TOP 5 richest eSports players in the world

Nowadays, eSports are developing by leaps and bounds. If literally 15 years ago, eSportsmen were happy with a prize fund of 20-30 thousand $, now these amounts are calculated in millions. For example, the prize fund of the tournament "International" is growing from year to year. In 2017, it was a crazy 24 million dollars. That is why this article will not include players from the early 2000s, who earned their championship titles with blood and sweat. Based on the prize winnings of the players, we have compiled a rating of the 5 richest eSportsmen in the world.

5. Chen Wel Line from “Hearstone” $336.331

Heartstone player Chen Wel Line has earned $336,331 in prize money during his career. The young gamer is, one might say, the face of the Taiwanese eSports scene. Chan has been into games his entire adult life. As a child, he loved strategy games and spent all his time playing Warcraft. Later, he switched to WOW, and only towards the end of school did he start getting seriously interested in card games. When he learned about Heartstone, his joy simply knew no bounds. He immediately switched his attention to the new game and began to conquer the eSports world. In his homeland, he almost immediately became the undisputed leader, but at world tournaments, he was able to achieve his first results only after two years of hard training. After that, he took prize places more than once, but his main achievement and earnings in prize money was the Heartstone World Champion, which took place in January 2018. The player earned 250,000$ and instantly became a top player in this discipline.

4. Lee Rogue Byung Ryul from StarCraft II $546.000

Lee Rogue Byung Ryul was born in 1994 in South Korea. This guy has won almost all the top tournaments in StarCraft II, but the most important are victories at BlizzCon and the Intel Extreme Masters championship. It is for these merits that Lee got into this top, having earned 546,000$. They say about this player that he has a rather specific method of playing - "by luck". This guy is an excellent example of the fact that if the game does not go for 5 years, then sooner or later, you will achieve your goal, you just need to believe in yourself and your strength.

3. Gabriel Fallen Toled from “Countre-Strike” $740.599

This is a truly legendary person, he has been playing on the pro-scene for more than 10 years, at one time he played great in CS 1.6, and now in CS GO. Many consider him their idol, because he is good not only as a cyber athlete, but also simply as a person.

Gabriel Fallen Toled was born on May 1, 1991. Fallen is a real Brazilian idol, he started playing CS about 15 years ago. In CS 1.6, in his homeland, he was probably the best player. Since 2009, he has been repeatedly recognized as the best player of the year in his country, and has repeatedly made it into the world tops. But Fallen received his first prize money only in 2016, when his team won a prestigious competition and earned 500,000$ in prize money. In the same year, Fallen was awarded the Person of the Year award for his enormous contribution to the development of eSports. Then there is more, dozens of tournaments won and, of course, hundreds of thousands in prize money. Throughout his career, Fallen has shown simply crazy results in the game, and is still considered one of the best players in the world. He also helps young talents to reveal themselves on the "pro" scene with the help of his own eSports academy. It is not for nothing that many call him "Papa Fallen", because in difficult times this guy is always ready to come to the rescue. But if you anger him, "Bad Toled" appears on the stage, who will put the arrogant youth in their place.

2. Lee Sang-Hyeok from “Leage of Legends” $1.220.874

Lee Sang-Hyeok, a player born on May 7, 1996. This young guy is probably an idol for hundreds of thousands of Koreans. Before LOL, the player was into Warcraft III and DOTA 2, with the introduction of the Korean server in 2011, he switched to LOL. He started playing professionally in 2013, and has been playing in the same team ever since. Lee is a legendary figure in this game, he is considered the best LOL gamer of all time. With his team, he won world championships in 2013, 15, 16. Only in 2017 did he take second place. For three victories at world championships, his team received 4 million dollars, which made up most of Lee's prize money.

1. Kuro Salehi Takhasomi from “Dota 2” $3.548.564

Here we come to the leader of the top, of course it is a Dota player. Kuro Salehi Takhasomi was born on October 28, 1992. As a child, he was an active child, but due to health problems he could not play sports, after half an hour of physical activity he began to have severe pain. Therefore, when his peers were kicking a ball or just messing around, Kuro just sat at home. So that his life did not seem gloomy and boring, his parents bought him a console, and this was the beginning of Kuro's acquaintance with games. A few years later, he got his own computer, then an Internet cafe and his favorite Warcraft. After Kuro got into a computer club and kicked the ass of several "veterans" at once, he felt the desire to find stronger opponents. All this resulted in the fact that at the age of 13 he had a strict schedule "study-5 hours of training-preparation for classes-sleep". Within two years, he had won several local tournaments, and a few years later, he played in the top tournament, "International." He gave all the money he won, which was more than $100,000, to his parents. Kuro said in an interview that his father had to work hard to get him and his brother back on their feet, and he gave it so that his parents could buy what they dreamed of. During his career, he took dozens of prize places in various prestigious tournaments, and was repeatedly awarded the "Best Player of the Year" award. After winning the "International" championship, he and his team were awarded $11 million.