12 Real Reasons to Go to the Gym

If you're looking for reasons to go to the gym, chances are you're a slacker. But don't worry, no one's judging you. Everyone needs some motivation to do anything. Even if you don't go to the gym, don't worry, you're not alone. About 67% people who have gym memberships never use them. If you're still wondering how to drag your butt to the gym, here are 12 reasons to do so that should convince you that it's the right decision.

If this list doesn't convince you to go to the gym, you're missing out on a very important milestone in your life.

1. A good way to get rid of stress

Do you have a working day from 8 to 17, and you feel depressed? Does your wife or girlfriend constantly nag you? Going to the gym is the best way to escape from the routine and get rid of stress. For many, the gym is an escape from problems, personal space to forget everything that happens in everyday life, focus on yourself, give yourself a couple of hours of freedom.

So, head to the gym, turn off your phone and give your body and nerves a gift. By getting your body in order, you will simultaneously change your thoughts and get a dose of good mood. Having dropped by the gym after a working day and having worked hard on yourself, you will leave the gym with a euphoric feeling and will be ready for any feats. All the nerves and stress earned during the day after the gym disappear without a trace or fade into the background. Many people, while doing sports, are distracted from everyday problems, and when they return to solving some long-term unsolvable issue, they suddenly find a solution.

While losing weight and building muscle mass, you will forever forget what stress is and stop taking sedative pills by the kilogram.

2. If there is nothing to do

If you have a ton of free time and are really wondering what you can do with it? Why not just go to the gym? Now I have an idea. The gym can be a great “escape.” It’s a place where you can go and get some serious exercise instead of wasting away on the couch on social media.

Hitting the gym will not only allow you to have fun, but it will also prevent you from doing things you don't need to.

The gym can easily become a problem for the rest of your daily life. You will want to quit drinking and smoking, and you will increasingly look at healthy eating. In other words, you will get on the “health train,” as some like to call it. And once you get on it, many will not want to get off.

3. The ability to prolong your life

All people are mortal, but they love life and want to stay here as long as possible. It is completely natural, it is rooted in our DNA.

There is a little secret to living a long healthy life, you need to be healthy first. This may seem obvious, but often many people just stand around wondering why their life is slipping through their fingers. They often think, "Oh, I'll start eating right next week" or "I'll go to the gym tomorrow." So many people who think tomorrow is another day.

This is not good. If you want to live longer, exercise daily and eat right. It's time to start, and any other excuse you might have is a hindrance. It's just laziness!

"No time" is the most popular excuse. There is always time. Everything else is an excuse. Tomorrow may not come. And today is something you need to live for your own benefit.

4. Make your body beautiful and attractive

Nine out of ten people who want to make their body beautiful and attractive consider this the main reason for visiting the gym. In fact, we can risk saying that gyms are needed for this.

Being healthy is always great. It’s good for your body, and it’s great for your overall health and longevity. However, being healthy also means having a great body. Who doesn’t want a super hot guy with abs? It’s no secret that humans are instinctively more attracted to healthy people. It’s built into our DNA. We want to reproduce with other healthy people so our children have a better chance of survival. Weird? Check out this video on human sexual attractiveness. Interesting stuff.

As silly as it may seem, having a good body can help you more than you think. It will give you confidence. It will improve your social life. It may even help you get a job! Dr. Price conducted a study on how healthier people are statistically more successful than those who lie on the couch watching TV or surfing the web instead of exercising.

So just in case you're not interested in your health, now look at how going to the gym can help you at work! Want to get a new job? Maybe you should lose a few pounds first.

5. Great hobby

You can often meet athletes who have not noticed how they have made sports their hobby. Many people have a favorite pastime. Some collect coins, some ski, some just go to the sauna. The gym is also a hobby, and a damn good one.

If you find something you like, stick with it. Make it your hobby. The gym is great for this because there is so much to learn and experience. You can set goals and achieve them. It is one of those things that you can easily become addicted to.

Some people will say that it's bad to be addicted to anything, but if you ask anyone with a great physique, they'll be the first to tell you that the gym is a great place whether you're addicted or not. In fact, it's great.

