The most famous criminals on the world's wanted list

Terrorist attacks, murders, rapes and other words that are nice for the press are always associated with the people who commit them. They capture attention with their illegal actions and are very interesting examples of antisocial life. Let's find out together who the most dangerous criminals in the world are and why they are considered as such.

1. Michael Gordon Peterson

His first and last crime was committed in 1974. Michael committed an armed robbery of the post office, during which he stole 26.18 pounds sterling. For this he was sentenced to 7 years, but due to his behavior - constant fights with the guards and riots, he has been behind bars for more than 36 years! In 1992, Peterson was released, but he did not stay there for long, literally a month later, he was arrested for preparing an armed robbery. In addition, behind bars he was engaged in creativity: his paintings were ambiguously assessed by critics, which did not prevent him from gaining wild popularity among art lovers. One day, he smeared himself with oil and naked began a massacre with the prison guards. Only a specialized squad was able to pacify the rowdy, who with difficulty, during negotiations, managed to persuade him to surrender. A film called "Bronson" was made about Michael.

2. Eduardo Ravelo

In 2008, he escaped during a prison riot. He is accused of many crimes against the law: he organized a syndicate that was engaged in money laundering, distribution of narcotics (cocaine and marijuana). Captain of Barrio Azteca - a criminal organization that is famous for its cruelty. A couple of dozen people died from his hand - he gave orders to his subordinates to eliminate competitors. He is connected with criminal syndicates from South America.

3. Glen Stewart Godwin

American criminal of the 20th century. California's Folsom Prison was not an obstacle for him, which he escaped from in 1987, serving a sentence for murder. Six months later, Glen was accused by the authorities of the city of Puerto Vallarta, for the distribution of narcotics. An interesting fact - while serving time in the city of Guadalajara, he killed all his cellmates with a sharpening knife (according to some sources, from two to five people) and then escaped.

4. Ayman al-Zawahiri

Deputy of Osama bin Laden himself, who became the head of Al-Qaeda after his death. Experts believe, however, that he is just a face that Al-Qaeda uses for its video messages. At the same time, al-Zawahiri is connected to terrorist attacks in the USA and Europe, which has already been confirmed by facts. Any information about his whereabouts that will lead to the capture of the criminal is estimated at 25 million dollars. Agree, a good chance to earn money.

5. Luis Albeiro Pena-Pena

The father of the Colombian drug cartel, supplier of cocaine to the United States. 2005 was marked by the arrest of Luis Albeiro's men and what they were escorting: 1.8 million dollars, plus two tons of cocaine. All this was transported on two yachts. Pena-Pena did not leave this unattended: having kidnapped a special agent who was working undercover, he demanded a ransom of two million dollars.

6. Semyon Mogilevich

A Russian-speaking criminal who is accused of coordinating a financial pyramid scheme that defrauded its investors of more than $150 million. The pyramid's headquarters were in Pennsylvania. The damage Mogilevich caused to the economy is estimated at millions of dollars. The cunning criminal travels the world using fake passports. He has been spotted in Greece, Ukraine, Israel and also in his homeland, Russia. He has a long-standing bad habit - smoking.

7. Joel Cardenes-Meneses

Born in Mexico. In 2004, Cardenes-Meneses was in the passenger seat of a truck with eleven immigrants in the back. The driver, in a state of drug intoxication, was unable to control the vehicle, which caused it to end up in a ditch, flip over a couple of times, and fall into a river. Since the back was closed from the outside, the illegals could not get out on their own. Their torture lasted for several hours: some simply suffocated from lack of air, others were flooded with water that entered the back. Meneses fled the scene of the crime without bothering to help the unfortunates. The authorities are still trying to find the criminal.

8. James Bulger

If you saw him, you would rather help him cross the road than think that you are looking at a dangerous criminal. James is 81 years old. From 1970 to 1985, James Bulger headed a criminal organization in Boston. His track record includes hundreds of crimes: extortion, drug trafficking, and dozens of murders around the world. His hobby is studying history. He visits libraries and is a frequent guest at bookstores. Special agents cannot track his movements: yesterday he was in Europe, today he was seen in the USA, but it is never known where he will be tomorrow. He manages to do all this using forged documents, and those around him see him as just an old man who travels the world.

