10 Funny and Unusual Crimes in Modern Society

In modern society, crimes come in a variety of forms and manifestations – from classic thefts and frauds to more extravagant and unexpected manifestations of crime. Some of them make us think about the oddities of human nature, while others simply cause genuine laughter. In this article, we will consider 10 funny and unusual crimes that go beyond the standard scenarios of criminal acts, sometimes leaving a mark in history and causing surprise and smiles in those who encounter them.

10. Bees vs. Police


Springfield, Massachusetts resident Rory Woods is a member of the Massachusetts Alliance Against Predatory Lending. When a Springfield resident was about to be evicted from his home (he couldn't pay his mortgage), Woods arrived dressed as a beekeeper and drove a van full of beehives. She then opened one of the hives and released a swarm of bees in the direction of the sheriff's department.

As Woods was being escorted to the car, one of the sheriff's deputies told her that he and several other officers were allergic to bees. "Oh, really? Good!" the activist responded calmly.

9. All for a job at Disney. Or not?

Florida resident David Proudfoot set out to prove himself worthy of working for Disney, but ended up committing a crime. In May, he dressed up as a Walt Disney World security officer and stole a replica of R2-D2 and an arcade machine.

Proudfoot later told law enforcement that he wanted to expose holes in Disney's security to make an impression. Well, he made an impression, but not the one he was hoping for.

Disney World security stopped Proudfoot because his actions looked suspicious. But even when police arrived to investigate, Proudfoot continued his charade, saying his name was David E. Rogers and that his job was to move objects, such as a replica of the famous Star Wars droid.

The whole job application thing could have been a cover story. In 2022, Proudfoot was already linked to thefts at Disney's Fort Wilderness Resort and admitted to breaking into three slot machines.

8. Illegal drugs at a wedding

One Florida woman's wedding will be remembered by her guests for a long time. The bride agreed with catering company owner Joycelyn Montrinis Bryant that all dishes served would be infused with cannabis.

Not surprisingly, the people invited to the wedding had negative reactions to the food. One guest vomited. Another complained of heart problems. One of the groom's relatives began hallucinating. The wedding turned into such chaos that local police and paramedics eventually had to be called.

Ironically, both the bride and Joycelyn Bryant treated the ordeal as a harmless joke. But it is definitely a crime, since in Florida cannabis can only be used for medical purposes.

7. Tyson Foods CFO Fell Asleep in the Wrong House

One of the strangest crimes was committed by John R. Tyson, the chief financial officer of Tyson Foods. Early in the morning of November 6, he, while drunk, wandered into someone else's house, took off his clothes and fell asleep in someone else's bed. Sounds like an American "Irony of Fate, huh?"

But the resident of the house did not behave like the heroine of the film. She called the police, but even the law enforcement officers had difficulty waking up the uninvited guest.

A few days later, Tyson apologized to investors, saying he was embarrassed and promising not to do anything like that again. However, John had only been in his post for a couple of months, so investors should have serious concerns that he was not the right person to be CFO.

6. Death by bottled water

Now this crime is both funny and tragic. The funny part starts like this: a 46-year-old Italian robber decided to steal a pack of bottled water. Pallets of it were just being unloaded in the backyard of a nearby supermarket.

On a dark night, a criminal entered the store. And then the tragic part begins. For some reason, the man decided to take the bottom package, and then the top packages, having lost their support, fell right on him.

5. Wrong meat!

Beyond Meat is a plant-based meat company known for its vegan and vegetarian stance, which certainly rules out cannibalism. The company's COO Doug Ramsey certainly doesn't share the company's values, as he bit off the tip of a man's nose on September 17.

The incident occurred after a football game at the University of Arkansas stadium. Ramsey became enraged when his car collided with another car. When the other driver got out, Ramsey punched him, bit off the tip of his nose and threatened to kill him. The carnivorous hooligan was arrested but later released on $11,000 bail, CNN reports.

From there, things went downhill for Doug. He was suspended from his position at Beyond Meat after the incident. And in October, he officially left the company after less than a year.

4. Teddy bear as a shelter


18-year-old Englishman Joshua Dobson, wanted for car theft, has found an original way to hide from the police.

During a search of the house where Dobson was hiding, police noticed a huge teddy bear. The bear's chest rose and fell as if it were breathing. It turned out that Joshua was inside the toy.

Teenage car thief jailed for 9 months and ridiculed. 'I hope he has a good time inside,' police said.

3. One day a raccoon walks into a bar...

A decision to visit a bar with a raccoon cost a North Dakota woman dearly. Erin Christensen, 38, who failed to report to local authorities that she had picked up and was keeping a wild raccoon, was sentenced to six months of probation, a year of probation, and ordered to pay $1,100 in fines and fees.

The thing is, keeping wild raccoons, as well as bats and skunks, is illegal in the state due to the risk of rabies.

The story ended sadly - the raccoon was sent to be put to sleep. By the way, veterinarians found out that he was not sick with rabies.

2. Grand theft


It's not easy to steal a 10-ton object, but it's worth a try. That's probably what three Egyptians thought when they tried to steal a 10-ton valuable artifact: a statue of Pharaoh Ramses II. Armed with mini-excavators, a crane, and big plans, they snuck into a quarry in Aswan and got to work.

However, the local police stopped the activities of the "black diggers". Materials from other illegal excavations were found in the criminals' mobile phones, so they are likely to face a considerable sentence.

I don’t know about you, dear readers, but I’m very interested in where and how the thieves planned to move the statue, because it’s not the kind of thing that can be easily transported in the trunk of a car.

1. The thief who dreamed of a dog


The first line in the selection of the most unusual crimes is occupied by an incident in the Russian capital. Having climbed into someone else's apartment, the thief took things from there worth 130,000 rubles, and... a German Spitz.

The dog's owners assumed that the attacker stole the dog in order to sell it later, but he kept the animal for himself.

«I want him to be convicted for what he did, to be punished as provided by law. I felt most sorry for the dog. We immediately contacted the police, they tracked him down almost immediately on cameras, but it took a long time to get to him, the dog was returned to us only four days later. We were worried for all four days, and hung up ads, and gave it on the Internet. And we looked for it on Avito, thinking that he was going to sell it. But he said that he wanted a dog like this all his life, and took it home. The cameras showed that he stroked it, did not treat it like a thing, but held it carefully, stroked it" said the Spitz owner.