5 Vegetables and Herbs You Can Grow on Your Windowsill in Winter

Winter is not only the time of New Year's holidays, but also the time when the body needs vitamins. And it is useful to dilute the many preservatives of the winter period with natural products grown at home! Greens are the best option for this and can be bought in any supermarket or market, but there is no guarantee of the usefulness of such a product. Even in winter, greens can be grown at home on the windowsill. And the green color will please, and a healthy addition to the dishes of the New Year's table.

#1: Green onions add flavor to New Year's salads

Greens should be in everyone's diet all year round. The simplest ingredient that can be grown for the New Year's table in winter is onions! In addition to gastronomic benefits, green onions help to boost immunity and strengthen the walls of blood vessels. Literally a pinch of this green miracle will add a unique taste and aroma to soups, salads and side dishes. And you don't need to put in a lot of money and effort to grow them. A couple of weeks before the New Year, place an onion in a glass container with a small amount of water and put it on the windowsill. In any hardware store, you can even find a special form with holes for the onions to grow green onions on the windowsill in winter.

#2: Ginger - the "zest" for baking or mulled wine

Ginger has long been a fixture on the shelves of vegetable shops and has become a favorite among many gourmets. It has become common to use it to prevent colds, adding it to tea with lemon and honey. To grow ginger at home, you don’t necessarily need to have a whole greenhouse. It’s enough to choose a fresh, smooth root the next time you buy ginger and soak a piece in water until buds appear. After that, you need to transplant the material into a pot with soil, buds up. It’s best to put the plant in a bright, warm place and water it generously.

#3: Garlic is an essential ingredient for meat

Garlic is the best product for improving immunity in winter and as a seasoning for New Year's dishes. This aromatic product also helps to reduce cholesterol levels in the blood, which is important for a rich New Year's diet. It is very easy to sprout green young fresh garlic in winter. Several cloves of garlic need to be placed in the ground and watered generously. In a warm, bright place, it will quickly give green sprouts and after a while, young garlic will delight you and your family.

No. 4: Salad - for decorating New Year's dishes

Lettuce is another plant that can be grown on the windowsill to get winter vitamins and decorate the New Year's table. It does not require special care, it sprouts quickly, and you can get a good harvest. You can take the same soil that is used for indoor plants. On the windowsill, where it is light and warm, the lettuce will quickly give its first shoots and will soon delight you with abundant greenery. If you do not have extra pots or boxes, you can even use a regular bag of soil.

#5: Spicy herbs are a great addition to any New Year's dish and a storehouse of vitamins

There is no such thing as too much greenery! Gloomy winter days can be filled with a bright and healthy abundance of herbs. Parsley, dill, basil, thyme, rosemary, mint, caraway, lemon balm and much more can be grown in pots and a pleasant aroma will fill your kitchen for the whole winter. And herbs will be a great addition to culinary delights not only for the New Year's table, but also for the most daring experiments, or a variety for everyday dishes. To make the seeds sprout faster, it is better to soak them beforehand. Water regularly, but check the humidity level.

Herbs can sometimes be a bit undisciplined. Don't worry if they take a long time to germinate. Sometimes they need some extra light because the daylight hours are short in winter and there is very little light.