Dragon New Year 2025 Quiz: The Best Collection of New Year Quiz Games

New Year is a long-awaited holiday. It is necessary to spend it at a luxurious table with family, friends and the closest people. New Year's Eve is long and guests can get bored. To prevent this, you need to correctly compose the script. It should be cheerful, interesting and with cool games.

New Year Quiz 2024

You can include cool New Year quizzes with answers in the New Year's holiday scenario.

On this page you will find cool quizzes for the New Year 2025 with answers. The questions will be for the family, for children, for adults and corporate parties. For the correct answer you can give a symbolic prize.

Questions about Snakes - the symbol of 2025

Year of the Green Green Wooden Snake 2024

Questions about Snakes - the symbol of 2025:

New New Year 2024

How many heads did the Serpent Gorynych have?


New New Year 2024

What did the dragon Python guard in ancient Greek mythology?

Entrance to the Delphic oracle

New New Year 2024

Where does the dragon Amaru live according to legend?

in Peru

New New Year 2024

In which country is the Dragon Boat Festival held annually?

In China

New New Year 2024

What was the name of the dragon in J. R. R. Tolkien's The Hobbit, or There and Back Again?


New New Year 2024

In the heraldry of which administrative and political part of Great Britain is the image of a dragon used?

On the flag of Wales

New New Year 2024

According to legends from the times of Kievan Rus, there was a hero who fought with a dragon and freed the prince's daughter, and also harnessed it to a plow and made a furrow from Kyiv to the Black Sea. What was his name?

Nikita Kozhemyaka

New Year Quiz Questions

New Year Quiz 2024

Classic New Year's Quiz Questions:

New New Year 2024

The fur coat and Olivier salad are ready,
The Christmas tree is lit up and champagne is waiting.
Soon the family will gather around the table again,
To celebrate together...

New Year

New New Year 2024

The lights are burning on the tree,
Toys and balls are shiny.
We'll take you to New Year's
Around the Christmas tree…

round dance

New New Year 2024

Everyone is waiting for this holiday,
But he comes only once a year,
A blizzard and snow are sweeping around,
This holiday is celebrated at night.

New Year

New New Year 2024

New Year, the chimes are ringing,
There are fifty dishes on the table.
Everyone will finish drinking the champagne
And they will go and see...


New New Year 2024

On the table for the New Year,
They attract us like honey.
They are the enemies of any diet.


New New Year 2024

On New Year's Eve, I know for sure,
I decorate the Christmas tree with them,
The only important thing is not to break it,
There will definitely be a holiday.


New New Year 2024

This is a symbol of the New Year,
This is how it is accepted among our people,
It stands on every table,
Beloved by all...

Olivier salad

New New Year 2024

We'll set the table for the New Year,
And we will prepare a lot of delicious things.
But the main salad is on the table,
This is of course…

Olivier salad

New New Year 2024

A fragrant, tasty fruit,
On New Year's Eve he's right there.
Juicy, can splash into the eye,
Eat it right now.


New New Year 2024

There is no holiday without him,
Everyone covers it together,
They put out snacks and a sweet cake,
Alcoholic drinks and compote.

New Year's table

New New Year 2024

What a fairy tale wizard
He's in a hurry to visit us again
Give out gifts quickly
In every house, here and there?

Father Frost

New New Year 2024

The lights are on the tree,
Fluffy needles,
And on top of the head as always
The beautiful one is burning…


New New Year 2024

That's what we call the branches of the tree,
We put toys there,
Lights are twinkling on them,
You name these handles.


New New Year 2024

They are like the sun
They shine brightly on the table,
Tasty and juicy,
Sweet, oriental.


New New Year 2024

It sparkles and shines,
It lifts your spirits,
He shoots loudly upwards,
What a miracle?…


New New Year 2024

In a white dance, snowflakes fell to the ground,
All the streets were covered in snowdrifts.
But in the morning we'll go and clean it with shovels,
Let's play a little and then start cleaning.


New New Year 2024

The aroma of sweet fruit,
There is no more delicious attribute.
Juicy like an orange,
And it's called...


