The most dangerous professions in Russia 2024-2025

Every year, more than a thousand residents of the Russian Federation die at work. Rosstat processed the data and found an interesting pattern.

Surprisingly, but true: professions that most people consider inextricably linked to the risk of life, such as police officers and doctors, were not included in the list. As it turns out, everyday work that can be considered easy is in fact very dangerous. Moreover, it often happens that such occupations are also low-paid.

Rating of the most dangerous professions in Russia

What professions should ordinary Russians avoid? Read the ranking of the most dangerous professions in Russia according to Rosstat and the analytical company Adzuna.

10. Agricultural workers

Agricultural workers

Mortality rate (per 100 thousand people): 10,7

The high level of risk to life is weakly correlated with wages: almost all positions in the review are not very well paid. But agricultural workers suffer the most – the average salary in this field of activity rarely exceeds 35 thousand rubles.

Agriculture is a mechanized industry with a lot of heavy machinery. Often, one wrong move and the worker is already disabled, if not worse. I will add that more than half of the tractors in Russia are not equipped with rollover protection.

Also harmful to human health are the pesticides that are applied liberally to crops every year, as well as large animals and high temperatures, since agricultural workers are forced to work even on the hottest days. And this is not only in Russia - the recent abnormal heat in South Korea caused increased mortality among field workers, especially the elderly.

9. Miners


Mortality rate: 11,8

Miners spend most of their time underground, where the air contains suspended particles from rock, gases, exhaust from equipment engines, chemicals. Add to this noise, vibration, high air temperature, pressure surges, and background radiation.

These factors may vary depending on the depth of the mine, the composition of the ore, the development methods, but they are always present to one degree or another. And, of course, there is the constant threat of rock collapse and gas emissions - we have all read in the news more than once about another tragedy that ended in deaths. With all this, miners do not earn much - the average salary in the region is about 60 thousand rubles.

8. Woodworking workers

Woodworking workers

Mortality rate: 13,9

Woodworking machines are high-risk equipment. High-voltage current, moving parts that can easily catch clothing, sharp tools that can easily cut both wood and human flesh - all this turns a woodworking shop into a dangerous area. Let's add fires to this - when wood is processed or moved using conveyors, fine wood dust rises into the air, which easily ignites.

At the same time, the salary of operators on automatic and semi-automatic lines in wood processing is one of the lowest in the rating, along with agricultural workers: about 40,000 rubles.

7. Foundrymen


Mortality rate: 14,1

There are several harmful factors in the foundry industry:

  • High dust levels lead to upper respiratory tract diseases.
  • Constant overheating leads to excessive stress on the cardiovascular system.
  • The use of magnesium in melting causes bright flashes that can cause blindness.
  • Constant noise has a harmful effect not only on the ears, but also on the psyche.
  • There is also hot metal that can spill, and the constant danger of getting a thermal burn, from which even special clothing will not protect.

All this makes foundry production one of the most difficult.

Unfortunately, the salaries of foundry workers are not very high - although they are twice as high as the salaries of loggers and agricultural workers, they still do not reach the level of a truck driver.

6. Sailors


Mortality rate: 16

There are many dangers at sea - a ship can run aground, a fire can break out, ships can collide with each other, weather conditions can be hot, and working with equipment, especially in the engine room, is fraught with injury.

But at the same time, seafarers are the first exception in the list of the most difficult (and poorly paid) professions. Sailors, especially officers on long-distance vessels, are paid well, especially compared to other professions. Their salaries are measured not in tens, but in hundreds of thousands.

The average salary of a sailor is from 320 thousand rubles, and the competition for good personnel is tough. According to Adzuna analysts, the highest salaries are typical for those areas where highly qualified personnel are required, and their supply to the labor market is not very large. Therefore, even ordinary sailors receive a decent salary. In addition, the salary of sailors is regulated at the international level and controlled by the international trade union ITF.

5. Builders


Mortality rate: 16,5

Construction workers lead the way in the sad number of workplace accidents, with the number of fatalities at work being twice as high as those of miners (116) and farm workers (109), reaching 190.

And it is not surprising - the construction business combines being outdoors in any weather, working at heights, on moving structures, handling heavy equipment and electricity. Falls from great heights, injuries from objects falling from above are common, and the stone or wood dust constantly hanging on the construction site has a negative effect on the respiratory system.

