When and where to collect holy water for Epiphany 2025

Orthodox Christians can bless water daily, after church services. But only on the eve of Epiphany on January 18 and on this holiday - January 19 in 2025, can you collect Epiphany Holy Water. The second name of the blessed water is Great Agiasma, it has special properties - it heals, relieves from the evil eye and damage, protects from evil people and helps to achieve success. On Epiphany - on the 1st day - all water becomes Holy - river, well, that which flows from the tap at home. But you can collect it for further use only in the temple - it retains its healing power for a long time.

When can you collect water, at what time from January 18 to 19

The distribution of the Great Agiasma is done in different ways. In some churches, the first portions are poured by the priest himself into the containers, in others, the parishioners scoop it up, and in others, the Orthodox come with Holy Water and wait in the church or in the yard until the priest comes out and blesses the vessels.

But the clergy remind us that the Great Agiasma acquires its true power only in the hands of those who have listened to the service or who have read the prayers.

Festive services in 2025 January 18:

Time Name
7:00 Confession
7:30 Liturgy of Basil the Great - Royal Hours
11:30 (check with your church) The Great Blessing, after which they begin to distribute water
18:00 All-night vigil
21:00 Water distribution is ending

The first church service on January 19 will begin at 4 am - "at the 10th hour of the night". But the water acquires special properties only after the service and retains them until 9 pm.

service in the temple

Church officials believe that the effect of Holy Agiasma does not depend on the day of the holiday. It can be poured for oneself both after the services and blessings on the eve of Epiphany, and on the holiday itself, after the morning festive service. But it is better on the 19th, in the first half of the day.

In the church

Double consecration appeared only in 1667. Before that, the water consecration was always on the eve of Epiphany. But then there were many Christians, and in the Jerusalem Church they began to consecrate water in honor of the Baptism of the Savior himself. This custom quickly spread.

bottled water in church

Many believe that the most powerful properties are after double consecration, since Christ touched the springs. But the clergy explain that it makes no difference when to collect the water, on the 18th or 19th - it has the same properties.

From the tap

You can often hear that all springs are blessed for 24 hours, from January 18 to 19. This is true, but the water acquires special properties only for this period, and loses them as soon as it ends. You can collect water at home only on the night of the Epiphany, from 00.10 to 01.00, and only after prayer.

tap water

You cannot use containers from alcoholic beverages. Only clean glass jars or bottles. New ones purchased from a church shop are best, but you can use your own, from juices or dairy products, well washed.

Tap water retains its healing properties only if it is collected with prayer, and when the service is missed for a good reason. If an Orthodox Christian is simply too lazy to go to church, getting up at night is useless.

How much water can you collect and how to store it properly

There are no restrictions, but why fill canisters if you can fill a small jar, and then, bringing it home, pour it into several vessels in which ordinary water is collected. The main thing is to do this with prayer, reverence in the soul and faith in a miracle.

bottled water

There is another way to use its special properties - every time you need it, add a few drops to your cup. You don't even have to add it to water. It is allowed in milk, juices - the main thing is that the drink is at room temperature and does not contain alcohol.

It is better to place the container with Holy Agiasma near the icons, in a special cabinet. But if there is none, then simply behind the iconostasis. If the Orthodox have an icon on the wall, then the container with Holy Water should be kept nearby, but necessarily in a shaded place, at room temperature, avoiding heating.

Properties of Holy Water for Epiphany

Holy Agiasma relieves mental disorders, physical ailments, helps to put thoughts in order and make the right decision. The most powerful effect is within 2 days - after the consecration on January 18 and 19, until 21.00.

But we must remember that this is not a medicine and cannot replace it. Therefore, if a person is sick, he must take the prescribed medications, reinforcing the desire to recover with God's help.

God's embrace

The healing and strengthening effect continues in the future. But in order for it to manifest itself fully, it is better to drink holy water only in the morning.

Scientific explanation why Epiphany water does not spoil

Scientists have not been able to give a precise explanation of what happens to holy water after consecration and why it does not bloom or spoil. They have not even managed to understand the essence of the phenomenon.

Multiple studies have shown that the electromagnetic activity of water begins to increase as early as 17.01, and reaches its peak at midnight, between Christmas Eve and Epiphany. From that moment on, it begins to fall, and by 00.00 on 20.01 it returns to its normal value. All sources of the Earth, natural and artificial, undergo a similar transformation.