9. Eric Antoine Bell

A couple of months ago, FBI agents missed the dangerous criminal by a couple of minutes at his home in Florida. Bell managed to escape, and hot pursuit brought no success. Eric Antoine's work was organizing brothels with minors; filming, storing, and distributing child pornography; providing intimate services to minors. He always had a couple of firearms on him, which he owned illegally.

10. Abdullah Ahmed Abdullah

The organizer of the explosions in the US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania, in 1998, escaped from custody, to Pakistan. The authorities promise to pay 5 million dollars for any information about the whereabouts of Abdullah. There is a version that he had connections with Osama bin Laden, and was engaged in training suicide bombers. Abdullah Ahmed Abdullah is a specialist in firearms and explosives manufacturing.

11. Alexis Flores

The fear of all parents in Pennsylvania. He kidnapped and killed a five-year-old girl in Philadelphia. According to initial information, Flores kidnapped the baby, hoping that her parents would pay a ransom. But when the police took over, he got scared and decided to hide, strangling the girl along the way. Provocative signs of a political nature were found on the body of the deceased. Since Flores's homeland is Honduras, there is reason to believe that he moved there and is there illegally, having forged documents.

12. Daniel Andreas San Diego

Accused of organizing explosions in San Francisco, California. Being self-taught, he made homemade explosive devices, which he filled with metal balls and sharp nails. Fortunately, no one was seriously injured. San Diego is a strict vegetarian and is a member of a radical organization for the protection of animals. His loudest statement was: "I am ready to kill people to save animals."

13. David Garzon-Anguano

He was involved in transporting cocaine from the waste heaps of Mexico to the United States. He was first accused in 1997. The reason for his arrest and charges was the transportation of cocaine, weighing 923 pounds. The car was stopped and inspected by the police. David, in fear, together with his partner, abandoned everything, ran away from the guards, leaving behind the transport and the drugs. His current location remains a mystery to this day.

14. Jason Derek Brown

The killer of a cash collector. The incident took place in Arizona, the city of Phoenix. He is still wanted by the national police. Having shot his victim in an armored car, he grabbed the bags of cash and was gone. A hot pursuit yielded no results. He has an excellent education: he graduated from the Department of International Business and speaks French fluently. He is an athlete, enjoys alpine skiing and snowboarding.

15. Adam Yahi Gadan

Originally from the United States, he joined Al-Qaeda because he disliked his country. This is enough to accuse him of treason, but in addition, his money transfers were tracked - he transferred significant funds to help militants. In addition, he provided shelter to members of a criminal organization in the United States. According to intelligence agencies, being an expert in chemistry, he developed chemical weapons. A sum of one million dollars has been set for the capture of the traitor.

16. Bayram Asslani

An Albanian from Kosovo, living in the States, organized and led a suicide squad to carry out actions in America and terrorist actions in Europe. Seven of his accomplices were arrested in 2007 in the United States. Now he is in Europe, and the United States demanded the extradition of the militant, but human rights organizations managed to get their decision overturned. Now he is free, completely safe. Let's hope that we are safe too.

17. Victor Manuel Gerena

The pursuit of Victor has been going on for over 30 years, but even the special services cannot determine his geolocation. He robbed a security company in Connecticut, taking possession of a fabulous sum of seven million dollars. Having captured two security guards, he handcuffed them and injected them with an unknown substance. The victims lost their memory for half a month, but after intensive therapy they fully recovered.

18. Robert William Fisher

Born in Brooklyn, New York. A cruel and cold-blooded killer. Having killed his wife and two minor children, he tried to stage a fire in his own home. Fisher has incredible physical strength. Since his youth, he has been engaged in hunting, fishing and tourism. His current fate is unknown.

