Traditions of different countries of the world to make wishes for the New Year 2025

New Year is a holiday for the whole family, and besides the traditional chores, the most pleasant moment is to make a cherished wish at midnight. It is with this thought that most of us begin a new period of our lives.

If you are tired of the standard ways of making wishes for the New Year at home, you can use the experience of other countries. Some of them are quite interesting. So why not adopt a piece of the magic of the Italians or Germans.

Make a wish the Italian way – eat 12 grapes at the stroke of midnight

No. 1: Italy

When celebrating the New Year in Italy, the first thing you will have to do is eat 12 grapes while the clock is ringing. This tradition is strictly observed, as it means well-being and prosperity, good health and a happy fate in the coming year. In stores, before the New Year, they even sell special sets for this ritual.

#2: Scotland

If you want to celebrate the New Year together with the Scots, gather the whole family around the fireplace to preserve the family hearth. Also, each family member should mentally send all their troubles and sorrows into the fire. With the last strike of the chimes, the eldest man in the family should open the doors of the house, driving out all the troubles of the past year, and let in new pleasant events of the coming year.

#3: Germany

In keeping with German tradition, you should stock up on chairs and stools, as Germans believe that a jump will help make a dream come true. You just need to jump into the world of your dreams! As soon as the countdown of the last minutes of the year begins, the whole family stands on the furniture to jump into their future with the final blow.

No. 4: Bulgaria

Bulgarians share a more romantic tradition. In the last minutes they turn off the lights, and then by touch they must find and kiss their beloved. If they manage to do this in five minutes, then the year will be successful, and all wishes will come true.

#5: Brazil

The Brazilian version will have to be experimented with. These lovers of bright and flashy New Year's Eve mostly celebrate on the ocean shore. They lower baskets of fruit and flowers into the water, or colorful boats with lights. It is believed that this is a sacrifice to the gods, and if it does not sink, then dreams will come true. If you are going to celebrate the New Year where there is a nearby body of water that has not yet frozen, then you can also try to appease the gods to fulfill your wish.

#6: India

In India, New Year is celebrated with unprecedented pomp. This simple method attracts wealth and prosperity to their home. The main tradition is to launch kites. They entrust their most cherished wishes to them and release them into the sky so that the paper kites convey a message to the Universe.

#7: Korea

Koreans recommend making a wish in the first minutes of the sun's rays appearing above the horizon. They believe that the first rays of the sun of the new year carry with them the strongest energy, which helps to fulfill the plan. For those who partied on New Year's Eve until the morning, there will be a chance to make a wish at dawn.