World Health Day 2025

Health is the most valuable gift of nature to man. Unfortunately, we often forget about it and ignore the body's signals of trouble, turning to doctors already at the late stages of the disease.

World Health Day is intended to remind people of the importance of prevention. Events in honor of the holiday touch upon the health spheres of both individual categories of citizens and spheres in general.

History of the holiday

World Health Day is celebrated annually on April 7. This holiday, although not included in the list of official ones, makes every citizen think about his soul and physical form. For an Orthodox person, this holiday is doubly valuable, because it coincides with another significant day - the Annunciation of the Lord.

By the way, April 7, 2025, World Health Day falls on Catholic Good Friday. It's a reason to think about the meaning of life, isn't it?

The concept of health and the science of valeology have existed together with humanity since the first days.Regular scientific discoveries, timely diagnostics and improvement of living standards have contributed to the elimination or reduction of mortality from various diseases and infections.

However, there is still much work to be done in this area. Every achievement in medicine opens up new questions. Also, a significant part of the population still remains outside the threshold of quality medical care.

The list of challenges is supplemented by the ecological, political and economic situation. Thus, the media constantly attacks the mental health of citizens with regular reports about military conflicts, global warming and other troubles.

Many countries are deliberately destroying free medicine in favor of private clinics. Doctors who want to make money prescribe expensive drugs to patients that they clearly cannot afford.

In order to bring order to this industry, the World Health Organization began its activities on April 7, 1948, under the auspices of the UN.

The control body is authorized to track the germs of dangerous diseases, approve the use of vaccines, supervise the circulation of medicines and the licensing of medical activities. Therefore, the day of signing the WHO charter, April 7, is proclaimed World Health Day. The holiday was first celebrated in 1950.

Health Day in Russia 2024

Health Day was first celebrated in independent Russia in 1992On this day, thematic lessons are held in schools, classes in preschool and extracurricular cultural institutions, and creative competitions.

Doctors share with the public the final results and achievements of medicine over the past year. All-Russian Health Day has no other differences from the international one.

But the calendar is not limited to this holiday. In our country, special attention is paid to mental health., celebrate the day of physical culture and sports, each of which calls on citizens to pay attention to certain aspects of their own health.

There are national and regional projects to provide high-quality, affordable medicine to broad sections of the population.

Traditions of this day

Every year, the World Health Organization announces a theme and motto for World Health Day that is relevant to the entire world at that time. The theme for 2025 has not yet been announced, but for example, in 2022 the motto was “Our Home is Our Earth,” which emphasized the importance of clean air and caring for nature for our health.

The very first topic was about polio.. In different years, outbreaks of dangerous diseases and the problem of access to life-affirming resources – water, medicines, etc. – become relevant.

Free or moderately priced consultations and diagnostic procedures are becoming traditional. Residents of cities and remote settlements have the opportunity to check their health with specialized specialists at stationary and mobile medical institutions, find out their blood condition, blood pressure, or take tests even without a referral from a family or attending physician.

Volunteers and mass media distribute leaflets on hygiene rules, infection prevention, help find specialists and inform about their schedule and locations.

Thus, minor manipulations will be carried out at the airport or train station when you are waiting for boarding or the arrival of loved ones. Parks, shopping and entertainment centers and resort areas are becoming popular places.

Sports clubs are not standing aside either. Well-known masters of physical culture and sports conduct master classes and lectures on the benefits of regular training and healthy eating.

Representatives of culture and art also do not remain on the sidelines. They introduce fans to the basics of safe weight loss, demonstrate their favorite dishes and much more.

Interesting facts

World Health Day is a chance to refresh your knowledge of interesting facts about health and the human body:

  1. The healthiest nation in the world is the Japanese. The country is known for its punctuality and hard work, but they also know how to relax. Thus, the 5S system of Japanese origin is designed to harmonize work and rest with personal life.
  2. Some body processes occur at significant or even jet speeds. For example, sneezing occurs at a maximum speed of 160 km/h (the speed of a high-speed train), and coughing is comparable to an airplane – 900 km/h.
  3. Stress weakens the body's immune system, inhibits digestion, and worsens overall mood. It is shock situations that cause 90% diseases, including those previously considered exclusively hereditary. South Koreans regularly experience stress due to the desire to improve their careers.
  4. The brain does not feel pain, but only interprets the body's signals about its presence.
  5. Eating egg yolk reduces vision problems. Due to the presence of cholesterol, there is a risk of weight gain, so limit yourself to two eggs a day. Yolks also help strengthen hair, skeletal growth due to the content of such valuable elements and vitamins as selenium, potassium, magnesium, D3, A, K, etc.
  6. Food can be a medicine. It all depends on how you perceive it. This is confirmed by numerous observations and stories of happy healings or deaths with the help of banal food.
  7. Water changes its structure depending on the words spoken over its source. Thus, by drinking structured water based on goodness, a person will not only improve his general condition, but also take a step towards healing. Similarly, in the opposite case - charmed water without harmful impurities, but with a feeling of anger or irritability can harm a person and even kill him.
  8. A good mood and proactive thinking strengthen the immune system. The pleasure hormone serotonin is responsible for this. A lack of this substance reduces performance and makes you want to go to bed or do nothing. Also important is the motivator hormone dopamine, which is produced by our achievements and pleasant emotions from memories or favorite activities, traveling, spending time with loved ones. It also motivates us to move on. In some cases, the production of hormones is hampered by the physiological characteristics of the body. Therapy and special medications come to the rescue.
  9. Bad habits shorten life by a third. Thus, regular use of nicotine in cigarettes clogs the lungs in literally 3-4 days, while it takes up to two to three months to cleanse them after quitting smoking. Alcohol, when used externally, is an excellent antiseptic and heals wounds, but in large quantities internally it causes addiction and turns into a toxin. Drugs that suppress brain function have a similar effect.
  10. The human body is home to 10,000 types of bacteria weighing a total of 2 kilograms. Most of them are harmless, but under certain conditions some of them can harm their host. In general, they are more helpful – for example, together with leukocytes, they repel a virus attack.


Health is a blessing given to us by nature. But unfortunately, not everyone knows how to maintain it. Environmental pollution, a sedentary lifestyle, military conflicts do little to strengthen the immune system. But you need to take care of your physical condition regularly, and not just on April 7, when World Health Day is celebrated.

Take a break from your computer screens and office chairs and take a walk at least to the nearest parkThis will be the first step towards restoring the proverb “A healthy mind resides in a healthy body.”