19. Jaspir Singh Grewal

A former border guard who served on the Canadian border. Since the border guard's salary was not very attractive to Jasper, he trusted the mafia and enlisted. For years, Grewal watched as vehicles filled to the brim with drugs crossed the border. This product came from Latin American countries and Mexico. In a couple of years of his "work", the mafia imported three tons of first-class cocaine into the country. But suddenly, he disappeared from sight. It is believed that he somehow displeased his accomplices and they decided to eliminate the hapless colleague. Since the body was not found, he is now listed as a wanted person.

20. Omar Shaffik Hammami

Formerly an Alabama resident, US-born Omar Shaffiq Hammami is suspected of aiding global terrorist organizations. He currently resides in Somalia, training in a suicide bomber training camp. His ties to extremists, including Al-Shaabaab, a group responsible for planning and carrying out numerous terrorist attacks, have been confirmed.

21. Napoleon Eduardo Castro

Detectives believe that Napoleon had been tormenting her for a long time and eventually killed his wife. The decapitated and stabbed beyond recognition body was found in a garage not far from the sadist's place of residence. A builder by profession, Castro was distinguished by his particular cruelty and immoral behavior. At the same time, he was fond of sports, specifically basketball. He was a fan of the Lakers team, whose game he always followed, in all possible sources.

22. Ji Dong

Not exactly a criminal, Internet hacker Ji-Dong, the creator of a virtual auction in which expensive goods were put up for sale for less than half their real value. Having received an income of 800 thousand dollars from his Internet machinations, the Chinese man, without thinking twice, laundered the money through offshore companies. Then he took a ticket to China and flew away, no one saw him again.

23. Stephen Eugene Clifford

A doctor from California, a therapist accused of pedophilia (eleven girls became victims). However, he managed to escape punishment a couple of times. But when the police finally realized that Steven was a dangerous criminal, they seriously took up the investigation. Clifford left the country in a hurry. His current location is unknown: it could be Canada, France, Mexico, or Belgium.

24. Cornell Russell Bull

Recruited into a Colombian drug cartel, Bull supplied cocaine to half of Manhattan. Cornell Russell was responsible for transporting drugs from the West to the East of America. Bull was born in Belize, but brought in such a large sum for the Colombian drug cartel that all the Colombian mafiosi considered him a brother.

25. Gagik Kurkchan

Another former CIS member on our list. Born in Armenia, Kurkchan is wanted for counterfeiting medical records and conducting fictitious banking transactions, as well as for robberies on an especially large scale. The state has suffered many losses from Kurkchan and his accomplices, according to published data, the loss is estimated at one hundred million dollars.

The most dangerous criminals and prisoners in world history

There is an opinion that the most dangerous criminals remain sexual maniacs. They are cunning and cautious, the specifics of their crimes presuppose loneliness. The mental deviations that are inherent in these individuals make such people even more insidious.

26. Pedro Alonso Lopez

The Guinness Book of Records names Pedro Alonso Lopez, born in 1949, as the most dangerous serial killer. According to his own confession, he killed about 300 girls under the age of 10. The police managed to find only 53, but this is enough to prove the mental illness of the cruel serial killer. All the victims were killed in Colombia, Peru and Ecuador.

27. Jack the Ripper

Among the most famous murderers in history is the so-called Jack the Ripper. In London in 1888, the bodies of five prostitutes were found, killed with particular cruelty. Among the suspects were 72 people with completely different histories and social statuses. Even members of the royal family figured in the case, but all the police efforts were in vain. No one was ever found guilty. Jack the Ripper is the name that was used to sign a mysterious letter that one day arrived at the Central News Agency. In it, the author confessed to the murders he had committed and described the details of the deed. In the entire history of England, there was no more terrible crime.

28. Bruno Ludke Bruno Ludke is one of the most dangerous criminals in Europe.

This German maniac made it onto the pages of the Guinness Book of Records. Between 1927 and 1943, he killed around 85 women. Once, he was caught trying to rape her, for which Bruno was castrated. But the murders continued. Ultimately, he was found guilty of all these murders and executed in Vienna in 1944.

