Global Firepower's 2023 World Army Rankings

For 18 years now, the Global Firepower website has been closely monitoring the armies of 145 countries around the world. To answer the question of which army is the strongest in the world, the site's experts use more than 50 criteria, ranging from funding to logistics and geography.

Moreover, as GF experts claim, thanks to their unique formula (and refusal to take nuclear weapons into account), the armies of even small states are able to compete in the ratings for combat readiness with giants like Russia, India and China.

The World Army Rating 2023 is based on the principle "the lower the PwrIndx (power index), the stronger the country". So far, no one has reached the maximum military power indicator of 0.0000.

World Army Rankings 2023, Full List Global Firepower

Place Country Force Index
1 United States 0.0712
2 Russian Federation 0.0714
3 China 0.0722
4 India 0.1025
5 United Kingdom 0.1435
6 South Korea 0.1505
7 Pakistan 0.1694
8 Japan 0.1711
9 France 0.1848
10 Italy 0.1973
11 Türkiye 0.2016
12 Brazil 0.2151
13 Indonesia 0.2221
14 Egypt 0.2224
15 Ukraine 0.2516
16 Australia 0.2567
17 Iran 0.2712
18 Israel 0.2757
19 Vietnam 0.2855
20 Poland 0.3406
21 Spain 0.3556
22 Saudi Arabia 0.3626
23 Taiwan 0.3639
24 Thailand 0.3738
25 Germany 0.3881
26 Algeria 0.3911
27 Canada 0.3956
28 Argentina 0.4243
29 Singapore 0.4613
30 Greece 0.4621
31 Mexico 0.4687
32 Philippines 0.4811
33 South Africa 0.4885
34 North Korea 0.5118
35 Norway 0.5289
36 Nigeria 0.5587
37 Sweden 0.5679
38 Myanmar 0.5768
39 Netherlands 0.5801
40 Bangladesh 0.5871
41 Portugal 0.6116
42 Malaysia 0.6189
43 Colombia 0.7011
44 Switzerland 0.7191
45 Iraq 0.7365
46 Chile 0.7712
47 Romania 0.7735
48 Czech Republic 0.7849
49 Ethiopia 0.7979
50 Denmark 0.8011
51 Finland 0.8099
52 Venezuela 0.8228
53 Peru 0.8466
54 Hungary 0.8643
55 Angola 0.8732
56 UAE 0.8978
57 Azerbaijan 0.9391
58 Serbia 0.9571
59 Bulgaria 0.9757
60 Belarus 1.0485
61 Morocco 1.0524
62 Uzbekistan 1.0692
63 Kazakhstan 1.0873
64 Syria 1.1095
65 Qatar 1.1296
66 Cuba 1.1523
67 Slovakia 1.1789
68 Belgium 1.1836
69 Croatia 1.2141
70 Ecuador 1.2181
71 Sri Lanka 1.2478
72 Democratic Republic of the Congo 1.3055
73 Tunisia 1.3243
74 Yemen 1.3985
75 Sudan 1.4079
76 Oman 1.4081
77 Bolivia 1.4339
78 Kuwait 1.4441
79 Bahrain 1.4511
80 Libya 1.4718
81 Jordan 1.5098
82 Turkmenistan 1.5986
83 Uganda 1.6264
84 Austria 1.6543
85 Georgia 1.7181
86 Slovenia 1.7261
87 Kenya 1.7701
88 Paraguay 1.7863
89 Zambia 1.7896
90 Ireland 1.8161
91 Albania 1.8466
92 Honduras 1.8851
93 Lithuania 1.9026
94 Armenia 1.9137
95 Latvia 1.9161
96 Uruguay 1.9269
97 Chad 1.9751
98 Zimbabwe 1.9787
99 Mongolia 2.0263
100 Cameroon 2.0296
101 Tanzania 2.0387
102 Guatemala 2.0419
103 New Zealand 2.0617
104 Estonia 2.0686
105 Ivory Coast 2.0881
106 Cambodia 2.1321
107 Kyrgyzstan 2.1703
108 North Macedonia 2.1717
109 Ghana 2.1741
110 Mali 2.1992
111 Lebanon 2.2381
112 Mozambique 2.2895
113 Eritrea 2.2956
114 Afghanistan 2.3118
115 Laos 2.3168
116 South Sudan 2.5261
117 Nicaragua 2.5685
118 Dominican Republic 2.5742
119 Niger 2.6327
120 Tajikistan 2.6403
121 Burkina Faso 2.6607
122 Republic of Congo 2.6648
123 Namibia 2.7081
124 Botswana 2.7851
125 Senegal 2.7961
126 Luxembourg 2.8202
127 Salvador 2.8583
128 Montenegro 2.8704
129 Nepal 2.8728
130 Madagascar 2.9078
131 Gabon 2.9235
132 Mauritania 3.0398
133 Bosnia and Herzegovina 3.0788
134 Kosovo 3.2863
135 Panama 3.2877
136 CAR 3.2931
137 Iceland 3.4845
138 Sierra Leone 3.5241
139 Belize 3.7178
140 Suriname 4.0003
141 Liberia 4.0006
142 Somalia 4.0196
143 Moldova 4.0861
144 Benin 4.1269
145 Butane 6.2017