4. Lumberjacks


Mortality rate: 17,2

This category includes people engaged in felling trees, cutting branches, and drivers of logging vehicles. The equipment is heavy and slow, and the driver is often simply unable to react to the danger that has arisen for another person.

Chain saws also contribute to the problem – according to statistics, around 30,000 accidents involving them occur once a year. A saw blade can cut wood and the human body equally effectively, and a broken chain can fly off and cause injury.

Add to this the falling of trees and heavy branches in the wrong direction and you will understand why lumberjacks are one of the most dangerous professions, not only in Russia, but in the world.

3. Truck drivers

Truck drivers

Mortality rate: 20,5

Truck drivers are generally satisfied with their professional life – they believe that it gives them a sense of freedom and independence. The only things they don’t like are traffic jams, frequent departures from family, long waiting times when loading and unloading, and possible downtime.

Although, according to statistics, truck drivers generally drive more carefully than car owners (37% cases of truck drivers’ fault, 68% cars’ fault), the roads are a highly traumatic, dangerous environment. Something we tend to forget when we head off to work in the morning.

2. Fishermen of a fishing boat


Mortality rate: 21,7

Although modern trawlers are equipped with the latest equipment, even the best electronics are sometimes powerless against the elements. For example, when the sea is 5-6 points, the waves are already 4 meters high; such a wave can easily wash a person into the sea. And if the storm is even stronger, there is a threat to the life of not only one person, but also the entire vessel. Even "simply" falling into the sea in our northern latitudes is fraught with instant cardiac arrest - the water is icy. And if a person dives into such water with his head, in a few minutes he will no longer be saved.

Let's add here large sea animals that can get entangled in nets and thrash about wildly, as well as the professional disease of fishermen - arthritis, which manifests itself due to minor injuries, work with heavy equipment, rigging, tackle and constant hypothermia.

1. Pilots


Mortality rate: 26,5

And the second exception to the rule "dangerous and low-paid professions of 2023" is pilots. There are not many qualified, experienced pilots, and they are paid well. Although the current situation has hit pilots' salaries, it still amounts to hundreds of thousands of rubles - from 150 thousand rubles to over 300 thousand rubles.

In flight, pilots are responsible not only for their own lives, but also for the lives of passengers. And there can be many dangers - a fire in the cabin, turbulence, decompression, equipment failure, human error in the form of terrorists or hijackers, dispatcher errors... It is probably better to complete the list - after all, we all have to fly on airplanes from time to time.

The only slight consolation is the statistics from the International Civil Aviation Organization: there is only one accident per million flights.

How much does pay correlate with the danger of work?

Unfortunately, employers rarely pay extra for dangerous work. The labor market - like any other market - is mainly regulated by supply and demand. The highest salaries are in those industries where there is fierce competition for personnel, and employers are forced to offer ever higher salaries and favorable working conditions.

A classic example is airlines experiencing an acute shortage of pilots, especially experienced ones, which is due to both the fact that Russian pilots are successfully lured away by foreign airlines and the significant growth of air travel in Russia. Incidentally, it was the pilot profession that turned out to be the most dangerous based on the results of last year. But most professions with high workplace injuries and fatalities – builders, miners, loggers, etc. – receive salaries that are little different from the national average.

What jobs are the most "thankless" from this point of view?

The most thankless jobs were agricultural jobs, especially in livestock farming. According to Rosstat, agriculture remains one of the lowest paid industries, which is also confirmed by Also thankless are the logging, woodworking, fishing and hunting industries.

How much do wages for hazardous jobs differ in Russia and abroad?

If we compare wages for dangerous professions in Russia and Great Britain, in most cases the difference will be significant. Thus, the average salary in agriculture in Russia is about 32.5 thousand rubles per month, and in Great Britain it is slightly more than 2100 pounds (approximately 170 thousand Russian rubles).

The average salary of builders in Russia is about 42 thousand rubles per month, and in the UK – about 250 thousand rubles (3130 pounds). But pilots in Britain earn only 35% more than their Russian colleagues – 578 thousand rubles (about 7200 pounds) versus 420 thousand rubles per month.