Water activity at baptism

There is another explanation that is best suited for Orthodox Christians living in the Northern Hemisphere. In natural reservoirs in winter, as well as in church vessels, bacteria do not multiply at sub-zero temperatures. That is, due to the absence of microorganisms, the liquid does not bloom. And since it is stored in a glass container, under a tight lid, in a dark, cool place, it does not spoil.

The clergy believe that the great power of prayer and the positive attitude of the parishioners contribute to the preservation.

When will the water be blessed on Epiphany in 2025

Great Agiasma is not only the name of Holy Water, but also the rite of Great Consecration itself, performed at Vespers on the eve of Epiphany. After the liturgy, the prayer behind the ambo is offered. The vessel is brought out, the priest immerses the cross in it three times.

cross on the cup

If the temple is located near a body of water, the consecration is much more solemn. A hole in the ice in the shape of a cross is cut in the ice - it is called "Jordan", and a bridge is installed. After the solemn service, a procession is organized - the procession of the cross or "procession to the Jordan". A cross is lowered into the hole with prayers, and believers can immerse themselves completely, washing away the sins of the past year.

How to use holy water at home

In difficult times for yourself and your family, with the help of Epiphany water you can protect yourself from damage and evil slander, save children from the consequences of the evil eye, and cleanse your home.

Directions for use:

  1. In all cases, after filling a glass or other container, it is necessary to pray.
  2. Adults can take a few sips on an empty stomach, also with a prayer, sprinkle their temples, wash their face and wipe themselves with their hem.
  3. If older children feel unwell, they pour a little into their hand to wash their faces, and then they also blot them with their hem.
  4. Very small ones are either sprinkled or wiped with a clean towel.

clean water in a glass

To cleanse a home, pour water into a container, carry it around all the corners, sprinkling them, and pour the rest over the threshold. Then light a church candle and offer a prayer to the Lord.

If you do not have the strength to resist the bad influence, you should take the Holy Relic with prayer in the morning, one sip at a time for 10 days.

The Priest's Opinion

Dmitry Khersonsky, a bishop of the Orthodox Church of Russia, once wrote that Holy Agiasma heals the bodies and souls of those who use it and believe in it. The elders recommend sprinkling food and things, giving it to the seriously ill.

Modern priests agree with the words of the clergy of the 19th and 20th centuries. The priest of the Church of Anastasia the Deliverer from Bonds, Mikhail Trebukhin, says that he was convinced of the truth of the words of the patriarchs. He specially left the jar from 1976, and the liquid did not lose its transparency, did not change its taste.

Answers to frequently asked questions

Is it possible to collect water in advance?

It is possible in advance if you are preparing to go to church. You just need to close the container with a tight lid. The water itself will not have healing power.

What happens if I dial after January 19?

There will be no benefit the next day. But if you go to the spring on 19.01 from 00.00 to 03.00, you can bring home "Dead Water". It is mentioned in the Gospel. But you can only drink it when you are sick - it kills everything that prevents the body from working, helps to recover from viral and bacterial diseases. A healthy person should not drink it - he will feel very weak.

What is the difference between Epiphany water and Holy water?

In churches, consecration may take place throughout the year at the request of parishioners. But the Epiphany miracle is the most powerful, and it is incorrect to compare the rites. There is also a difference. Liquid consecrated on other days has healing power only for a few hours.

Is it possible to dilute Epiphany water?

Yes, you can.

Why do people make preparations for the whole year?

To restore physical health and mental balance by God's grace and the power of prayer.

Is it necessary to fill large containers, since they are difficult to carry?

There is no need to do this. It is enough to pour a little consecrated liquid into the regular one, and it will acquire healing properties.

How to sprinkle a house?

Yes, every believer can do this. During the ritual, it is necessary to read the prayer:

"In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. By sprinkling this holy water, may all evil demonic activity be put to flight. Amen."

What to do if the Holy Agiasma has not been used up within a year?

You can use it until it runs out. But if you want to replenish your supplies, you can water your flowers with it, or take it to a place that is "not trampled" by feet - where people practically do not walk, and just pour it out.

An old belief says that to fulfill a secret wish, you need to collect water after the service on January 18. Then pour some into a saucer and place it in front of the icon of Christ the Savior. Exactly at midnight you can see the swaying - this is the Lord himself being baptized. Then you need to ask him for your wish. This prayer will be heard. And from that moment on, all the springs on earth will become Sacred, and after the morning service you can collect the "strongest" water.