What date is Youth Day in 2025?

Youth Day is both a national Russian and an international holiday. It is celebrated on different days in different countries. In Russia, the event is celebrated every year on the same date.

The holiday itself appeared during the times of the USSR, and then after its collapse it was revived again. The world celebrates its own "World Youth Day". This holiday is unofficial, but it is also held every year on the same date.

Plus, it is planned to celebrate International Youth Day in 2025, but on other dates. The Holy See came up with this idea. Other holidays related to youth are also celebrated around the world.

When was Soviet Youth Day established?

The predecessor of the current holiday was the Day of Soviet Youth. This event was established by the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR back in February 1958. It was then that a corresponding decree was adopted, which introduced an annual holiday dedicated to young people. It was called "Youth Day".

In the Union, people who were already 14 years old were considered youth. At the same time, the upper age limit for classifying people as youth was set at 28 years.

The event was held every year on the last Sunday of June. It had official status. On this date, both ceremonial parades and concerts with the participation of artists, various quizzes, sports events, and competitions were held.

The evening program of celebrations included gatherings around a campfire, accompanied by chants.. They also summed up various results related to the achievements of young specialists in their activities.

With the collapse of the USSR, the event ceased to be celebrated in the country for a short time. Its revival occurred in 1993. At the end of June, the State Committee for Youth Affairs proposed to the then President of the country Yeltsin to establish a new holiday dedicated to young people. According to the order, the date of its celebration is considered to be June 27. Since then, the event has been celebrated in the country on this date.

The USSR also actively supported another holiday associated with young people. This is the International Day of Youth Solidarity. It was approved in the mid-1950s. The USSR sponsored this event.

The event itself was celebrated every year on April 24. In the country, the International Youth Solidarity Day 2025 will also be unofficially celebrated on April 24.

When will the holiday be celebrated in 2025?

In different countries the event is celebrated on different days.In Russia, the ceremonial events will take place according to annual tradition on the set date.

The holiday will also take place in the world on the previously designated date. At the same time, in 2025, other holidays associated with young people will be celebrated.

In Russia

According to the established tradition, Youth Day 2025 in Russia will be celebrated on June 27. Moreover, the festive events are planned to be held regardless of the day of the week on which the event falls. Next year it will be Tuesday.

At the same time, in many regions of the country, the event continues to be celebrated on the last Sunday of June, as usual. That is, in some localities, the ceremonial events will take place on June 25.

In modern Russia, people over 30 years of age are also considered young people. Previously, the range was set within 14-30 years. Now, people aged 35 are also considered young people.

In the world

It is already known what date Youth Day 2025 will be celebrated around the world. That day will be November 10th.The date was set back in 1945 after the World Youth Conference.

At the same time, a decision was made to celebrate the event every year throughout the world. The holiday continues to have the status of an unofficial event.

Also on April 24, 2025, the International Day of Youth Solidarity will be celebrated worldwide. The holiday continues to be an unofficial event. However, it continues to be held in a number of countries annually, starting in 1957.

Celebration Traditions

During the Soviet period, the holiday was widely celebrated. The celebrations included:

  • parades;
  • quizzes;
  • humorous sports competitions;
  • concerts with the participation of artists (including foreign ones);
  • competitions dedicated to various topics;
  • sitting around a campfire;
  • performance of patriotic songs.

It was traditional on this day to sum up the results related to youth policy in the country.

Youth Solidarity Day was also celebrated on a grand scale. The history of the holiday includes many events dedicated to this event. They were of a propaganda nature.

On this holiday, it was customary to honor representatives of the younger generation who had achieved particular success. in labor and international communist cooperation. Congresses were also held. The concert program was also extensive.

After the collapse of the Soviet state, the traditions of celebrating both events were virtually forgotten. They lost their relevance. Today, festive events continue to be held, but they no longer have the character and significance that were given to them during the Soviet era.

Currently, activities include:

  • concerts with the participation of music stars and bloggers;
  • master classes;
  • various presentations;
  • flash mobs;
  • art events;
  • quests;
  • reconstruction of certain historical events;
  • thematic events (sports, theatre, music).

Festive events in Russia are characterized by a positive spirit. The purpose of the holiday is also to reveal talents in young people. This day is also perceived as an opportunity to have fun.

Many organizations try to conduct educational activities. On this holiday, various events are organized with discussions of the problems of modern young people. This is the problem of smoking, alcohol abuse, drug addiction, unemployment, the spread of sexually transmitted infections among teenagers.

At the moment, the event is mainly celebrated in the form of picnics, revelries and parties.. It is not customary to give gifts on this holiday. Events associated with the event are now not as large-scale as they were in Soviet times.

The event has lost its pronounced ideological and propaganda significance. It is now perceived by modern young people as a day when they can meet with friends and spend time in an entertainment venue or in nature.

At the same time, less and less attention is paid to Youth Solidarity Day. The holiday continues to be unofficial. Thus, Youth Solidarity Day in 2025, as in previous years, will not involve any celebratory events throughout the country.

Interesting facts

There are many interesting facts associated with the event, including:

  • The holiday known as "World Youth Day" is a working day throughout the world and has not been widely celebrated since the fall of communism in Europe;
  • The official holiday dedicated to young people is International Youth Day (it is celebrated every year on August 12);
  • The patron of International Youth Day is the UN;
  • There is a separate World Youth Day, which is organized by the Catholic Church (celebrated once every 2 or 3 years);
  • In Belarus, the holiday continues to be officially celebrated on the last Sunday in June;
  • in the former Soviet republics the holiday is celebrated on different days and months;
  • In 1992, the event was not celebrated in Russia, but its celebration in a new format and on a new date was resumed in 1993;
  • Youth Solidarity Day 2025 will fall at the beginning of the working week, namely Monday.

While in Belarus it is still customary to celebrate the event on the last Sunday of June, in Ukraine it is celebrated on August 12. This is the official date for celebrating the event, which is accepted throughout the world.

World Youth Day, which is hosted by the Holy See, was supposed to be celebrated in the summer of 2022. But the event was postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Now, the event is expected to be celebrated in 2025.

The ceremonial events will take place from August 1 to 6.The celebration will take place in the Portuguese capital, Lisbon.

An interesting fact is that the event often falls on working days. For this reason, according to an old tradition, many celebrate it on the last Sunday of June. Often it does not coincide with the officially established date of celebration (June 27).