New New Year 2024

She shines on the top of her head,
She's right at the top of the Christmas tree,
And in the sky so that you can’t reach it,
What should we name it?


New New Year 2024

Beautiful, loud,
They don't let me sleep at night.
Short, long,
We are talking about…


New New Year 2024

He dances in a circle with his sisters,
The wind carries them in a dance.
Each one has its own unique pattern,
We admire it, it’s so beautiful!


New New Year 2024

Foamy, sparkling,
Tasty, fragrant,
We pour it into a glass
And we raise a toast.


New New Year 2024

At midnight the chimes will sound,
Fireworks will thunder in the sky.
Until your pants burst
Everyone will eat this salad.


New New Year 2024

As soon as the clock strikes 12,
Everyone will run out into the street in an instant,
All the bright lights in the sky will light up,
And they all call them...


New New Year 2024

Sparks fly and make noise,
These sticks are burning.
Light them up and don't drag them out,

Bengal lights

New New Year 2024

Next to Santa Claus
Cute little figure,
In a warm fur coat, boots, -
This is...

Snow Maiden

Cool New Year Quiz 2024

Cool New Year Quiz 2024

Cool New Year's Quiz 2024:

New New Year 2024

Adds light at night
And it adds to the delight,
And everyone is always waiting for him,
This is a festive…


New New Year 2024

Don't crowd the path,
Let grandpa pass,
He traveled a hundred roads,
He carried a large bag with him,
There are wonderful gifts there
For cheerful kids,
For the ladies - tight dresses,
For gentlemen...


New New Year 2024

We took it in our hands,
They dented it a little bit -
Our friend has become firm,
His name is…


New New Year 2024

Bright, beautiful,
Very dear to the heart.
They must decorate,
They are needed once a year.

New Year's balls

New New Year 2024

They wait for them for a long time - a whole year.
All the people are resting.
Before you know it,
It's time to get back to business.

New Year holidays

New New Year 2024

In every house there is,
And someone is already sleeping under it,
Someone is dancing in a circle,
They celebrate the New Year with her!

Christmas tree

New New Year 2024

It may not be big,
It can be huge,
He may be thin,
It can be fat too!
It may be crooked,
It may be even,
And everyone has their own,
Every year it's new!

Snowman's nose

New New Year 2024

He is always angry,
It gets under clothes.
Take care of your nose,
There is something standing in the yard…


New New Year 2024

We know a song about her,
And there are plenty of poems.
They even named it after her
Contemporary cinema.

Christmas tree

New New Year 2024

You won't find a quieter woman,
Round, no matter how you look at it,
She doesn't need jewelry,

Manicure and curlers

New New Year 2024

Unpretentious and modest,
Ideal for a man,
It's true, this woman is very,
Very, very cold.

Snow woman

New New Year 2024

Chiseled figure,
Short jacket,
Entertains the kids,
Attracts all men.

Snow Maiden

New New Year 2024

He conquers all people,
Makes you dance,
A sober person looks like a drunk person,
Try to guess!

Black ice

New New Year 2024

And in the cold there is no time for embellishment.
They will suit me perfectly:
So warm, comfortable and your legs feel free.
For big and small
They sew in Russia...

felt boots

New New Year 2024

It happens twelve times a year,
Supplements the family income,
And before the New Year
The special one is coming!

Thirteenth salary

New New Year 2024

On New Year's Eve I go to the bathhouse
With my best friends,
I will lie to my wife cleverly,
What left for…

business trip

New New Year 2024

Every time we all sing together,
At the exact appointed hour,
New Year we all obediently,
We meet him every time.


New New Year 2024

An officer stands importantly on the table,
The adults gave him a name…

wine glass

New New Year 2024

On New Year's Eve
Everyone is eager to have fun:
This thing will help me,
Although it disturbs the neighbors,
He will tell you about the fireworks,
The President will show!


New New Year 2024

Gentlemen don't wear them,
In the villages they are always asked for,
They are warm, your feet don't freeze,
So what is this in the end?

