30 of the World's Most Disgusting "Sweets"

Candy is usually made to be tasty and sweet, so that you can enjoy it. However, this is not always the case. And today's topic is proof of that. For some unknown reason, some manufacturers have recently started making the most disgusting candy in the world that you can ever eat.

You will see for yourself by looking at the list of such "sweets" presented in our article. These candies are clearly not created for pleasure.

1. Earwax Candies

It doesn't even matter what the candy tastes like. What person in their right mind would enjoy scraping earwax out of a plastic ear and then eating it? The whole idea just makes you want to gag yourself. This "masterpiece" even comes with its own wand. I wonder how many kids will start picking their ears after this candy runs out? Can you imagine?

2. Scabbers Candies

The main idea behind these candies is not their taste, but that they are designed to look like a dried wound complete with a bandage. We could live with that, but just imagine a mother giving her child a treat in the form of such candies… Agree, it is a stupid idea.

3. Dubbel Zout

Firstly, these Dutch candies are made to look bad, as they are made to taste like spicy licorice. There are plenty of people who like the taste of this root, but that doesn’t mean it’s actually good. Secondly, they are loaded with salt. That’s right, they are salty candies! Add to that the fact that they look like something you’d expect to find on the floor of a nightclub, and you have a chance to make money on these disgusting candies (pun intended).

4. Hotlix – dangerous candies

At least they're sweet. Credit where credit is due. But inside each one is a real scorpion. Yes, when you lick off the sugar coating, you'll get a scorpion for a snack. Whoever invented this candy should be forced to eat Dubbel Zout.

5. Gorilla Boogers

These candies are actually sweet dried black beans, very popular in Asian cuisine. Those who have ever been to Korea may have seen something similar. The manufacturing process consists of beating them into a soft mass and then forming small pieces. The taste is terrible. That says it all.

6. Ant Candy

Like the scorpion candy above, Ant Candy is just a lump of melted sugar with a bunch of dead ants thrown into it. Of all the things in the world that you could put in it, they chose ants for some reason. How does this stuff get through the FDA? I don't get it!

7. Cheese & Pizza

Hello again from Japan. As the name suggests, these candies have an exotic combination of hard cheese and pizza flavors for the confectionery world.

Some of the listed sweets resemble the fruit of the sick imagination of a professor-confectioner who decided to experiment with humane ways of exterminating the human race. But this once again confirms how different people's tastes can be - after all, someone buys it 🙂

8. Crick-Ettes

Just because Moses and the Hebrews ate locusts in the desert doesn't mean anyone should do it now! Crick-Ettes are real crickets, flavored in a variety of ways. They're similar to potato chips, which aren't labeled as candy, and are so unpleasant that they deserve another spot on this list. Anyone who tries to eat these things deserves criticism.

9. Durian Candy

Durian is a fruit native to Southeast Asia. For those unfamiliar with it, it is generally considered a deeply disgusting fruit. One writer described it as "the best odor of all is pig shit, turpentine, and onions, mixed with a gym-sized load of dirty socks."

You can't even bring it into hospitals or hotels in Southeast Asia. In Singapore, there are signs prohibiting it from being brought onto public transport. That's how disgusting Durian is. So what's the point of making candy out of it? But someone did. It would have been number one on this list if it weren't for...

10. BeanBoozled

This is a kind of jelly bean in a pretty package. It contains BeanBoozleds — 10 colored peas with 20 different flavors. Moreover, each color is represented by one pleasant flavor and one disgusting one. The idea of such candies is that you will never know which of the two options you took — good or bad. This makes them ideal for games of two camps.

So, why did these candies make it to number one on the list? Once you try the “bad” flavors, you’ll understand: you can get a pea that smells like skunk, used baby wipes, moldy cheese, rotten eggs, vomit, and more.

