not richly equipped - only a couple of exercise machines, but they are multifunctional, so there are quite a lot of available exercise options. The bus offers an innovative program created by the fitness club trainers.

5. Easy Gym, Arrigoriaga

It is impossible to bypass such a gym, because, like in the previous one, there are strict rules for clients. The modest and small city is located in the middle of the most famous nudist beaches in Europe, so the fitness club has a similar atmosphere. You can only train there naked. Yes, of course, it is not very hygienic, and not all activities are possible without sportswear - for example, the same running. But who cares when there are so many nudists around?

6. Eco Power Gym, Oregon

All the machines in this gym are energy generators of sorts, so when you visit it, you're not just working out, you're also helping to light the building and store electricity. This feature can be a great source of motivation for working out - you'll feel like a very conscious advocate for ecology!

7. Wellness Sky, Belgrade

The most expensive fitness club in the world, oddly enough, is located in modest Belgrade. The cost of membership is 30 thousand dollars a year. For this money, visitors get the opportunity to train inside an architectural masterpiece, which locals call the "Danube flower". All the walls of the club are glass, so from any point there is a stunning view of the city and the Danube River, and the unusual ceiling resembles a cloud that has descended to arm's length.

8. Wild Card Gym, Los Angeles

The gym and boxing club located near Hollywood attracts crowds not with its luxurious equipment or stunning views, but with the opportunity to train side by side with movie stars. Many actors, including Mark Wahlberg and Mickey Rourke, build up their muscles for new roles here. To maintain their popularity, the owners of the club even sign special contracts with the stars, according to which they are obliged to train with regular visitors several times a month.

9. David Barton Gym, Boston

Unfortunately, this cool gym is now closed forever. But until last fall, it was rightfully the best in New England. Huge space, hundreds of cardio machines, endless yoga and Pilates areas, tons and tons of weights, but the main feature is the lighting. How about combining a night out with a cardio workout? The lighting changed depending on how hard you (or your team of "cyclists" - you could compete in groups) were pedaling. Judging by customer reviews, the membership at $170 was worth it.

10. Wellness Club Nebo, Moscow

A piece of tropical paradise in the very center of the capital – what could be more attractive? The club is located on top of the Federation Tower on Presnenskaya Embankment at a height of 260 meters from the ground. In the center there is a large swimming pool with a real beach area around it, saunas and fonts, exercise machines. And an artificial sun, under which you can bask and sunbathe, and clients can choose whether it will be the midday heat or the gentle rays of the sunset. The fitness club is more reminiscent of a luxurious SPA, especially the cost of classes – $500/1000 for a subscription for 10/20 workouts in the pool.

11. Kogakuin, Tokyo

The Japanese have always had a special vision of everything in the world. And in this Tokyo gym you won’t find a single exercise machine. All you can do here is archery and boxing. But what beauty all around! The gym resembles an ascetic monastery, it’s a large space with a minimum of decor and a maximum of wood. It’s located at the university of the same name, and training is free for students. For other visitors, it’s useless, because you’ll only be staring at this incredible ceiling anyway.

12. Orangetheory Fitness, USA

The clubs of this chain operate in 28 states, they are successful and very popular. The "orange" gimmick is in the internal publicity, the atmosphere of friendship between clients and elements of competition. The name of the centers speaks of the "orange zone" of the pulse during cardio - each visitor is given a sensor for measuring the heart rate, and the data from them is transmitted to large screens in real time. In this pulse zone, the most intense burning of calories occurs, visitors themselves begin to compete in the effectiveness of training to energetic music. C - Self-motivation.

13. Paddle Into Fitness, San Diego

Perhaps the most unusual yoga studio. Classes begin with a warm-up on the beach and continue on special floating platforms in the open water. You can do not only yoga, but also Pilates and stretching. If you thought you had mastered the asanas on the mat in the gym, try to maintain balance on a swinging platform on the water. Just a few classes on these paddleboards, and you will feel how your coordination and strength have improved. If you are in California, be sure to drop by this studio. However, before the class you will have to prove to the instructors that you are an excellent swimmer.

14. Yoga on the Labrinth, San Francisco

Another incredible yoga studio in California. Classes are held in a real Grace Cathedral, with huge stained glass windows, subdued lighting and an unreal atmosphere. Experience in yoga and religiosity do not matter, only the desire to truly calm the mind and go into nirvana is important - at least for an hour. There is no point in describing a typical class, try to imagine yourself meditating in this place, and you will understand everything. The cost of the class is determined by the visitors themselves, it would be good form to leave a donation of $10 to $20.