6. Investing in yourself

Okay, so maybe you're strapped for cash and you're thinking to yourself, "Why go to the gym when I can workout at home?" That's cool, but what happens when it rains or snows? Are you going to go for a run? Probably not.

If you have a gym membership, you probably won't be able to skip a workout, otherwise the money you paid will be wasted, and that won't be good for your budget. That's just a fact. If you don't like snow or heat stroke, the gym is the place to go for a run and work out on the machines, no matter the weather.

You should consider the gym as an investment in yourself. It may seem strange, but it will have a positive effect on your well-being. Don’t worry about the cost. You only have one body, and you should take care of it. Invest in your long life. You won’t regret it!

7. Improving your physical abilities

Many of our athletic abilities are genetic, and it is also true that greater physical strength and endurance are achieved in the gym. They go hand in hand with overall athleticism, and that is a fact.

If you want to get an athletic physique, there is no better place to do it than in the gym. Whether you want to make the soccer team, play soccer, or just want to improve your overall athleticism, lifting weights is one of your best bets.

8. Will have a positive effect on your personal life

People love sexiness – it’s just a fact. We like to be around sexy people; we are impressed by them and respect them. If you go to the gym, you are helping your body become sexier.

You'll feel more confident when you're talking to your spouse, friend, or co-worker in a slim, form-fitting outfit than in your favorite shapeless jeans or baggy clothes that are designed to hide not only your flaws but also your best features.

You will also have more energy to be around people. You will want to go out and be social, rather than sit at home. Exercise gives us a body that we can feel attractive with, a husband or find a soulmate for those who are single. Energy and courage will not be superfluous in your life, and can give you even more than you think.

9. To increase self-esteem

If you are going on vacation or just decided to open the beach season, you would like to wear a sexy bikini, and not a bathing suit that looks like a raincoat, so that you can hide in it like a snail in a shell.

Going to the gym can get you one step closer to wearing your favorite pair of jeans that you haven't fit into for over two years. The self-esteem that comes from looking good is not to be underestimated.

Confidence is inextricably linked to how you look and unfortunately, in this world, we all compare and judge ourselves and others by their appearance.

Regular gym sessions will help you feel like you can get more out of life in just a couple of weeks, and you will shine in the spotlight thanks to your inner as well as outer beauty.

10. Rest from family, personal time

Often a situation arises when, in addition to work and family life, routine catches up and it begins to seem that there is not enough oxygen, you want to do something useful, but you spin like a squirrel in a wheel called "home-work-home". With such a schedule, any sane person is simply looking for an excuse to leave the house or get away from work, just to take a deep breath and look up. Your wife is nagging, the children are jumping, your mother-in-law is getting on your nerves? Pause - go to the gym. Your brain will clear its head, your thoughts will be in order. Your husband has started looking elsewhere, your boyfriend has started disappearing in the evenings with friends without you? Leave everything as is, go to the gym. You will clear your head, your brain will clear its head, it will become easier to breathe, and at home you will have something to talk about other than nagging each other. Who knows, maybe over time you will go to the gym together, and this will become not just personal space and an escape from everything, but a new family romantic tradition?

11. Working with a trainer

Each person is unique in their character, body type and lifestyle. Standard exercise programs are not suitable for everyone. Some have injuries, some cannot handle all the loads due to health reasons, but want to go to the gym, some have an individual reaction to physical exercise. Even those who want to go to the gym, but do not know what to do there, also need additional motivation. And for all these people, there is a good solution: work with a trainer. Under the supervision of such a person, you can be sure that he will select an individual set of exercises taking into account the characteristics of your body and the desired result. Yes, the cost of such a lesson will be somewhat higher than just paying for admission to an independent visit, but it is worth it. You can come just for a couple of lessons until you learn how to do the exercises in the gym yourself, but it will be more effective than being afraid to go to the gym.

12. A reason to update your wardrobe

Starting a gym membership is not just about going to the gym, it’s a special ritual. You can take your favorite sweatpants, your usual T-shirt with worn-out sneakers out of the closet and go to work out. But going to the store for a new tracksuit and a pair of comfortable sneakers will not only boost your self-esteem, but will also have a beneficial effect on your workout results. The reason is superficial, of course, but self-esteem is good, and one way to boost it is to buy yourself something new.