29. Andrei Chikatilo

Andrei Romanovich Chikatilo was included in the list of the most dangerous criminals. He is responsible for more than 50 corpses. He is the most dangerous criminal in Russia. The killer was dodgy and cunning, he made no mistakes and left no evidence. That is why his bloody path was so long. To the great joy of all living, he was executed on February 14, 1994.

30. Osama bin Laden

The world-class terrorist Osama bin Laden was the worst nightmare of many. He was the first leader of the terrorist organization Al-Qaeda, which claimed responsibility for the September 11 tragedy and many other crimes against humanity. On June 7, 1999, the terrorist leader was included in the FBI's list of most wanted fugitives. According to US intelligence agencies, he was killed on May 2, 2011. But there are rumors that the world terrorist is still alive and has just hidden from retribution.

The most dangerous criminals of the 20th century alive today

Criminals who are still at large and terrify people with their previously committed crimes.

31. General "Naked Ass"

Joshua Blahai was a friendly and beloved preacher, distinguished from others by his somewhat unusual thoughts, which he tirelessly carried to the masses. Those who still remember him before receiving the status of a preacher, say that the devil himself spoke through his lips. In 1996, the First Liberian Civil War was underway. During this period, the preacher turned into a real tyrant. He openly promoted the worship of Satan. Joshua was a military leader under the leadership of Rosvelt Johnson. He received his nickname because his subordinates went into battle without clothes. The soldiers were given only shoes and weapons. Before the battle, "General Naked Ass" sacrificed a small child to his patron. He believed that the younger the blood he shed, the more generous the devil would be to him. The preacher himself smiles during interrogations and says that Satan made him do terrible things. He stole small children who were unsupervised or shamelessly entered houses and killed all the adults there, taking the boys to his camp. According to him, his first victim was his friend at the age of 11, after which the sacrifices took place monthly. Now this bloody general lives a normal life with his wife and four children. He claims that together with his unit he killed more than 20 thousand people, for which he is ready to stand trial. But the chances that a man with such a past will change are small.

32. Semyon Mogilevich

He has many names: Sergei Yuryevich Schneider; Sam; Don Simenon; Palagnyuk; Saiman; Suvorov. Mogilevich is a citizen of Ukraine, Hungary, Israel and Russia. He is a major businessman, who is also one of the most dangerous criminals on the planet. He is wanted by the authorities of four countries. He is also on the list of 10 most wanted criminals in the United States. In 1975, he bought gold from Russian emigrants on the cheap. Now Mogilevich has become the head of a large criminal network, spread across many large countries of the world. The network's activities include: prostitution; criminal Internet business; drug trafficking; arms trafficking; racketeering; money laundering. Mogilevich was arrested in 2008, but in 2009 he was released on bail. The FBI is offering $100,000 for information that will help arrest and convict this man.

33. Mateo Messina Denaro Mateo

Messina Denaro is the most wanted mafioso in Italy. After the arrest of the boss and his successors, Denaro became the head of the Sicilian mafia. For his bloody crimes, he was sentenced in absentia to life imprisonment. Despite numerous operations to capture the Sicilian "godfather", he still remains at large and successfully hides from criminal prosecution.

34. Joseph Kony

Ugandan Joseph Kony is the leader of the so-called Lord's Resistance Army, a Christian-influenced sect that has turned into a military group. The LRA's conflict with the Ugandan government is the longest-running conflict in African history. Kony's followers believe that he actually speaks to God and regard all his instructions as a broadcast of divine desires. As a result, the group is the organizer and perpetrator of a number of bloody, brutal murders. The majority of LRA soldiers are children, kidnapped from their parents at a young age and turned against the infidels, including their own family. An arrest warrant was issued for Joseph Kony back in 2005, but he has successfully escaped justice. His little charges are doing the same.