15. NFC Court, San Francisco

There should be no limits to the workout regime, so a gym without walls fits in perfectly with the same logic. In such a place, you can give it your all! In fact, it is a huge playground for port lovers, where you can work out completely free of charge. There is a special shock-resistant surface, several exercise machines and more than thirty types of exercise equipment, which makes this court an ideal place for both group and individual training. The best thing about all this is that it is enough to just pack your things and show up - no membership card is required. Bonus - a stunning view of the legendary Golden Gate Bridge, located nearby.

16. Red Rocks Amphitheater, Colorado

At night, this place often serves as a venue for open-air concerts, but during the day, it is a huge gym that can accommodate 350 people. It hosts amazing group training sessions. You can come and participate in a program that lasts eight grueling weeks, during which you will have to sweat a lot on a stadium full of steps. You can also come here for a one-off workout - just don't forget your camera for impressive photos. It's an experience you will never forget, even if you are not very interested in sports.

17. Hut Gym, Philippines

No matter how beautiful the toned hotties at your gym are, their charm will surely be outshone by the incredible view from this beach hut. However, there are some who suspect that this place is just a legend, because it is hard to believe that something can actually look that good. But if you are willing to take a risk, you can check it out for yourself. According to rumors, this workout room is built from palm wood and metal pipes and is equipped with dumbbells and squat machines. While you work out, you can enjoy the splendor of the neighboring island, the beauty of which will distract you from the hard exercises and make you remember this wonderful moment forever.

18. Open gym in Hydropark, Kyiv

You will never look at the term “mindless fitness” the same way again if you visit this gym. All the machines are assembled from scrap metal – parts from old machines and mechanisms. None of them look like the equipment from high-end gyms, but what photos they make! Working out in this gym will make you feel like a cool athlete! An additional plus is the beautiful view of the landscape, and if that doesn’t win you over, you can always enjoy the pumped-up visitors of this gym.

19. Atomic Spa Center, Milan

They say that the body is a temple. You can pamper yourself on a divine level at this spa. It is the perfect place to unwind after an intense workout or a hectic lifestyle. You will understand how different your gym sauna is from this amazing place. After invigorating yourself in the pool, you can relax in the sauna, enjoying the spectacle of a waterfall, visit a Turkish bath, stay in a sensory deprivation chamber or attend a massage session, and also make a face mask. But be careful - after such relaxation, it is very difficult to return to the previous reality with all its inconveniences and irritation.

20. Climbing gym, Polur

A glacier may not evoke positive associations, but this modern building in Iran is a different story. It is shaped like a glacier, and its monumentality matches that. You can rock climb all over this building. It is covered with geometric panels equipped with handholds, ideal for rock climbing. You can climb both the outer and inner walls. If you dream of conquering real mountain peaks, the view of the rocky ledges of Mazandaran will surely inspire you.

21. Upper Limits Gym, Illinois

If you've ever wanted to combine your excitement about modern farming with your love of climbing, you'll love this Illinois gym, which features a beautiful rock climbing wall. It's one of the largest in the world. You can choose from a section that resembles a grain silo, an indoor or outdoor section, or a section with boulders that will make you feel like a rugged outdoorsman like Bear Grylls. It's not just a workout, it's a real thrill!

22. Illohiya Omotesando Gym, Tokyo

If you are one of those people who are into all the latest and greatest, then you should visit this fitness club in Tokyo. Its interior is inspired by Alice in Wonderland and was developed by one of the country's leading designers. Visitors are invited to climb a specially designed wall decorated with such items as picture frames, mirrors, taxidermy heads, bird cages and flower vases. Forget about the usual cobblestones! In fact, this wall is a kind of work of art. Every keen traveler who finds himself in Tokyo is obliged to at least take a look at this gym and, if possible, try to climb the wall. From a gym on wheels to a gym that only allows naked people, Challenger will tell you about the most unusual fitness clubs that you will immediately want to sign up for. At least out of curiosity.

23. Firehouse Fitness, Abilene, USA

Firehouse Fitness is located in a former fire station. The fitness center is located in a green area, and the interior is done in black, red, orange and yellow colors. According to the owners of the club, you yourself should choose how to burn your fat - kickboxing, yoga, zumba, exercise machines or in the fresh air. Lose a lot of kilos - you will get on the honor roll.

24. Green Microgym, Portland, USA

A green eco-gym, where the pedals of exercise bikes are equipped with special generators. They produce energy from 50 to 150 watts. The energy is used to power fans, lamps, music and TVs. And all because the owner of the gym, American entrepreneur Adam Boesel, decided to save on electricity. It was immediately shown on all the largest American TV channels, and people flocked to Green Microgym. The idea has already been adopted in other cities. It is known that a representative of the mayor of New York, who is studying ways to obtain electricity in crisis situations, contacted Adam.