10 Things You Never Knew You Could Abuse

There's an old saying that goes, "Use it or lose it," which basically means that if you have something, you better use it before it's gone. However, we don't have many sayings about overuse, and as it turns out, we shouldn't. There are plenty of things in life that you can overuse that you might not even realize. Let's take a look at ten of the most unexpected.

10. Using too much willpower makes it difficult to continue doing it.

If you are a Green Lantern, it is only through sheer force of will that you can save the universe from nefarious extraterrestrial threats. We place great value on will and determination. But it must be tempered, and since most of us do not possess a powerful ring of mysterious origin, we must be careful in how we use that willpower.

There is some evidence that you can wear down your willpower over time. If you use willpower in one situation, you will use less of it in the next. In one study, participants were placed in a room with a plate of freshly baked cookies and a bowl of radishes. One group was asked to eat only the radishes, while the other group was asked to eat only the cookies. Both were then asked to solve a puzzle. Those who used willpower to resist the liver, gave up on the puzzle after an average of 8 minutes, while those who ate them lasted 19 minutes.

The basic idea here is that willpower requires mental energy. Using up your mental energy reserves and maintaining self-control becomes extremely difficult over time. The more energy you use, the less willpower you can muster. The theory has been challenged by other researchers who have conducted similar experiments and found no evidence of what they call “ ego depletion ", but the original researcher says subsequent studies had problems with their methodologies.

9. Overuse of a pacifier can cause problems with speech development

In what appears to be yet another case where The Simpsons predict the future, it turns out Maggie was doomed to silence from the start, all thanks to that pacifier. Research has shown that children who abuse pacifiers may have problems with speech development at a later age.

In addition to thumb sucking and bottle use, children who suck on a pacifier for more than three yearsthree times higher probability speech defects than children who did not use one. It is possible that using a pacifier can change the shape of the dental arch and bite, and this can still cause problems if the pacifier is used for a shorter period of time. Other studies show that a child who uses a pacifier after age two is at risk of changing the way his teeth grow in and the shape of his bite, and this is where speech problems can begin.

8. Excessive use of mouthwash can worsen your overall oral health.

Dentists recommend using mouthwash provided you use it correctly, as part of your overall oral care routine. And why not? It leaves you feeling minty fresh and helps break that feeling you get when you wake up with a swampy taste in your mouth.

The type of mouthwash you use can cause problems, especially if you use it too often. Most mouthwashes use alcohol as a carrier to hold ingredients that can cause bad breath, but research has linked them to oral cancer . Again, this is done by alcohol, meaning that those who do not drink alcohol, often what was once marketed as a milder drink, would not experience the same problems. It can also cause severe burning in some people.

Dry mouth is another common side effect after using mouthwash. Sodium Lauryl Sulfate , the foaming ingredient, can also cause canker sores. Tooth staining and the destruction of beneficial bacteria are also potential side effects.

7. Porn abuse can cause ED

You may be sitting on this fact, but there is pornography on the Internet. For most people, it’s not a problem. If you’re not interested in it, you avoid it. If you are, you can seek it out. But another thing you may not know is that you can potentially abuse pornography. In a real, physically debilitating way. Porn abuse has been linked to erectile dysfunction in men.

A study into how pornography affects sexual dysfunction, is still being debated, so take this as a warning rather than a sure thing. But there have been a number of studies that have concluded that excessive pornography use can lead to erectile dysfunction, and that abstaining from it for a period of time can reverse these effects.

So how does this even work? Well, sexual arousal and response is as much mental as physical. Some studies suggest that excessive pornography use causes potential desensitization to sexual stimuli . Basically, you see so much for so long that nothing excites you anymore. It's like eating your favorite food every day for 10 years. Eventually, you lose interest.

For what it's worth, there are also some studies that show the opposite may happen, and that pornography may help treat ED in some men.

6. Excessive use of flip-flops can cause orthopedic problems

In the summer, you can't swing at a cat without hitting someone in flip-flops, the informal footwear of hot weather. And while they're perfect for walking by the pool or on the beach to avoid the hot sand, the health of your feet can't be ignored, and flip-flops are hardly orthopedic footwear. If you wear flip-flops too often, you may regret it.

Flip flops do not offer any arch support They don't absorb much force when you walk, so your heels get smashed and there's no ankle support like you would with a normal shoe. Basically, it's like going barefoot. Again, that's fine in small doses, but over time it can cause problems. But it gets worse. Unlike just going barefoot, you also get blisters from the potentially rough soles, as well as the straps between your toes, and a breeding ground for fungus. So it's even worse than going barefoot.