Felt boots

New New Year 2024Olivier salad and herring under a fur coat,
And a pickled cucumber.
Cheese, sausage for snack
And, of course,…


New Year 2025 Quiz for the Whole Family

New Year's Eve Quiz for the Whole Family

New Year's Eve Quiz Games for the Whole Family:

New New Year 2024

There is a man standing in the yard,
I'm used to the winter cold,
White-white and cold,
He is not married, he is free.
And with a bucket on his head,
What kind of guy is this, tell me?


New New Year 2024

In a red hat, red nose,
But not Santa Claus at all.
He came to us without gifts,
Good thing I found the door at least.

My husband came back from the corporate party

New New Year 2024

The people envy him,
It works 24 hours a year,
Everyone should have a schedule like this,
And be a fan of work!

Father Frost

New New Year 2024

New Year never in my life
It won't happen without him.
It sounds, then the chimes,
Everyone listens to him.

Address by the President

New New Year 2024

It always stands on the table.
The whole country loves him.
Sometimes people even sleep in it.
The guests all want it!


New New Year 2024

What kind of assortment is this?
You better figure it out:
Ears, tail, snout, hooves,
You'll have to tinker with it.
Whoever answers is a good man,
This is delicious…


New New Year 2024

This fish often freezes,
That's why she's warm,
In bright fur attire
Waiting on the festive table.

Herring under a fur coat

New New Year 2024

If on New Year's Eve in the morning
Even better than yesterday,
This is a reason to celebrate,
Passed you by...


New New Year 2024

You can take it in your palm,
Suck a little crumb,
You can put it in your hand,
But you can't walk under it.


New New Year 2024

The best day ever,
Loved by adults and children.
We are in no hurry,
We eat and lie around all day.

January 1st

New New Year 2024

I am for every taste and color,
And for the show, there is nothing better.
I'm faster than a leopard,
Because I…


New New Year 2024

If the Christmas tree dances,
Snow Maiden kisses you,
The snowman looks out the window,
So, stop drinking...


New New Year 2024

So that the fun never ends,
So that the feast continues,
So that the guests don't get bored,
Everyone continued to celebrate,
So that everything is in order
Let us make you a wish…


New New Year 2024

Let's have a farewell drink,
We remember and see them off.
And it's not a pity, let him go.
Who is this?…

Old year

New New Year 2024

Come on, guests, don't yawn,
Raise your glasses up.
Our custom is very simple:
If you want to drink, move...


New New Year 2024

Will bring everyone to their knees,
Will make people dance,
Everyone will walk quietly,
Because it's very slippery.

Black ice

New New Year 2024

If you shake it well,
You can smash the chandelier,
If it gets into the eye,
Celebrate the New Year with blanche!

Champagne cork

New New Year 2024

Once upon a time there was a shortage of it,
Now it lies freely.
Our whole family eats it,
Ved is delicious...


New New Year 2024

This transport is very cool,
It's cheap, it's safe,
And he doesn't need gasoline,
Well, it's not transport, but a joy,
He doesn't need a technical inspection.
As soon as the cold sets in,
As soon as the snow fell on the ground,
He drives everyone down the mountain.


New New Year 2024

There is a director lying under the table,
And the accountant is on the table,
Even mountains of documents
They failed to survive.

New New Year 2024

Everything is splashed with champagne,
And confetti everywhere.
What a wonderful holiday it was!
It was…

corporate party

Quiz with answers Yes or No

New Year's Eve Quiz for the Whole Family

New New Year 2024

Do you believe that in Italy, to see out the old year and welcome the New Year, people open their doors when the clock hands approach twelve? (Yes)

New New Year 2024

Do you believe that African villagers spend New Year's Eve racing on all fours with a chicken egg in their mouth?Yes, and the winner is the one who comes to the finish line first and does not damage the eggshell.)

