When does Eid al-Adha start in 2025 and how is it celebrated?

Eid al-Adha is a major Muslim holiday, also called Eid al-Adha. It is the Day of Sacrifice, and has been celebrated for many years. On this day, mosques are overcrowded, and Muslims perform rituals.

Believers sacrifice animals to the Gods, pray. Let's consider when Eid al-Adha will be in 2025, what rituals are performed, what can and cannot be done during the celebration.

What is Eid al-Adha?

Eid al-Adha is a Muslim holiday associated with sacrifice.In Arabic it means "festival of sacrifice".

It begins on the 70th day after Ramadan ends. Before the holiday, approximately 45 days before, believers must make a religious journey and visit significant places in Mecca.

Eid al-Adha is celebrated to honor the Prophet Ibrahim. According to tradition, every Muslim believer must sacrifice one animal. They begin to celebrate this holiday in the morning, and it will last for several days. They will be quite eventful for believers, as various rituals are held.

It is believed that if a person visited a mosque, prayed a lot and made a sacrifice, then he became closer to Allah.. There is no fixed date for the holiday. Moreover, different countries celebrate it for different numbers of days, and the rituals will also differ.

History of the Eid al-Adha holiday

The origin of the holiday is attributed to the name of the prophet Ibrahim. He had a dream in which the angel Jabrail asked for a sacrifice, but the sacrifice had to be his son Ismail. Initially, Ibrahim did not pay attention to the bad dream. But it began to repeat itself.

After this, the prophet realized that this was not just a dream, but a message. And he decided to fulfill the order. Ibrahim took the knife and went towards his eldest son.. As soon as he approached him, he immediately heard the voice of Allah. He said: "O Ibrahim, you have already fulfilled your dream..." And he replaced the sacrifice with an ordinary ram.

In fact, the One and Only God did not need sacrifices. He tested the prophet for devotion and loyalty. Since then, every year Muslims remember the courage and loyalty of the prophet, and the mercy of God.

This holiday is celebrated in many countries., and for most believers it is one of the most significant. What date is Kurban Bayram 2024 in Crimea? It will be held on June 16, as in Russia.

In the 37th sura of the Koran, all the events connected with the appearance of the holiday of Eid al-Adha are described in detail. In general, Ibrahim is given a lot of time in the holy book of Muslims.


The presented case took place not far from Mecca. That is why it is believed that every believer should at least once in his life, 1-1.5 months before the beginning of the holiday, make a pilgrimage, visit the main places associated with the saints.

Also, in order to honor the prophet's deed and show his love for God, Every year Muslims sacrifice cattle. Not all believers can afford a trip to Mecca. But you can honor the prophet and God. The ritual can be performed anywhere, the main thing is that its culmination is performed.

10 days before the beginning of Eid al-Adha, Muslim believers fast. At night, on the eve of the great holiday, you need to read prayers. What date is Eid al-Adha 2024 in Dagestan? Muslims will begin celebrating on June 16.

Before starting the ceremony, it is necessary to perform a washing ritual.. After this, put on festive clothes and go to read prayers in the mosque. Only after this can the sacrifice ritual be performed. The victim can be almost any animal.

It is recommended to take rams or sheep that are over 7 months old. Cows and camels are also suitable. Please note that the animal should not be sick or have any defects. Victims are chosen differently, depending on the country. For example, in Turkey, a sheep is chosen as a victim.

Traditionally, one third of the meat from the chosen victim can be kept for oneself. It is used to make dishes for the festive table. Another third is given to those who need it. Another third can be offered to neighbors or relatives.


The traditions of the main Muslim holiday are directly related to faith. Kurban Bayram is celebrated from the night, that is when they start reading prayers and do this until the morning. Early in the morning, they perform mandatory ablutions, you need to put on all the cleanest and most beautiful.

In no case should you remain in dirty clothes during the holiday, this is considered disrespect to Allah. You cannot have breakfast before the prayer is performed. You must praise Allah all three days, and each of them must begin with a prayer.

All Muslim believers congratulate each other, their families and friends by saying "Eid Mubarak!" Translated, this means "Blessed is the holiday!" As already mentioned, traditionally sheep, cows and camels are sacrificed. But the main task is to distribute the meat to those who need it.