Top 10 armies of the world 2023: the strongest

10. Italy

Armed Forces of Italy

PwrIndx: 0.1848

According to experts, the reason Italy appeared in the top ten strongest armies in the world in 2023 is its large military budget - $ 37 billion. The events in Ukraine have accelerated the military spending of NATO countries, including Italy. However, in December last year, Italian Defense Minister Guido Crosetto said in an interview with La Stampa that there is no need to increase the country's military budget above 2% of GDP.

In terms of technology, Italy's results are average: 850 aircraft (13th place), 404 helicopters (9th place), 197 tanks (62nd place overall) and 313 ships (7th place).

9. France

Armed Forces of France

PwrIndx: 0,1848

France doesn't have as many ships (23rd place, 126 units), aircraft (10th, 1004 units) and tanks (58th, 222 units) compared to other countries, but those it has are modern and very effective.

Mirage and Rafale aircraft, Tiger helicopters, LeClerc tanks and the only aircraft carrier after the United States with its own nuclear power plant – all of this is part of the main forces of the French army.

France is also quite capable of providing itself with equipment and machinery, which, if necessary, would help to conduct protracted military operations.

8. Japan

Japan Self-Defense Forces

PwrIndx: 0,1711

Although Japan's army numbers only 240,000 people, which is only a small fraction of the size of its dangerous neighbor, North Korea (an impressive 1.2 million troops), the Land of the Rising Sun makes up for the difference with the most modern weapons.

The Japanese have 1,451 special-purpose aircraft, more than most other armies in the world, and a very impressive navy with 36 destroyers (third place after the US and China). All this wealth is kept afloat by serious budget allocations (11th place, $39.6 billion).

7. Pakistan

Pakistan Armed Forces

PwrIndx: 0.1572

Tensions between India and Pakistan remain, making the statistics especially important to study – especially given that both countries possess nuclear weapons. Pakistan has a population of 242.9 million (5th in the world). The Muslim country currently has 654,000 people in its army.

In terms of the number of air force units, Pakistan is in the top ten (7th, 1413 units). Tank forces are slightly behind (8th, 3742 units), but Pakistan, like its neighboring rival, does not have many ships (28th place, only 114 units).

6. South Korea

South Korean soldiers

PwrIndx: 0,1505

Although this East Asian country is relatively small in size, it is firmly in the top ten in terms of the number of armed forces, the number of aircraft (5th place, 1602 units) and the number of tanks (2331 units, 10th place). But the navy is small - 157 ships and 19th place, respectively.