New New Year 2024

Do you believe that in Hungary on New Year's Eve they don't serve ducks, chickens or geese so that "happiness doesn't fly away from home"?Yes)

New New Year 2024

Do you believe that on New Year's Eve the people of Sudan sail their boats along the Nile in the hope of seeing a crocodile, an encounter with which, according to an ancient belief, will make the coming year the happiest in their lives? (No)

New New Year 2024

Do you believe that on New Year's Eve Londoners are supposed to go out to Trafalgar Square and swim in the fountain fully dressed?Yes. And there are quite a few people who want to do this.)

New New Year 2024

Do you believe that in Denmark it is customary to buy cheap dishes in advance and break them on New Year's Eve for good luck? (No)

New New Year 2024

Do you believe that on New Year's Eve in Japan everyone waits for the 108th ringing of the temple bell and then goes to bed? (Yes)

New New Year 2024

Do you believe that in Belgian villages there is a custom of wishing a Happy New Year to domestic animals and livestock, treating them with their favorite delicacies and decorating them with beautiful ribbons? (Yes)

New New Year 2024

Do you believe that in Nepal there is such a New Year's sign: if you write your most cherished wish on a piece of paper (a paper napkin), and at midnight swallow at least a small piece of it and wash it down with champagne, then this wish will definitely come true?No)

New New Year 2024

Do you believe that there is a tradition of mandatory skating on New Year's Eve in Amsterdam? (Yes)

New Year's Quiz in Verse with Answers

New Year's Eve Quiz for the Whole Family

New Year's Quiz in Verse with Answers:

New New Year 2024

It sparkles with lights,
Blinks cheerfully to the children,
You will find gifts underneath it.
And you will start a merry round dance.

New Year tree

New New Year 2024

This guest on New Year's Eve
He'll come straight from the forest.
She has green needles,
And we call her...

Christmas tree

New New Year 2024

Our beauty got dressed up
In tinsel, garlands, balls,
We all like her on New Year's Eve,
There are a lot of children around her.

Christmas tree

New New Year 2024

What a kind old man
Comes to children on New Year's Eve,
He always leaves presents under the tree
And he goes home on a sleigh.

Father Frost

New New Year 2024

She comes to the New Year with Santa Claus
And pleases all adults, children,
She has beautiful long braids,
Who will tell me her name quickly?

Snow Maiden

New New Year 2024

We take it out on New Year's Eve,
We will raise it above the Christmas tree.
Will always decorate any Christmas tree,
Big, red…


New New Year 2024

His children are really looking forward to it,
When the clock strikes 12,
It will thunder loudly in the sky,
It will illuminate everything with bright light.

New Year's fireworks

New New Year 2024

Meet them at the door on New Year's Eve,
The most desired and important guests.
This couple will bring a heavy bag,
Tell a poem and receive a gift.

Father Frost and Snow Maiden

New New Year 2024

For the boys, balls, cars,
Dolls and oranges for the girls.
He brought all this to the children through the winds,
Our good…

Santa Claus

New New Year 2024

Red nose, has a beard.
Loves to listen to little children.
And there are always gifts,
He will give you some candy for your poem.

Father Frost

New New Year 2024

The long-awaited guest will come to us
With a bag full of sweets.
With a festive mood
We will read him some poetry.

Father Frost

New New Year 2024

Beautiful Christmas tree, elegant diva,
And it sparkles beautifully with lights.
Snowflakes, like earrings made of snow and ice,
And on top of his head shines...


New New Year 2024

Let's hold hands,
Let's walk around the Christmas tree,
Let's form a friendly circle,
Let's cheer everyone up.

Round dance

New New Year 2024

Santa Claus brought gifts
In a fabulous and bright bag.
So that he would open his bag,
Tell him...


New New Year 2024

Kind girl, pleasant voice,
But it’s not warm, it’s like a chill.
Everything about her is beautiful, and her figure,
With Santa Claus comes...

Snow Maiden

New New Year 2024

Decorating with the whole family
With balls, tinsel, stars.
We put gifts at her feet
And we'll light some lights on it.

Christmas tree

New New Year 2024

Bright, tasty, round ball,
It tastes better than all other chewing gums.
The symbol of the holiday is one
Juicy, sweet…


New New Year 2024

You're definitely looking forward to them,
You will definitely find them:
There are many of them, beautiful, bright,
They are waiting for you under the tree...


