Artificial Intelligence Trends in 2025

Artificial intelligence (AI) is still in its infancy, but is already being used in a number of areas: from medicine and agriculture to traffic control, smart home systems and automatic translation.

Here we look at some of the major areas of artificial intelligence that experts at Forbes, Computerworld, Interesting Engineering and other industry publications believe will be the most important AI trends in 2025.

10. Ethical considerations will become more important in AI development


As AI becomes smarter (but not yet smart enough to proclaim "Hail to the robots!" and conquer humanity), developers have to pay increased attention to the ethical aspects of their work.

Ethical frameworks for the development and use of AI aim to define how humans should develop and use their creations, as well as how AI should definitely not be used.

Many scientists and even writers devote their work to the problem of interaction between humans and AI, called “roboethics” for short. The simplest example is the “Three Laws of Robotics” by science fiction writer Isaac Asimov. Some experts argue that 2025 is a good time to turn Asimov’s concepts into law, before truly advanced AIs emerge.

9. Chatbots will "take over" online business


Chatbots – programs for conducting a dialogue with a client using text or voice commands – have long been established on the websites of many Russian and foreign online stores.

And in 2025, according to Forbes experts, a chatbot is a must for almost every e-commerce and SaaS platform. It is available 24 hours a day, unlike human operators, and is great at retaining customers by answering typical questions.

8. AI will be actively used in computer graphics


One of the trends we will see in 2020 is the increased use of artificial intelligence in computer graphics. This will help create more photorealistic effects, such as making vehicles and characters in movies and games look as realistic as possible.

Recreating a realistic copy of metal, the dull shine of wood or leather on the screen is usually a very labor-intensive process. It requires not only experience from a human artist, but also patience. But AI can do this hard work faster and “without nerves.” NVIDIA, for example, has been working on this for several years. The company’s engineers use artificial intelligence to create cheaper and faster methods for rendering hyper-realistic graphics in computer games.

7. AI will be applied in the field of cybersecurity


According to a recent Computerworld 2025 Technology Trends survey, 43.9% people are most excited about the adoption of AI technologies to protect networks, applications, and data from digital attacks. This is not surprising given the rise in crime in this area.

Organizations need help identifying threats and preventing data breaches, and unbiased artificial intelligence can fill the gap in cybersecurity talent.

6. Deepfake Will Get Even Better…Worse

The technology that can swap faces in videos makes for some very funny videos. But it also opens the door to disturbing consequences that could potentially damage or destroy a person's reputation in the real world.

Deepfakes are already becoming very difficult to distinguish from real video, and will we be able to say with certainty in the future what is fake and what is not? This is very important, as deepfakes can easily be used to spread political disinformation, corporate sabotage, or even intimidation.

Google and Facebook have tried to prevent possible negative aspects by releasing thousands of deepfake videos to teach AI to recognize them. Unfortunately, many times even the AI has been stumped.

5. AI will become one of the main tools of marketers


Understanding customer behavior is one of the cornerstones of a successful business, and AI algorithms help business owners and marketers collect this data quickly and efficiently.

As a result, users receive personalized offers based on their preferences in a particular online store.

Forbes experts predict that by 2025, AI-powered marketing personalization will spread across all online e-commerce platforms.

4. Facial recognition will appear in more places


Facial recognition is one of the most important trends in artificial intelligence in 2025. The technology is used by private organizations, airport security services, and even in everyday life, for example, to unlock your smartphone.

In 2025, artificial intelligence will be used even more often to recognize and track the location and movement of different people. Some programs can even help to detect specific people by analyzing their gait and heartbeat.

3. Predictive text will become even more accessible


"Smart" electronic text will gradually migrate from mobile devices to computers. It is already being tested on services such as Gmail.

When used correctly, this can help users write messages much faster, and can be especially useful for people with disabilities who have difficulty typing.

How this will develop in 2025 is anyone's guess, but it looks like predictive text input could very quickly become a familiar and useful part of our lives.

2. Digital health is already here


In developed countries, digital health is not sweet promises from the government, but a lifestyle. This year, about 150 exhibits were presented at the CES exhibition, which included technologies for normalizing sleep, technologies for monitoring the health of a child, mother, etc.

With the advancement of AI capabilities and 5G networks, 2025 will see the transition from “telemedicine-based symptoms to evidence-based data,” with doctors having widespread access to real-time video and similar data to facilitate patient monitoring.

1. AI will help in optimizing production

Remember the fully automated droid factory in one of the Star Wars episodes? Well, that's still a long way off, but autonomous production lines run by AI will be with us in the not-too-distant future.

This promises to cut costs, improve product quality, and reduce energy consumption for those organizations that invest in the technology. The side effect of all these benefits is the loss of jobs for many people.