11. Sour Candy Liquid Urine Samples

Conceptually, the most unequivocally disgusting sweet and sour candy is the liquid candy in a urine sample container. This idea may seem funny to many people, since urination is one of those bodily functions that can tolerate many jokes and pranks. The most common of these are those where guys pee in a beer or water bottle and offer other guys who didn’t see them do it a sip, or draw their names in the snow with urine. However, this candy goes beyond all boundaries. The containers with screw-on lids and stickers are “sterilely” filled with a bright yellow liquid. Perhaps the bright yellow liquid is the only unrealistic aspect of this “treat”, since this color of urine is typical for a patient with severe dehydration. We certainly wouldn’t dare drink a glass of this fake urine.

12. Chili Lix Pepper Shaped Lollipops

This is one of those candy creations that is a bit hard to figure out. Jalapeño and chili pepper-shaped candies that taste like jalapeños. These sweets are definitely not for the faint of heart – they are so hot that they can burn. Why anyone would ever want to suck on a jalapeño-flavored candy is a mystery. They come in three flavors: habanera, jalapeño, and sugar-free chili (probably for the health-conscious). One can only assume that people buy these candies as a cruel Halloween prank.

13. Mini blood bags

This treat comes in cherry and strawberry flavors, but that’s where the good stuff ends. The mini blood bags are exactly what you’d expect – realistic-looking blood bags that are commonly used in blood transfusions. Instead, you have to suck the “blood” out of the bag to get to the treat. The creators may have gone a bit too far by adding stickers with the blood type, donor name, and expiration date to the blood bags. Luckily, these blood bags are mostly marketed around Halloween, but they can be found in stores year-round. We don’t know about you, but we’d be shocked to see a kid walking down the street drinking blood from a bag in the middle of summer. The disgusting packaging idea ruins the good taste of the candy itself.

14. Hose Nose Candy

This candy is not an ordinary mask. The Nasal Hose candy consists of two parts: a hideously ugly nose mask that fits over your own nose, and a sticky liquid candy that drips out of the mask and you catch it with your tongue. Yes, it is a replica of a runny nose and thanks to it, you get to eat fake snot. We don’t even know what is more disgusting, the fact that you have to wear a mask or the fact that you have to catch sticky snot with your tongue. The liquid candy is green and tastes like an apple, and the nose mask looks like it is covered in pimples or warts. If you don’t want to eat snot, but still want to impress everyone with an awesome mask, don’t worry, with the red cap you can cover the holes from which the sticky green goo flows. There are so many disgusting things about this invention that we won't even describe it any further, lest we make you vomit.

15. Vinegar Pie

No, this is not a pie with a little vinegar added to the dough, as you might think. This is a REALLY vinegar-flavored pie. Who would ever think of making such a nasty thing?! We suppose no explanation is needed as to why it is nasty…

16. Pie in the cat litter box

Want to impress a cat lover with a slightly twisted sense of humor with dessert? Or maybe you just want to disgust guests you don't like? Make this pie. It doesn't contain the actual contents of a cat litter box, but it still begs the question: does anyone really want to eat something that looks so much like cat poop?

17. "Cheese plate" with rotten cheese

Why people choose cheese plates over desserts, other than to say to themselves "oh yeah, I'm better and higher than all these stupid desserts" is a separate question. But deliberately choosing rotten cheese for dessert is even stranger. Casu marzu cheese from Sardinia is rotten cheese with maggots, which does not meet any sanitary standards. In essence, you are eating garbage - and paying a lot of money for it, because it is a delicacy!

18. Bloodsplatter

Pancakes are a rather deceptive dish: under the guise of a hearty breakfast, there is usually a real dessert. But everything changes if it happens in Sweden or Finland! That's because the Vikings came up with the recipe for blodplatter - the most disgusting pancakes in the world. These pancakes are cooked with... pig's blood!

19. Lamprey Pie

Lamprey pie is a dish from the table of the characters of Game of Thrones, so you can probably imagine how twisted an idea of dessert this can be. Before the fish is baked into this pie, it is soaked in cold syrup. Cold syrup, fish and pie – can you imagine? And at the same time, this pie has long been considered a delicacy among Europeans and was the official coronation cake of Elizabeth II!

20. Ambrosia salad

Ambrosia Salad is like someone ate all your favorite foods, then threw them up in a bowl, and then served the result to you in a bowl as a delicacy. It uses sour cream (yuck), canned pineapple (great with sour cream), pudding (very controversial), tangerines, and coconuts (are you serious?!). It might be edible, but it's just INCREDIBLY ugly!