If a large animal, such as a camel, is sacrificed, the sacrifice can be divided among several people. But it is best for every believing Muslim to sacrifice one sheep..

During the slaughter of cattle, you must behave calmly and peacefully. In no case should you show aggression or anger. It is very important to slaughter the animal correctly.

Firstly, it should not see the knife. Secondly, the cattle should be calm at the place of sacrifice. Thirdly, other animals should not see this process.

The one who will bring the cattle to God is obliged to kill it.. It is better if it is raised by this person. According to Muslim beliefs, it is believed that on the Day of Judgement, the animals that were killed on the day of the holiday will save their owners.

That is why during the sacrifice they left some signs or other decorative elements on them. They say that this will help you find the animal you need on the day of Mahdi's arrival.

On this day, you cannot abuse alcohol, swear, or use foul language.It is imperative to help those who ask for it, to be merciful.

It is believed that the anger and aggression that believers show on this celebration will be directed at the only God. But on this day, believers should, on the contrary, show their faith in God and their love for him.


Eid al-Adha 2025 begins long before the first day of the holiday. It is recommended to start fasting 10 days before. All believers should pray the night before the holiday. If this is not possible, then this should be done at least a few hours before dawn.

In the morning, preparations begin. They put on clean clothes, wash themselves with incense, and go to the mosque.. You need to leave early in the morning. Prayers are read in the mosque, only after the prayer is over can you go home and have breakfast. You can't eat before the prayer.

After this, people go out into the street in groups and sing praises to Allah. It is recommended to do this on all three main days of the celebration of Eid al-Adha. On the first day of the great holiday, a sacrifice is also made.

The date of the event changes every year, as it is tied to the holiday. What date is Eid al-Adha 2025? The holiday will be held on June 16, which will be Sunday.

Sacrifice on Eid al-Adha

The victim must be chosen correctly. Camels, bulls and cows, sheep, and goats are allowed for sacrifice. If you decide to give tribute to God and Ibrahim with a camel, then the sacrifice can be divided among 7 people, since this animal is large in size.

If it is a sheep or a goat, then there is one animal per believer. The sacrifice can be made both for the living and for those who have already died.

The main rule for choosing a victim is that she must be an adult. For each special age may be different:

  • the age of the sheep must be more than 1.5 years;
  • goats – over 1 year old;
  • cows or bulls – from 2 years old;
  • camel – from 5 years old.

The cattle must be strong and free of any defects or flaws. Muslims usually choose the best animal for the ritual to show their faith in God. The eyes, tail, and organs must be all intact. Only a few missing teeth are allowed.

Once the victim is ready, it is laid on its left side and the priest leads the prayer. Only then is the meat of the animal considered to be offered as a sacrifice to Allah. Meat is traditionally divided into three thirds.

The first third is for the family, the second for relatives and friends, the third for those who need it, for the poor.

Sacrificial meat can be eaten by both Muslims and people of other religions. It is forbidden to sell meat or pay with it as money under any circumstances.

When does Eid al-Adha start in 2024?

Every year Eid al-Adha is traditionally held on the 70th day after Eid al-Adha.. What date is Eid al-Adha 2024 in Russia? It begins on June 16, the celebration falls on Wednesday. It is on this day that the sacrifice is made.

Traditionally, Eid al-Adha will last three days. But from June 6, it is recommended to observe fasting. It is believed that 10 days before the holiday, a person should purify himself. In countries with a Muslim population, Eid al-Adha is a day off.

When does Eid al-Adha end in 2024?

Muslims will celebrate Eid al-Adha for three days. What date will Eid al-Adha 2025 end in Bashkiria? In Russia, Dagestan, Tatarstan, Bashkiria, the holiday of sacrifice will end on the evening of July 18.

All three days, the meat of the victim must be used to prepare dishes. On the main day of the holiday, food from the internal organs is prepared, on the second day - the meat itself, on the third - soups from bones and meat, main courses.

So, what date is Eid al-Adha 2025 in Tatarstan and other countries? In 2025, it will be celebrated from June 16 to June 18.Traditionally, on this day, Muslims honor the Prophet Ibrahim and Allah with sacrifice.