Holidays in Kamchatka: tips for tourists

Everyone knows that Kamchatka is a distant land with pristine beauty and virgin nature. More and more often, tourists from all over the world choose to vacation as savages and explore new territories.

Kamchatka is a beautiful but harsh land, and does not tolerate people with a weak character. It is worth preparing carefully for a trip to the peninsula, taking into account the climate features depending on the chosen time of year. Due to the close location of the Pacific Ocean, Kamchatka has a predominantly maritime climate, and due to its proximity to the northern latitudes, it is quite harsh.

Wild animals often live near villages and towns on the peninsula, brown bears are often seen stealing supplies from people. So when traveling far from the city, you need to take care of your safety. You should not approach even those wild animals that at first glance do not pose any danger.

It is better to travel in a group of people, stock up on a navigator and regular maps (any equipment can fail). When setting off on an unknown route, it is worth registering it in case of unforeseen situations.

In winter, the thermometer averages around 22 degrees, and in combination with high humidity, the cold is felt even more strongly. In summer, heavy rains can begin, lasting for several days, so it is worth choosing comfortable but warm clothes.

There are few cities in Kamchatka, and accordingly the infrastructure is not well developed. When leaving the city, remember that there are no ATMs or terminals in most populated areas.

Valley of Geysers
Valley of Geysers

The first place in terms of tourist visits from year to year is taken by visiting the Valley of Geysers. Exploring the fascinating caves and bathing in thermal springs leaves no one indifferent. The most spectacular event can be called a helicopter ride.

Helicopter tour

There are many wonderful places for active recreation tours to Kamchatka. During the trip you can visit various volcanoes and their surroundings (Uzyan, Krymsky, Maly Semenchik, Bezymyanny, Tolabchik and others), Kuril Lake where you can see brown bears in the wild, various hot springs and lakes. The water in all the springs of Kamchatka is so clean that it can be used as drinking water.

Tourism in Kamchatka is just gaining momentum, so not all areas of the peninsula can be considered safe for the average person. In order to fully experience all the beauty of this region and not meet one-on-one with a wild bear, it is better to seek help from professionals who have been involved in tourism there for many years.