What foods can and cannot be eaten before bed?

Should you endure hunger if you feel like eating something right before bed?

Nutritionists agree that this is not at all necessary. Another thing is that it is best to choose the right products for a late dinner, that is, those that will improve the quality of sleep and not move the arrow on the scale.

1. Dark chocolate

Chocolate is often viewed as a forbidden food, but not all chocolate is created equal. There are significant nutritional differences between a candy bar with nuts and a dark chocolate bar. Dark chocolate, in particular, contains minimal sugar and plenty of beneficial antioxidants that lower blood pressure, fight inflammation, and improve mood.
3 Reasons to Eat Chocolate Every Day

2. Pistachios

Pistachios are a great evening snack, especially if you can find the salt-free variety. The fact is that they contain fiber (necessary for optimal digestion), as well as biotin, vitamin B6, thiamine, folate, unsaturated fats and plant sterols, which makes them extremely nutritious and also provides the body with a lot of pleasant bonuses.

3. Soup

You probably didn't expect to find soup on this list, but here it is. The thing is, any warm liquid has a calming effect on us, but if you're sure you need something more filling than a cup of tea, chicken broth or vegetable soup will come in handy. Important note: avoid vegetables like lentils or beans in the soup. They are quite difficult to digest, and this will make your sleep restless, which is definitely not the end goal.

4. Pumpkin seeds

A good nighttime food is one that will satisfy your hunger but also help you relax and prepare for sleep. One serving of pumpkin seeds contains nearly 50% of the recommended daily value of magnesium, and magnesium is known to be important for restful, deep sleep.

5. Warm milk + honey

Warm milk has long been used as a sleep aid, making it a good choice for an evening snack if you have trouble falling asleep. It is interesting to note that despite the research that supports the effectiveness of this method, it may all be a consequence of our psychological perception. However, the amino acids contained in milk lead to the production of the hormone serotonin, which will help you cope with stress and “bad thoughts” that prevent you from falling asleep. Adding a spoonful of honey, of course, will increase the amount of sugar in the drink, but at the same time it will affect the serotonin level, which will also not be superfluous for a gentle fall asleep.

6. Blueberries

Blueberries are loaded with antioxidants (and frozen berries are just as good as fresh ones), and they also contain nutrients that numerous studies have shown can improve brain function and overall health. If you're not on a strict diet and can afford the extra calories, add two tablespoons of cream to the berries for a delicious dessert.

7. Rice

New research in PLoS One shows that a diet high in rice is associated with a reduction in insomnia by up to 46%, compared to bread (no change) and noodles (worse sleep). High-glycemic index (GI) foods, such as rice, can speed up the production of tryptophan and melatonin, hormones that are essential for quality sleep.

8. Almonds

Nuts aren't considered the best snack for weight-loss goals, mostly because of their fat content. However, a 2012 study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that people who consumed almonds for 18 months lost the same amount of weight as people who ate no almonds as part of their diet (all other factors being equal).

Let's add to this that almonds stabilize cholesterol and triglyceride levels, two major risk factors for cardiovascular disease. And, of course, let's not forget about the magnesium content in almonds, which is considered a real "sleep pill."

9. Roll with cheese

Sounds incredible, doesn't it? And yet, if for some reason you haven't eaten during the day and are now extremely hungry, make yourself a roll with cheese (and, optionally, with chicken breast). We won't talk about calories here, but only about practical usefulness. So, cheese is rich in casein - a complex protein, which, according to the British Journal of Nutrition, will not only provide you with a feeling of satiety, but also speed up your metabolism.

10. Ginger tea

Let's remember that our body sometimes works in such a way that thirst is disguised as hunger. However, drinking several glasses of water - especially if you don't feel like it - is not at all necessary. How about ginger tea? In addition to the obvious benefits for immunity, ginger will rid you of the caffeine that is contained in tea, which stimulates the nervous system. This means it will help you fall asleep faster.

11. Banana

Yes, banana is a rather high-calorie food, but it is rich in magnesium, which relaxes muscles. Two more useful ingredients of banana: serotonin and melatonin - hormones that stimulate sleep.

12. Oatmeal

Oatmeal is rich in vitamins, minerals and amino acids, which again contribute to the production of the “happiness hormone” melatonin.

13. Turkey

This bird is one of the best sources of tryptophan. Plus, turkey contains a lot of protein, so you won’t wake up in the middle of the night from hunger.

 10 Foods That Are Bad to Eat Before Bed

1. Alcohol

If a glass of wine makes you sleepy, don't be fooled. You'll certainly fall asleep quickly and easily when you're drunk. But the alcohol will prevent you from reaching the deep sleep phase, so you'll feel lousy in the morning.

2. Cheese

You may have noticed that after eating a lot of cheese at night, you had some strange dreams afterwards – not like usual. This is because hard cheeses contain a lot of tyramine – an amino acid that makes the brain alert.

3. Spicy food

Pepper complicates digestion and raises body temperature, so it is better to avoid your favorite curry before bed.

4. Fatty foods

Like spicy dishes, fatty foods are hard to digest. And if they give you heartburn, you can forget about quality sleep.

5. Coffee

Everyone knows that coffee before bed is a bad idea. But few people know that caffeine as a stimulant affects the body for 10 hours after consumption. That is, if you go to bed at midnight, it is better not to drink coffee after 2 p.m.

6. Cakes, pastries, ice cream…

If you want to get a good night's sleep, then sweets at night are not for you. If you really want to eat something sweet, I advise you to eat berries or an apple. Fruits contain less sugar, and they are also very useful for the body.

7. Hamburger

Trust me, a big greasy hamburger is the worst thing you can offer yourself. It can cause heartburn and poor sleep. Try to eat something less greasy before bed.

8. Legumes

Of course, legumes are very useful for our body, they contain a lot of proteins and fiber, but they cause bloating and can lead to stomach problems at night. I advise you to eat legumes during the day.

9. Soda

Coke contains a lot of caffeine and I think you already know how it can affect the quality of your sleep. In addition to caffeine, soda contains high-fructose corn syrup. To fall asleep quickly, do not drink soda at night. By the way, here are some reasons to give up soda altogether.

10. French fries

Delicious French fries contain a large amount of fat, which is very harmful not only for digestion, but also for the figure. In addition, eating French fries can lead to stomach problems at night. If you want to eat something salty, eat some almonds or a few salted crackers.