Notorious financial criminals

A financial criminal is someone who evades taxes, confuses a corporate "wallet" with a personal one, and manipulates financial statements. Financial crimes are often committed by top managers of large companies. Almost all of them were previously role models and had an impeccable reputation.

35. Bernard Ebbers

Bernard Ebbers committed high-profile financial crimes worth $11 billion. One of the most famous financial criminals is Bernard Ebbers. He was the head of the largest telephone provider in the United States, he organized an 11-billion-dollar scam, which became the largest in American history. Due to the bankruptcy of the corporation, about seventeen thousand people lost their jobs. Ebbers' accomplice in this crime was Scott Sullivan. The heads of the Tuco concern were each sentenced to twenty-five years for financial crimes. We are talking about Dennis Kozlovsky, whose accomplice was Mark Schwartz. They used the company's funds as personal funds. They purchased jewelry, clothing, and art objects. Famous financial criminals often "confuse" other people's money with their own.

36. Jeffrey Skilling

Jeffrey Skilling, who served as CEO of Enron, and its CFO Andrew Fastow were also sentenced to prison. They played the stock market using insider information. In addition, the duo hid the real financial situation of the company from auditors, making sure that no one knew about the billions in losses. Martin Grass became famous for his crimes.

37. Martin Grass

Another major financial fraudster is the owner of a chain of drugstores in the USA, who once headed the company Rite Aid, Martin Grass. He attributed one billion six hundred million dollars of excess profit to his company. Grass falsified the minutes of board meetings several times, falsified financial statements, and gave false information to the securities commission. According to this fraudster, he did not take a cent from the company's money, he only hid the real financial situation from shareholders.

The most famous thieves

In addition to the famous financial criminals, there are people who are the most famous thieves. Among the top five is such a lawbreaker as Frank William Abagnale.

38. Frank William Abagnale

He started playing with the law at the age of sixteen, standing out for his talent for disguise. Frank easily cashed and forged bank checks. Thanks to his work, banks around the world suffered losses of several million dollars.

39. Francois Villon

Francois Villon was not only a famous poet, but also a thief. The poet Francois Villon is in fourth place among the most famous thieves in the world. Almost all of his works were created in a prison cell. Villon was engaged in robbing churches and large offices. After committing a theft, he always disappeared for a long time. This thief was caught several times, after the last theft he disappeared again and nothing more is known about him.

40. Bill Mason

He stole thirty-five million dollars' worth of precious metals. He was mostly interested in items from the private collections of socialites and celebrities. This criminal was not so much interested in material gain when committing thefts, but in the thrill of it.

41. Doris Payne

Doris Payne is considered the pearl of the criminal world. She robbed expensive jewelry stores, but never stooped to robberies. Doris tried on the most expensive jewelry, managing to charm the sellers with sweet conversations. Payne, possessing an incredible psychological gift, did not return some of the most expensive things after trying them on, but took them out of the store. She did this for sixty years.

42. Alberto Spaggiari

Alberto Spaggiari is considered the most famous thief in history. He was a civilized man, the owner of a photo studio, but he became the most famous of thieves and even spent time in prison. His biggest score was sixty million dollars. For this, Alberto hired a whole team of professional assistants to dig a tunnel to the bank. The work was carried out on days when the bank was closed. After committing this theft, Spaggiari was arrested, but he managed to escape.

Among the most dangerous criminals of our time: Heriberto Lazcano - a drug dealer from Mexico; Grim Slipper - a serial killer; Christopher Cox - a drug lord from Jamaica; Jose Luis Saenz - a member of the Cuarto Flats gang; Andrei Dryunin - a member of the "Mecenatovskie" group; Oleg Timoshenko - a murderer, fraudster, bandit; Eric Justin Toth - a distributor of child pornography; Hakimullah Mehsud - a terrorist.

All these horrible people are a product of modern society. Their actions seem to be a manifestation of the inability to control emotions, which are characteristic only of animals. But the reality is depressing - it is their mind that demonstrates miracles of cunning, intelligence and deceit when it comes to their crimes and evasion of responsibility.