Why and on what date is Earth Day celebrated in 2025?

Earth Day is a holiday that is held specifically to draw people's attention to problems related to nature and its condition. After all, every year humanity in one way or another affects the environment and often throws it out of its precarious balance.

Humans are responsible for the extinction of some species, global problems and local pollution.

The more people know what date Earth Day is, why it is celebrated, how significant our impact on nature is, and that we can help the environment, the greater the chance for humanity to help nature develop, rather than push it towards destruction.

History and Traditions

This holiday was started by John Morton. When he moved to Nebraska, he noticed the extent of the forest being cut down, which people used for construction and fuel. However, this had a significant impact on the appearance of the area. So John proposed to correct the situation and green the area.

To do this, he came up with a competition in which anyone could participate. Those who planted the largest number of trees received prizes. The holiday was called "Tree Day".

Since 1970, the celebration has gained popularity in other countries. – it began to have an environmental protection character and since the 90s it has received its modern name: “International Earth Day”, which is celebrated annually throughout the world.

The date of Earth Day 2025 is April 22. On this day, clean-up days are held, trees are planted, water bodies are cleaned, nature protection campaigns and public events (competitions, marathons) are held.

Peace Bell on Earth Day

One of the unusual customs during the celebration of Earth Day is the unified ringing of the Peace Bells, symbolizing the community of peoples and solidarity.

Since 2006, Peace Bells from different countries have been ringing on the same day, reminding us of our common cosmic homeland – the Earth and its uniqueness. This ringing should call upon people to direct their joint efforts to preserving the health of our planet.

Symbolism of Earth Day

In addition to the Peace Bell, the official symbol of Earth Day is theta, the eighth letter of the Greek alphabet.It is depicted in green on a white background.

Externally, theta resembles a slightly compressed circle with a line in the middle. Many have found in this letter a similarity with our planet, which has a slightly flattened (ellipsoid) shape and an equator.

Another recognizable symbol is the unofficial flag of the EarthThis is her first photo - a photo from space on a blue background.

This picture has gained great popularity, so it is widely used to increase the number of people interested in the topic of ecology and education about what date is Earth Day 2025 and for what purpose it is held.

When will International Earth Day be celebrated in 2025?

As of 2025, the official date for Earth Day is April 22. This date was officially announced by the UN in 2009. But previously, the holiday was celebrated on a different day.

Earth Day was originally celebrated on the vernal equinox (March 20, 2025). This event marked the change of seasons – in the Northern Hemisphere, autumn gives way to spring, and in the Southern Hemisphere, autumn begins. In 2025, the date when Earth Day is celebrated falls on Saturday, April 22.

Actions to help our planet

One of the significant parts of Earth Day is holding various events that would draw attention to global environmental problems and inspire people to take greater care of the environment.

The March for Parks is a public action aimed at protecting and preserving nature reserves, natural objects. Competitions, seminars, exhibitions and open days are also held within the framework of the campaign. This event is held in order to draw attention to the protection of natural areas and the formation of a positive attitude towards the environment.

Earth Hour is an event in which people all over the planet turn off their lights for one hour to show their concern for the future of our planet. The lights of the Kremlin, Red Square, GUM and many other landmarks in Moscow and other parts of Russia are also turned off.

Russia joined this campaign in 2009, and the number of people taking part in it has reached more than 20 million. Water of Russia - cleaning of various water bodies, from small springs to large rivers, with the aim of reducing plastic pollution and preventing the accumulation of waste in water bodies.

Car Free Day – abstaining from using fuel consuming vehicles for one day. Many people use bicycles or walk on this day. Such an event allows to draw attention to air pollution by exhaust gases from fuel-burning vehicles.

Each action is aimed at drawing attention to a particular problem that has accumulated over the course of human existence. The Earth is our home and our responsibility, so everyone should know what date Earth Day 2025 is in Russia and why it is of great importance.