10 Illegal Exotic Animals

List of the 10 most common illegal exotic animals that people continue to buy. But they take them for illegal trade and deprive them of their freedom. In their habitat, these animals can find food and natural conditions for reproduction and survival. By depriving them of all this, people expose them to danger, vulnerability to various diseases that would previously be unacceptable to them.

All animals are part of the ecological balance of the place where they live and their removal can lead to their irreversible extinction, which will cause serious damage to natural ecosystems.

More and more often, people, without a twinge of conscience, cause harm to wildlife, without realizing the consequences of their actions.

Society is defined not only by what it creates, but also by what it destroys.

1. Minipig

Mini pigs became fashionable thanks to George Clooney, who was one of the first celebrities to have one. This increased the sales of mini pigs all over the world, and people wanted to adopt them into their homes. Since then, they have become less exotic and have gradually become commonplace.

The sale of mini pigs has led to a number of commercial scams and frauds because people were unaware that when they bought a mini pig, it might not be quite “mini”. It became common for the owner of a 6 kg piglet to abandon it when it reached 50 or 100 kg.

In addition, minipigs with their radically altered genetics have certain health problems. After all, in order to maintain their small stature, they were subjected to a special diet, and you can’t feed them just any old way.

2. Iguana

All types of iguanas have been one of the most common exotic pets in recent years, but the green iguana is the most popular as a pet. They are priceless and completely docile animals. In addition, they do not cause any problems for owners, as they are very independent.

However, most iguanas that are bought as babies under one year old are susceptible to many diseases, both infectious and traumatic. Iguanas are also carriers of diseases that can be transmitted to humans, such as bacterial and viral diseases, parasites, fungi and mites. And even some very serious diseases, such as salmonellosis, which can lead to death.

In addition, reptiles are bought not only as pets, but also as food, for witchcraft, decorations, and for making clothes and accessories from their skins.

3. Lemur


These animals have become very popular. Most of them live in Madagascar, where the population of these cute animals is rapidly declining, as their total export began in 1964. Deforestation, natural habitat, and hunting for lemurs led to a decrease in their numbers.

When they come into our homes, few people think about the difficulty of taming these wild cats, as well as the fact that they need special nutrition and special treatment. He is very timid to loud sharp sounds that can cause him irreparable harm. Thus, he is easily afraid of loud noises that can hurt them.

4. Squirrel monkey

The Squirrel Monkey is also known as the Titi Monkey. They are one of the most common exotic animals among those who keep unusual pets.

In most cases, they are victims of illegal trade. Most of the 42 species are on the verge of extinction. In some countries, owning these animals is punishable by law, and only some species are bred in special places that can guarantee its legality and safety, unlike wild ones. In addition, they are animals that require special attention when not in their natural habitat.

5. Sugar Glider

These little marsupials have become trendy on the internet. They look like hamsters, although with marsupials we have to be very careful and keep a close eye on him.

Sugar gliders are very cute animals, but they cannot live without company, otherwise they can suffer from depression or, on the contrary, can show aggression towards the owner. It should also be remembered that they are nocturnal, and usually sleep during the day.

People like possums because of their gentle nature, their miniature size, and they live longer than hamsters. But these cute animals need special nutrition: 70% of its diet should consist of fruits, the rest - proteins, more calcium and less phosphorus. Insect larvae should be given in doses. To imitate the natural habitat, there should be at least some tree crown for the animal.

6. Sloth

Sloths look like miniature bears. They live for 30 to 40 years and like to move slowly between branches.

Such animals as pets are a luxury, and when buying such beauty, you should remember that sloths are on the verge of extinction. Today, only two species out of fifty registered remain. They are sold by animal dealers in different parts of the world, so if you buy one, you are accelerating their extinction.

7. Blue Macaw

The Blue Macaw, a native of South America, has become a very popular bird among exotic pets. One of the reasons was the animated film "Rio", as well as their colorful and motley plumage, and learning ability (they can remember a vocabulary of up to 30 words). Life expectancy is more than 50 years.

As for their care, nutrition is very important and must be strictly followed because they are very delicate animals. Also, it is always recommended to buy a pair, as they suffer from depression.

But wouldn't it be better to watch them fly in their natural habitat and choose their own mate?

8. Kinkajou

This animal became popular thanks to Paris Hilton. Although it is important to clarify that despite its outward calmness, it sent its owner to the hospital. After treatment, the owner got rid of the animal.

They live from 23 to 40 years, and although they seem to be quite calm animals, it is not recommended to keep them at home. He, like all other exotic animals, requires special care, which is not always available. He needs space for normal growth and development, so it is better not to limit his freedom.

9. Hedgehog

Hedgehogs are small, cute mammals that like to roll into a prickly ball. True, they cannot be classified as furry animals because of their spines, but this does not stop lovers of exotics from having such a miracle at home.

True, for maintenance they take not forest hedgehogs, but African ones - breeders crossed several species of hedgehogs from Africa, and got cute dwarf hedgehogs, which are so loved by lovers of exotics. Hedgehogs do not require special care, but you should remember that this is a nocturnal inhabitant and therefore you will not be able to sleep peacefully. It is so quiet and calm during the day, and sleeps mainly, and with the onset of night - the rustle and noise from it is greater than from an elephant in a china shop.

10. Owl

Owls became popular thanks to the Harry Potter series of films. Their heart-shaped heads with large eyes make them mysterious animals that easily fascinate us. However, they are solitary and very territorial animals. Keeping such predators in captivity is a mockery of their nature.

Also, like all the above, these animals require very special care in captivity. A small owl can live for more than 20 years, but under normal conditions they can live up to 50 years. Any animal lover should exclude the possibility of having an owl as a pet. Owls need freedom, and in a cage it will be boring and sad.

Animals deserve to live happily!