And all this with a relatively small budget ($42.1 billion, 10th in the world). But what can you do, South Korea has to build up its muscles in the eternal rivalry with its northern sister, which is also trying to keep up, despite the weakness of its economy.

5. England

British troops

PwrIndx: 0,1435

The British don't have as many aircraft (16th, 663), tanks (57th, 227) and naval vessels (38th, 73) as the other nations in the ranking, let alone the number of military personnel. So why is the UK firmly established in the top ten?

And all thanks to the impressive military budget (7th place in the world, 50.2 billion dollars), which is not inferior to many larger states. And it is also a matter of the advantageous location of the island, which is not so easy to attack.

4. India

Armed Forces of India

PwrIndx: 0,1025

India's high ranking is largely due to its huge population (1.4 billion people) and, as a result, a large number of military personnel (1.4 million people). India is also not far behind in the number of aircraft and tanks (fourth and sixth places on the list, respectively).

But the navy is not as numerous as one would expect from a country washed by the Indian Ocean. In terms of the number of ships, it is inferior to the much less populous Thailand (292 ships against 295 Indian ships). The reason, as they say, is the large consumption of oil and its small production.

Interestingly, the Indian border forces are the only ones in the world that use camels as a means of transportation.

3. China

People's Liberation Army of China

PwrIndx: 0,0722

If the US has placed its bets on the air force and Russia on tank troops, then the Celestial Empire has turned its face to the sea. The Chinese navy has 730 units of combat equipment – first place in the review. In this, it is not far behind its neighbors – Russia (598 units) and, surprisingly, North Korea (519 units and 3rd place).

China also has the second largest military budget, an impressive number of military aircraft (third place after the United States and Russia, 3,284 units), and in terms of the number of military personnel, the PLA easily outstrips all other armies in the world - 2 million people.

And although the ranking of the world's most powerful armies according to Global Firepower does not include special forces and other masters of the cloak and dagger, China made a loud statement when several years ago Chinese soldiers took 3 out of 4 prize places in the international competition held annually by King Abdullah II in Jordan.

2. Russia

Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

PwrIndx: 0,0714

As last year, Russia, together with its rival the United States, is at the top of the militaristic pyramid.

Russia's second place in the ranking of the world's most powerful armies in 2023 is primarily due to its tank equipment (both heavy and light). The total power of tank forces (12,566 units) in our country is almost twice as high as the next country on the list - and no, it's not the United States, but North Korea (6,645 units).

Russia lags slightly behind other countries in the number of sea vessels, and the availability of fuel for them is guaranteed by the fact that Russia is one of the largest oil producers in the world. In terms of the number of military personnel (830 thousand people), the Russian Federation ranks fifth in the world, but this number constantly fluctuates due to short-term conscripts.

1. United States of America

US Army 2023 is the strongest in the world

PwrIndx: 0,0712

For several years in a row, the US Army has held the top spot in terms of combat capability and military power. But America is not content with the role of a heavily armed observer; it actively interferes in the affairs of other countries and is always ready to test new weapons in action.

True, not all other countries are enthusiastic about this situation – in some countries (for example, Iran) the US military is even listed as a terrorist organization. But the American war machine is not going to slow down.

The cost of maintaining the troops (1.3 million people) is not cheap for the US treasury, and the lives of soldiers are valuable. Each of them is insured for up to $500,000. However, America is ready to pay such a price - it is not for nothing that military expenditures far exceed all other countries (761 billion dollars versus $230 billion for China and $82.6 billion for Russia).

American soldiers are recruited into the army on a voluntary basis only, and they decided not to limit themselves to US citizens. Even residents (citizens of other countries who permanently reside in America) can become part of the army. It is important that military service makes it easier to obtain American citizenship. Recruitment is from 18 to 42 years old.

But the American army is not satisfied with manpower alone. If Russia is a tank power, the United States is an air power. The total number of aircraft and helicopters from all branches of the armed forces is more than three times higher than the similar indicator of Russia (13,300 versus 4,182), not to mention other countries with the most powerful armies.