Vacation for New Year holidays 2025: How to count days? Transfer and vacation pay

Rest, recuperation, communication with loved ones and travel are necessary for every person. All these tasks can and should be accomplished during vacation. However, productive rest should also be planned. This will allow you to restore your resources as much as possible and spend your time effectively.

And planning begins with calculating the exact number of days. Often there is a situation when vacation time covers the New Year holidays. In this regard, many questions arise. In particular, how to count vacation days in January 2024. There are many nuances.

Let's look at the procedure for calculating vacation pay, the specifics of transferring it, and answer the question of whether it is beneficial to take vacation in January 2024.

Days off during New Year holidays in 2025

Annual New Year's holidays have become a good tradition in Russia. With the opportunity to have a long rest, Russians can plan meetings with friends and family, go on trips, or just have fun after a hard day at work.

It is known that holidays are planned from 31.12. 2023 to 08.01.2024 inclusive. Thus, there will be 9 non-working days. Taking this into account, you can think about the New Year holidays in advance.

Vacation during New Year holidays

When writing an application, it is important to understand that vacation cannot begin on weekends or holidays, and confirmation orders are signed only during working hours. Thus, vacation begins before the holidays.

It is important to understand that According to the law, holidays during vacation are not counted in the vacation period and are not paid. Weekends that fall on holidays can be transferred, and holidays only if the application is written correctly. We will talk about this in more detail below.

If this happens, a convenient schedule is created that allows you to plan long trips and other important matters. In this case, weekends are counted and paid as regular working days.

It is not possible to transfer vacation days that coincide with holidays and add them to another annual vacation.

All these nuances are important to understand and take into account when planning industrial leave.

Should you take a vacation for the New Year?

Let's answer the question using a specific example. An employee plans to take a vacation from 12/30/2023 to 01/10/2024 inclusive.

It is taken into account that:

  • the period from January 1 to January 8 is New Year holidays;
  • January 7 – Christmas.

Thus, the vacation will actually be 4 days. This schedule is advantageous if more days off are required. However, from a material point of view, it is not at all advantageous. And here it is necessary to determine what is more important: rest or money.

It is known that employees working on a salary work a different number of days each month. This depends on the number of holidays and days off.

Thus, in order to pay the salary in full per month, each working day has a different cost. If there are more working days in a month, the cost of one day is less and vice versa.

It is important to understand that in a month when part of the vacation falls on the New Year holidays, the payment consists of the salary for the time worked and vacation pay, which is calculated based on the average salary. This is important to take into account when calculating vacation for the New Year holidays 2024.

Vacation pay is calculated using the formula: daily earnings x number of vacation days.

When calculating the average daily earnings the formula is applied: payments of the billing period x 12 / 12 months / 29.3.

It is known that the most "expensive" month of the year is January, and the "cheapest" is August. In "expensive" months, it is more profitable to work than to rest. The cost of a working day is higher than the average daily earnings, which is used to calculate vacation pay. Conclusion: to earn the same amount of money, an employee has to work less in a more "expensive" month, compared to "cheaper" months.

If your vacation falls on New Year's holidays, in order to reduce losses, you need to fill out your application in such a way as to include the weekends.

Postponement of New Year's holidays

In Russia, there is a list of official holidays. At the same time, each individual region of the country may have its own celebrations that are fully equated to holidays.

These include religious holidays. It is logical that employees want to extend their vacation time and take vacation before or immediately after the holiday.

The transfer of vacation due to holidays is regulated by lawAccording to it, non-working holidays are not included in the number of calendar days of vacation, therefore it is extended.

In this case, the number of transferred and holiday days must match. However, the calculation of the number of vacation days and their transfer will depend on how the employee wrote the application.

There may be two options:

  1. The application specifies the exact number of vacation days. The calculation is made for a specified number of days, but if there are holidays, the vacation is shifted by a specified number of holidays. For example: an employee writes an application for vacation from 12/29/2022 for 15 calendar days.
  2. The application specifies only the start and end dates of the vacation, without specifying their exact number. For example, an employee writes an application for vacation from 12/29/2023 to 01/12/2024. In this case, holidays are not transferred.

This nuance should be taken into account when planning a vacation for the January holidays of 2024. The employer can prompt this point, but the employee must know it and defend his interests. Not knowing the features of the correct application will lead to a loss of money when paying vacation pay.

If an employee works on a shift schedule, then the transfer is determined taking into account two factors:

  • going to work occurs on weekends and holidays, regardless of their status;
  • If holidays are officially recognized at the enterprise as days off and are not considered vacation days, then the return to work occurs on the appointed day, and the number of days off is adjusted downwards.

If the vacation period includes a postponed day of rest due to a coincidence of holidays or weekends, then there will be no extension.

How to arrange a vacation transfer?

In practice, there are often cases when vacation is postponed at the request of the employee or employer. If the initiative comes from the employee, The following sequence of actions must be observed:

  • written statement about vacation transfer;
  • director's order;
  • making changes to the employee's vacation schedule and personal card.

Often the employer is the coordinating party, but the law clearly states situations when he does not have the right to refuse the employee.

This category includes:

  • guardians;
  • pregnant women;
  • disabled people;
  • spouses of military personnel;
  • heroes of labor;
  • police officers;
  • guardians of a disabled child.

However, in case of any disagreement, the parties must agree and set deadlines that suit both parties.

Calculation of vacation pay in 2025

It is worth noting right away that the features of calculating vacation pay apply when registering main and additional vacations. The average salary is taken as a basis. If an employee takes vacation from January 1, 2024, then income for the entire 2023 is taken into account.

So, how do they calculate vacation in January 2025?. The average daily earnings and the number of vacation days are taken into account. In this case, the average daily earnings = payments for the billing period x 12 / 12 months / 29.3.

Let's look at an example. Let's say the salary is 20,000 rubles per month, and the employee received his salary in full for the year and there were no excluded periods. Everyone knows which months are considered winter for vacation.

In January, the cost of one working day is 1,176 rubles (20,000 / 17). Thus, the average daily earnings according to the formula are: 20,000 x 12 / 12 / 29.3 = 682.59. We multiply this number by the number of vacation days and find out how much vacation pay the employee will receive.