Research shows that people in flip-flops change their gait , to adjust to their position. This leads not only to pain in the legs, but also to pain in the hips and lower back.

5. Overusing Kegel exercises can cause pain.

Kegel exercises are done to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles and have been linked to increased sexual pleasure as well as the ability to prevent urinary incontinence among other benefits You can do them almost anywhere, and no one even knows you're doing them, so they seem like a good idea, right? Well, as we've learned, all good things in moderation. So what happens when you overdo the Kegels?

Doctors may recommend different methods, but something like 100 10-second muscle curls a day may be considered normal. But as with any exercise, some people like the “go hard or go home” approach, and if you do too much, you can overwork those muscles. The end result can be muscle discomfort and pain during intercourse .

Other symptoms may include urinary incontinence , bladder, pain, frequent urination, constipation, and pain in other areas. In other words, doing too many Kegel exercises can negate literally everything you might want to do them for.

4. Overusing a bidet can cause serious health problems.

For some people, there's nothing better in the world than a bidet. For others, the very idea is a bummer. In the midst of the covid-19 pandemic, when toilet paper was hoarding and in short supply, bidets saw a surge in popularity. But it's not all sunshine and roses from a bidet. It turns out that a little splash at the back door can cause some damage if you're not careful.

Like anything you might shoot into your butt, a bidet needs to be used properly and with care. Some bidets have the ability to change the water pressure and temperature. A powerful stream of hot water is not something you want to shoot into your sensitive anatomy. No posts bidet related injuries, not many, but they do exist. People have reported problems with rectal prolapse and fissures, as well as burns from hot water.

In Japan, excessive bidet use has been linked to anal itching, which is a fancy way of saying "itch" . Lots of itching. But it also led to anal incontinence. There is also a risk of infection if several people use the same bidet and bacteria from the nozzle is transferred from one to another.

3. Too much laughing gas destroys your spine.

Most people don't have many reasons to try nitrous oxide, better known as laughing gas, in their daily lives. It's typically used as an anesthetic for dental procedures, or to make your car go faster if you're street racing. And it's a good thing we don't come across it that often, because it can destroy your spine .

There are people who use nitrous oxide recreationally to get a quick high. If you've ever heard of whippets, that's what they're talking about. But the risk of spinal degeneration has sent many users to the hospital and, in some cases, left them confined to a wheelchair Gas can deplete your body of vitamin B12. Over time, this leads to spinal degeneration.

Many users of the gas consider it harmless. It is not a controlled substance, and there is no scientific evidence that it is addictive because there has not been much research in this area. But it does give users a quick sense of euphoria and fun, which makes sense for something called laughing gas. However, in the last few years, especially in Europe, there has been an increase in hospital cases of serious injuries caused by the gas.

2. Excessive Internet use can cause brain damage

You like the internet, huh? It contains almost all human knowledge, plus you can use it to order pizza 24 hours a day. It's the best thing we've ever done, except for the scams, toxicity, harassment, and despair. Plus, it can cause brain damage.

Research into teenagers suffering from internet addiction has shown structural and functional disorders in parts of their brains associated with organization. It has been compared to the abnormalities found in the brains of alcoholics and gamblers.

People with internet addiction suffer from changes in the white and grey matter of the brain similar to those seen in the brains of people with cocaine addiction . As a result, emotional functioning and brain function suffer. Side effects may include mood disorders, anxiety, and depression.

1. Overusing pain-relieving creams can kill you

Have you ever used a numbing cream? Typically, they are used after cosmetic surgery procedures. Something like laser hair removal, for example. As part of your aftercare, you can use a cream with a local anaesthetic to reduce the pain after the procedure. There are similar creams you can use if you have various types of injuries, instead of taking painkillers, especially if the injury is just some skin wound.

But it turns out that these pain-relieving creams can be overused to the point that they actually kill you. In 2007, at least two people died from excessive use of pain-relieving creams after laser hair removal on the legs.

These creams use drugs such as lidocaine, benzocaine and others, and if the doses are high enough, too much can be absorbed into the bloodstream. This can lead to irregular heartbeat and coma , as well as death, even if they are used as prescribed by a doctor.

The FDA warned that while many of these creams are prescribed by doctors, there are over-the-counter versions that should be used as directed and that you consult with your doctor before using anything.