21. Fruit pizza

The combination of two excellent dishes - pizza and fruit salad - gave birth to this ugly Frankenstein. There is no understanding of what pizza should really be like, nor respect for desserts! If someone serves you fruit pizza for dessert - know that this is a "wake-up call", he is a dangerous person, and you should stay away from him.

22. Lobster Ice Cream

How could anyone even think of putting seafood in ice cream?! Are these people out of their minds?! However, in the American states of Maine and Massachusetts, they don’t think it’s anything crazy. Yes, they do serve lobster-flavored ice cream, and yes, you need real lobster to make it! Disgusting. Just don’t combine lobster and cream and everything will be fine!

23. Stewed fruits

Hot fruit?! Who would want to eat or serve hot fruit unless it was a pie filling?! Yes, there is also compote, when fruit is boiled with a huge amount of sugar, but stewing them in their own juice is beyond our comprehension.

24. Red bean pie

This dessert disaster is a delicacy in Asia! The main ingredients are red bean puree, seasoned with sesame seeds, and gelatin. Red beans, let it be known, are not even REMOTELY tasty, let alone anything resembling a dessert. I wonder if people actually eat this? It looks awful!

25. Pie with lard

This traditional spiced pie is popular in the counties of Berkshire, Sussex, Wiltshire, Dorset and Hampshire in the UK. What's so disgusting about it? That the main ingredient, besides raisins, spices, sugar and flour, is REALLY lard. The pie is so sweet and greasy that it's almost impossible to eat!

26. "Green Dysentery"

This dessert is served at Taiwan's Modern Toilet, and it's hard not to gag when you see it. Almost all of the food at the restaurant is served in toilet bowls, and that alone is disgusting. As for the Green Dysentery, it's served with kiwi sauce, but if you want to give it a bloody twist, they serve it with strawberries. If you can overcome your disgust and eat THIS out of THIS bowl, hats off.

27. Sussex Pudding

This is a traditional pudding that you can try in Sussex. It is actually a whole lemon baked in a terribly greasy pastry. The dish is boiled or stewed for several hours. It is hard to find anything good in this dish, revived by chef Heston Blumenthal. The caramelized sauce, flowing out of the pudding when cut, forms a real sweet "pond" on the plate around the lemon and greasy crumbs. If that is not disgusting, we don't know what is!

28. Fungus Fingers Cookies

Believe it or not, there is a whole “genre” of food that is made to look like human body parts. It looks so repulsive that it is hard to imagine putting it in your mouth. It is so disgusting that you would only eat it in a state of extreme need!

29. Jane-Jane Tasty Tuna Tidbits

Fish-flavored candy. It probably doesn’t even need to be explained why this idea is really, really bad. These candies, wrapped in brightly colored foil, are quite deceptive, and look like the tin of delicious cookies that your grandmother uses to store her embroidery supplies. But don’t let them fool you. These candies are made with tuna as the main ingredient, and are loaded with chemicals and sugar. They taste like dried fish that has been processed, packaged, and left on the shelves for an indeterminate amount of time. One Asian store describes the taste as “natural, healthy, and fresh” after they’ve been sitting on the shelves for 12 months. Unfortunately, we’ll have to give these treats a miss since we don’t dare try them, but those who have tried them claim that they taste as disgusting as the idea.

30. Bean Boozled Jelly Beans

Oddly enough, a reputable company that makes generally tasty and decent products called Jelly Belly has created a package of jelly beans with flavors so disgusting and creepy, we almost threw up reading about them. The worst part is that the jelly beans are so mixed together that you'd never suspect you're popping a "vomit"-flavored treat instead of a peach-flavored one. The company calls these flavors "Wild and Weird," but we'll just call them disgusting. The flavors include canned dog food, rotten eggs, stinky socks, boogers, blue cheese, vomit, baby wipes, skunk glands, grass clippings, and toothpaste. The tagline for this wonder is "Millions of 'Ews!' and that’s not all”, we’ll add to their list – Ugh!