10 Most Expensive Types of Tea

Tea has long been a morning tradition for almost everyone. Some people don't drink coffee at all, while others love both coffee and tea. But one way or another, the process of drinking tea has become something special for us. Thanks to it, we can take a break from work and relax a little, either enjoying a drink or chatting with someone.

Very often we all buy regular tea at the nearest store, but some gourmets chase after exclusive varieties. And we didn’t even suspect the existence of some of them. So, the top ten most expensive tea varieties!

1. Tiens Flower Tea. Price: $170 per 1 kg.

It is obtained from a type of ginseng that grows in southwest China. This tea is considered the healthiest in the world. It is medicinal, as it promotes healthy sleep, relieves dizziness and heals skin rashes. This drink has a characteristic mint aroma with the taste of ginseng. The high cost of this tea is explained not only by its medicinal properties, but also by the fact that its monopoly belongs to the province of Yunnan.

2. Silver tea. Price: $400 per 1 kg.

Silver Tips Imperial is grown in the oldest estate in the Indian region of Darjeeling. These are considered to be the very first tea plantations and in addition to this tea, a wide variety of teas are produced there. But this tea is the most expensive, as it is collected on a full moon and intertwined with silver ribbons. The patent for it was filed by the Makaibari Tea Estate company.

3. Tea "Precious Dew". Price: 650 dollars per 1 kg.

The original name sounds like Gyokuro. The peculiarity of this tea is that it is collected after two weeks of hiding from the sun to increase the level of amino acids in the leaves. Thanks to this, the tea pleases gourmets with its characteristic expensive taste.

4. Tea Poo Poo Pu-Erh. Price 1 thousand dollars per 1 kg.

This tea, like cognac, does not age over the years, but becomes stronger. It tastes no different from regular tea, but its origin is quite unusual. Outwardly, it looks like leaves, but in fact, it is a product of the vital activity of special bugs that feed only on tea leaves their entire lives. It is produced in the Yunnan region. The invention of Chinese doctors has become a real delicacy among gourmets.

5. Golden tea. Price 3 thousand dollars per 1 kg


This drink can only be bought in Singapore. Only one day a year is devoted to its collection. The tops of the tea, cut with golden scissors, are dried in the sun, sealed in containers, after which they turn yellow and begin to emit a floral aroma. The specialty of the final stage of preparation is 24-karat gold, which is then used to process this raw material. The result is an expensive golden tea.

6. Tie Guanyin tea. Price: 3 thousand dollars. per 1 kg

A blend of black and green tea, characterized by a chestnut flavor. This type of tea is named after the goddess of mercy. The hard, crispy leaves can be brewed up to seven times without losing their flavor, thanks to a special technology for creating this type of tea, which consists of 10 stages.

7. Tea "Narcissus from Wuyi Mountains". Price: 6.5 thousand dollars per 1 kg.

The raw material for this tea grows on Mount Wuyi. After harvesting, it is roasted, which makes it more fermented. According to legend, a farmer found a tea bush near the cave of the immortals. When the found leaves were brewed, it turned out that the drink had a very pleasant taste. It was called Water Immortal, but the hieroglyph is sometimes translated as Narcissus from Mount Wuyi. Tea is still considered one of the most exquisite varieties.

8. Panda Dung Tea. Price: $70,000 per 1 kg

The literal translation of course does not mean the composition of this tea. But pandas take part in its production. As is known, pandas eat exclusively bamboo, but it is not completely digested. This is what is used to fertilize the tea bushes. The result is tea worth seventy thousand dollars per kilogram.

9. Tea bag with diamonds. Price: 15 thousand dollars for 1 bag.

If you pack vampire tea in beautiful bags decorated with diamonds, you can celebrate a 75th anniversary! In 2005, a series of such bags was released. Each package featured 280 diamonds, and inside was tea that was collected during the full moon and stirred with silver stripes. The PG Tips company sent the proceeds to charity.

10. Da Hong Pao Tea. Price: 1.2 million dollars per 1 kg.

Literally translated it means a big red robe. This is the only tea from the line that is expensive and impossible to buy. It is simply not available for sale. And it is only given as a gift to honored guests. The healing properties of this drink, according to legend, cured the emperor's mother, most likely for this reason it is one of the family secrets of the Ming dynasty.