3 Office Plants That Bring Success

The office is a world of paper, technology and office supplies. A green corner in such an environment is like a breath of fresh air in the middle of a hot summer.

Houseplants in the office bring a bit of home comfort and coziness to the atmosphere, because many of us spend more time at work than at home. In addition, green plants not only purify the air and protect from dust and toxins, but also save you from the blues. And Feng Shui experts have found out that there are three office plants that attract success and favorable energy to the workplace. If the work is successful, then you will make a profit! Here is a list of plants that are best to have on your desk.

No. 1: Laurel

It is not for nothing that this beautiful and very useful plant was called noble. Not many people know that this "office doctor" can relieve headaches, disinfect the air, and relieve stress and fatigue from sitting at the computer for a long time.

Even in Ancient Rome it was believed that noble laurel brings success and recognition to its owner.

Just what hardworking workers need! Bay leaves can be bought as a ready-made tree or grown from seeds. Soon, it will also become a useful seasoning for the office kitchen.

No. 2: Dracaena

Since ancient times, the dracaena tree has been considered a symbol of success and luck. Some sources mention that this plant has very powerful energy, which helps to get a stable profit in business, and also gives optimism and self-confidence. For profit, of course, you need to put in enough effort yourself, and we really often lack confidence.

#3: Cactus

No matter how trite it may sound, but a cactus on the desktop is a must! Since the time when computers appeared in every home and began to occupy almost our entire working day, the opinion has spread that this thorn supposedly protects from radiation from technology. From a scientific point of view, this opinion turned out to be false. But how harmoniously cacti have taken their place on the computer desks of many users. And not in vain! According to specialists in spiritual practices, cactus thorns are universal!

They string money on their thorns, and all troubles are torn apart on these same thorns!

A cactus should be on every desk to absorb negativity from visitors and colleagues, because office work is always emotionally intense. A bad mood will be absorbed by a cactus, thereby saving you from the harmful effects of negativity, sometimes your own. To prevent the absorption of bad energy, wash your cacti under running water at least once a month. Then it will “catch” more money than negativity.