New New Year 2024

They are already waiting for their turn under the tree,
They put them there on holidays,
What we wanted and dreamed of,
We tied them with a bow.


New New Year 2024

They are lying under the Christmas tree,
They are waiting for adults and children.
Beautiful and bright.
What is this?…


New Year Quizzes for Kids

New Year 2025 Quiz for Kids

New Year 2025 Quizzes for Kids:

New New Year 2024

What is the symbol of the New Year?

Answer: New Year tree

New New Year 2024

What is the name of the snow queen?

Answer: The Snow Queen

New New Year 2024

Why is New Year the most favorite holiday?

Answer: because miracles happen on New Year's Eve

New New Year 2024

What dance do they dance around the Christmas tree in Russia?

Answer: dance in a circle

New New Year 2024

When does New Year come to us?

Answer: on the night from December 31 to January 1

New New Year 2024

What kind of smartly dressed grandfather is not a part of any New Year's celebration?

Answer: without Santa Claus

New New Year 2024

How many winter months are there in a year?

Answer: three - December, January, February

New New Year 2024

Why does the Snow Maiden come on New Year's Eve?

Answer: Snegurochka is the granddaughter of Father Frost. Together with him, she congratulates everyone on the New Year.

New New Year 2024

What costumes do children wear for New Year's?

Answer: in carnival costumes

New New Year 2024

What is the name of the indispensable attribute of New Year's balls - small, bright circles? Hint: the word is similar to the word "candy".

Answer: confetti

New New Year 2024

Why do people give New Year gifts?

Answer: a gift is a sign of attention, it is joy, it is love, it is positive emotions

New New Year 2024

What is tinsel?

Answer: Christmas decoration

New New Year 2024

In which magazine was R.A. Kudasheva's poem "A Christmas tree was born in the forest" first published?

Answer: in the magazine "Baby", in 1903.

New New Year 2024

What do children sing to Santa Claus?

Songs +

New New Year 2024

Where does Santa Claus keep his presents?
On the camel's hump
In the container
In the bag +

New New Year 2024

What is attached to the top of the tree?

Star +

New New Year 2024

Are there floating Christmas trees?

Answer: there are, for example, in Rio de Janeiro a decorated festive tree was launched into the water and installed in a special place. The tree was gigantic, its height was eighty-five meters

New New Year 2024

Who is the author of the poem?

"What is the New Year, then new thoughts,
Desires and hopes
The gullible mind is full
"Both the wise and the ignorant."

Answer: N.A. Nekrasov

New New Year 2024

From which work is the quote "His beaver collar is silvered with frosty dust"?

Answer: from the novel by A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin"

New New Year 2024

What object is described in this poem?
"We are nimble sisters,
The craftswomen run fast,
In the rain - we lie down,
We run into the snow,
“This is the kind of regime we have.”

Answer: skis

New New Year 2024

What was yesterday and what will be tomorrow?

Answer: today

Quiz for adults with answers

Complex quiz for New Year 2025 for adults with answers

A challenging quiz for New Year 2025 for adults with answers:

New New Year 2024

In which country do glasses with live fish decorate the New Year's table? (In Ireland)

New New Year 2024

In which country do most people go to bed at 00:10 on New Year's Eve?In Australia, it is customary to wake up at 5-6 am and go to bed no later than 10 pm, and New Year's Eve is an exception)

New New Year 2024

In what country do people throw water at each other during the New Year's holiday and no one gets offended?In Myanmar, the arrival of the New Year at its hottest time is celebrated with a "water festival" where pouring water on people means wishing them a happy New Year.)

