10 Real Cases of Creative Revenge

Revenge is a dish best served cold, so that the offender will feel a chill in the pit of his stomach for a long time at the mere memory of his mistake. If you are interested, you can read ten real cases of creative and unusual revenge.

10. "Couple" tattoo for one

Cheating is a very painful situation, to which many react violently and immediately. However, one Twitter user who faced cheating was able not only to remain calm, but also to develop a simple to the point of genius plan for revenge.

"My boyfriend cheated on me so I convinced him to get matching (permanent) tattoos... he went first and I went home," the girl wrote.

9. Wedding revenge

Imagine a wedding celebration for 300 guests. Everything is decorous and noble, the official part is already over, the bride is beaming with happiness, the newlywed is reserved and calm. In his speech, he thanked everyone present for their help in organizing the event and asked them to open the envelope he had prepared for each of the guests.

It contained a photograph in which the newlywed was photographed together with her husband's friend (and best man at the wedding) in a moment of intimate intimacy.

The man then said "F@ck you" to his wife and best man, and then left his own wedding with the words "I'm getting out of here now." He filed for divorce two days later.

This revenge was not only moral, but also material, since the bride’s parents spent $35,000 on organizing the wedding.

8. The thief's dance

Losing your property forever is a huge shame. However, sometimes, with a little creativity, we can turn the situation around in our favor.

And that's what Massachusetts resident Mark Bao demonstrated when his laptop was stolen. He decided the best way to get his stuff back was to hack it remotely. When he did, he hit the jackpot when he found a video of the thief practicing his dance moves.

Bao posted the video on YouTube with the caption, "Don't steal computers from people who know how to use computers." The video caught the attention of a thief, who returned the laptop to its owner, begging him to take the video down. Mark got his property back, and got his revenge — because the video still hasn't been taken down!

7. Stone claim

And this creative revenge took place in the vast expanses of Russia. An entrepreneur who had entered into a conflict with a bank was required to submit a claim in writing. And it was made clear that the outcome of its consideration would be negative.

The businessman did not lose his head and made a claim from the material his company worked with. And one fine morning, the bank employees could not get into the building - the entrance was blocked by a 12-ton granite slab, on which the claim was properly stamped, including the details and the address for reply.

The police, called to the scene, did not see any elements of a crime in the entrepreneur's actions, only civil-legal relations, and advised the bank to go to court. But the judge did not demand that the defendant remove the stone as a security measure. It turned out that the use of non-paper materials is not a reason to ignore the claim.

As a result, the bank had to hire a team of workers who, using jackhammers, managed to crush the slab to transportable dimensions. And after the entrepreneur promised to draw up another claim - this time three pages long, the conflict with the bank was quickly resolved in his favor.

6. Revenge on all who did not believe in her

Australian skier Jade Hamister has become the first 16-year-old to complete a polar hat-trick. The gruelling 37-day journey included crossing the North and South Poles and the Greenland Ice Sheet. For her achievements, Jade was named Young Adventurer of the Year by the Australian Geographical Society.

But the girl became famous not only for this, but also for her witty response to offenders who made offensive, sexist jokes about her, such as: “Your place is in the kitchen” and “Make me a sandwich, baby.”

In response, the athlete posted a photo on Instagram and captioned it as follows: “We spent the morning cleaning the sleds in preparation for the flight to Soyuzny Glacier tomorrow morning (weather dependent). Then we walked to the Ceremonial South Pole (which everyone probably knows as the only South Pole - there's a marker and flags there) and the actual geographic South Pole (which moves about 10 meters a year and is marked separately).

Tonight (it never gets dark here this time of year) I walked to the pole again… to take this photo for everyone who wrote “Make me a sandwich” in the comments of my TEDx Talk. I made you a sandwich (ham and cheese), now ski 400 miles in 37 days to the South Pole and you can eat it..».

5. Revenge for stolen food

Some say revenge is sweet. But for the characters in this story, it was quite bitter.

According to a story posted on Reddit, a man from Leeds, England, got tired of his coworkers eating his doughnuts. One day, he brought a new bag of doughnuts to work and used a syringe to inject a dollop of English mustard into each one. He then resealed the bag.

It's safe to say that none of his coworkers dared to eat doughnuts at work again after getting a mouthful of mustard.

4. Revenge for towing a car to an impound lot

In 2009, a college student named Jordan Renken gave the word "petty" a new meaning when he was $88 short of paying to release his impounded car and had to walk more than 15 miles home.

Jordan then showed up at the towing company with a hefty sum of money - 8,800 pennies! The cashier initially refused to accept the payment, but Renken had done his research and knew the company was obligated to accept his coins as legal tender.

After almost an hour of discussing the situation, the young man managed to get his car back. However, his revenge cannot be called fair, since he only caused trouble to the cashier.

3. Revenge with shrimp

Divorce after 35 years of marriage is quite stressful. It's even worse when your husband kicks you out of the house, intending to bring a new lover to the cozy nest.

Realizing that the family boat had been irretrievably wrecked on the rocks of betrayal, the ex-wife arranged a lonely dinner with shrimps for herself, and then hid their shells throughout the house.

The aftermath: The ex-husband never found the source of the foul smell and was forced to leave the home. He was so desperate to get rid of it that he gave the house away to his ex for free during the divorce process.

2. Revenge for telemarketing

According to a study by Deloitte, “Media Consumption in Russia – 2020,” telephone advertising calls irritate Russians the most. And although Roger Anderson is not Russian, telemarketing has also gotten on his nerves.

So he created a bot that communicates with telemarketers in the funniest and most annoying ways possible. For example, the AI will say there's a bee on its hand, or complain about the other person speaking too fast. The caller ends up wasting their time, but Anderson doesn't waste his - isn't that great revenge?

1. Revenge for illegal parking

Some drivers believe that the rules are not for them. And it's good when there are those who put boors in their place, sometimes in a very original way. Like, for example, supermarket employees who took revenge on a driver who parked in the wrong place. They simply surrounded the car with rows of shopping carts.

This revenge is surprising for three reasons.

  1. Firstly, when a person comes out and sees his car, he will feel awkward, because this “installation” has probably been noticed by a lot of people.
  2. Secondly, moving heavy shopping carts will take a long time.
  3. Finally, this person will think twice next time about where to park.