What date is Medical Worker's Day celebrated in 2025?

Among the holidays, Medical Worker's Day occupies a special place. The profession of a doctor is universally respected for its hard daily work and tireless care for people. Not only doctors of various specialties work in the field of medicine.

Congratulations are received by nurses and junior staff, managers of medical institution administrations, and research staff from specialized research institutes.

The date of the Medic's Day is not fixed and falls annually on the third Sunday of June. Do not forget to say warm words to your loved ones and friends who are guarding our health.

History of the holiday

In 1971, the international humanitarian association Doctors Without Borders was founded in France by Red Cross volunteers.Their goal was the mission to provide medical assistance to countries affected by natural disasters and military conflicts.

Together with the World Health Organization, the founders of the association proposed to celebrate the day of solidarity of doctors of the world annually at the international level. A variable date was set – every first Monday of October.

In Russia, in the early 80s, it was decided to introduce a national holidayIn October 1980, by Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, national holidays and memorial days were established, among which was Medical Worker's Day.

In Russia, after the collapse of the USSR, the holiday remained relevant and became more popular than the international one. In addition to doctors and junior medical personnel, the holiday is celebrated by engineers, chemists, microbiologists and other scientists, without whose participation medical drugs and equipment would never have appeared. There are additional holidays for specialists in narrow fields.

The tradition of honoring doctors on the third Sunday of June is continued by the states of the former Union of the Republics of Belarus, Moldova, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, and Latvia. Azerbaijan has set a permanent date for the celebration on June 17, and Tajikistan has moved it to June 18.

Other countries have linked Medical Workers Day to a historical event:

  1. India celebrates July 1 as the birthday of Bidhan Chandra Roy, a physician, educator and statesman.
  2. Brazil October 18 is the day of Saint Luke, who healed the faithful.
  3. Cuba December 3 is the birthday of Juan Carlos Finlay, doctor and first researcher of yellow fever.
  4. Iran August 23, the birthday of the physician and thinker of the Islamic Golden Age, Avicenna.
  5. USA March 30, the day that marks the first use of general anesthesia by Crawford Long during surgery in 1842.

In the United States, the holiday received official status in 1991 after a resolution by George Bush. However, back in 1933, the idea to express respect for people in such a sought-after profession came to the wife of Dr. Almond from the state of Georgia.

On March 30, she sent greeting cards to her friends and visited a cemetery, where she laid red carnations on the graves of deceased doctors. Since then, the flower has become a symbol of Medical Workers' Day in the United States.

When is Medical Worker's Day in 2025?

In 2023, the date of the Medical Worker's Day falls on June 18. In addition to the general celebration, doctors of various specialties and nurses have separate professional holidays.

Throughout the year, memorial days are celebrated in Russia:

  • Dentists February 9;
  • nephrologists March 27;
  • ambulance workers April 28;
  • nurses May 12;
  • pulmonologists May 17;
  • pharmacists May 19;
  • traumatologists May 20;
  • gynecologists July 15;
  • otolaryngologists September 29;
  • urologists October 2;
  • allergists, anesthesiologists October 16;
  • district therapists October 17;
  • radiologists November 8;
  • ophthalmologists November 11;
  • pediatricians November 20;
  • surgeons November 25;
  • Neurologists December 1.

Veterinarians also have their own special day, which falls on August 31. It acquired the status of a national holiday in 2014.

The Orthodox Church, which helped create it, did not choose the last day of summer by chance. On August 31, parishioners honor Florus and Laurus, the patrons of livestock.

Features of the celebration of the Medic's Day

The holiday has no special traditions.. As during other celebrations, concerts, meetings of colleagues with congratulations, corporate events are held. Conferences are timed to coincide with the Day of the Doctor, where experience and knowledge are shared. Official events are scheduled, awards are given for special merits and a responsible attitude to work.

In Russia, the honorary title "Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation" has been established, with the receipt of a certificate of honor, a badge, and a prize. As a rule, the state award is received by doctors who have remained devoted to their work for 15-20 years.

On holidays, there comes a convenient moment to personally say words of gratitude to your doctor., known to the nurse for their hard work and dedication. The date can serve as a great excuse to reorganize your schedule and diet according to the principles of a healthy lifestyle.