New New Year 2024

In which country is New Year celebrated with unimaginable noise: cars honking, people shouting, sirens wailing?In Panama)

New New Year 2024

In which country is it customary not to forget about our smaller brothers on New Year's Eve? (In Norway, children hang a bird feeder outside their window and put a bowl of oatmeal in the stable so that the gnomes who come bearing gifts can also get some strength)

New New Year 2024

In what country do people fill all their dishes with water before the New Year, and when the clock strikes twelve on New Year's Eve, they create a real flood, simultaneously pouring water out of the windows, wishing for themselves that in the coming year life would become as bright and clear as water? (In Cuba)

New New Year 2024

In which country, during the New Year's street processions - the most exciting part of the holiday - are thousands of lanterns lit to light the way into the New Year?In China)

New New Year 2024

In what country are people very happy if they find a lot of broken crockery on their doorstep on January 1st, and they even treat the pranksters with something tasty?In Sweden)

New New Year 2024

In which country is the New Year greeted with a cannon shot and everyone tries to kiss a loved one at that moment? (In Brazil)

New New Year 2024

In which country, the day before the New Year, dolls symbolizing the old year appear on the streets, and exactly at midnight on New Year's Eve, explosions are heard - the dolls fly into pieces? (In Mexico)

A funny quiz for a corporate party

Complex quiz for New Year 2025 for adults with answers

A funny quiz for a corporate party:

New New Year 2024

  • What can be used for both salad and to imitate one of the important organs? (carrots for salad and for the snowman's nose)
  • "There are two bolts in a puddle." This sentence contains a Georgian surname. Which one?Rusted)
  • How to make a snowdrift at home under a Christmas tree? (lay a sheet on the floor)
  • Who won't pass face control at the masquerade? (the one who came to the party without a mask)
  • What does Snegurochka bring to Podol? (present)
  • You are in a plane seat, there is a car in front of you and a horse galloping behind you. Where are you?Ride the carousel)
  • Where is the water standing like a pillar?In a glass)
  • They catch up with each other, but hide from each other.Sun and moon)
  • What kind of dishes can't you eat anything from?From the empty)
  • Who goes with grandpa but is not grandma? (Snow Maiden)
  • Name the relatives of Santa Claus from other countries (Pere Noel from France, Santa Claus from America, Yolupukki from Finland)
  • How far into the forest can a hare run? (Until the middle of the forest, since further on he will already be emerging from the depths)
  • How can seven children, their three parents and a big dog not get wet under one umbrella?They won't get wet if the weather is good.)
  • Which clock shows the correct time only twice a day? (Which are worth it)
  • What comb can you use to comb your hair?Petushin)
  • What notes can be used to measure distance? (Mi-La-Mi)
  • What does the name of the Finnish Santa Claus "Jolupukki" mean? ("Christmas goat" because the Finnish Santa Claus travels on a goat)
  • Which plant knows everything?Horseradish)
  • What disease does no one get on land? (Nautical)
  • Who doesn't get their hair wet in the pouring rain?Bald)
  • What is the three letter word that every man fears?More)
  • One corner of a square table was sawed off. How many corners does it have now?Five)
  • How do day and night end? (With a soft sign)
  • What is thrown away when it is needed and picked up when it is no longer needed?Anchor)
  • What should you do when you see a green man? (Cross the street)
  • What is it: green, bald and jumping?Soldier at the disco)
  • What is it: blue, big, with horns and filled with rabbits?Trolleybus)
  • This is coming to an end faster than the vacation, what is it? (Vacation pay)
  • What is Santa Claus's favorite drink? (Coca-Cola, because the good old Santa Claus often appears in its advertising).

Intellectual quiz with answers

Intellectual quiz for New Year 2025 with answers

Intellectual quiz for New Year 2025 with answers:

New New Year 2024

  • In Russia they drink champagne on New Year's, but what do they drink in France?punch)
  • What is winter's favorite dish? Hint: what was winter salting in a tub in the popular song? (snowballs)
  • What do you call birds that don't tolerate winter well and don't like it? (migratory birds)
  • Where does Santa Claus live? (the city of Veliky Ustyug, Vologda Oblast)
  • Where is the Snow Maiden's homeland? (city of Kostroma)
  • Who came up with the idea of celebrating New Year on January 1st?Peter the Great)
  • When did they celebrate the New Year in Ancient Rus' before Peter? (September first)
  • When is Chinese New Year celebrated? (there is no specific date, the New Year falls on different dates each year, at the end of January – beginning of February)