Valentine's Day or Singles' Day

There is one day of the year that many would like to rename. A day when many feel especially lonely than on all other days - Valentine's Day!

This is one of the loudest and most controversial holidays of the year. We haven't yet really recovered from Christmas, New Year, Epiphany, but the depressing winter days drag on endlessly, and we want a holiday that is lighter and more cheerful, so that spring can settle in our souls.

Valentine's Day has long been a holiday primarily for flower and souvenir shops. At this time, you will be kindly offered a large selection of chocolate and boxes of heart-shaped candies, Valentine cards become more colorful and diverse every year, and the shelves with teddy bears are simply bursting with an abundance of goods.

Of course, it is nice and wonderful to receive and give gifts, to realize that you have a loved one, but what about those who are single or have had love for a long time and it became unrequited? Lonely people on this holiday do not feel very comfortable in this atmosphere. Even if you have friends, they are probably busy with their other halves on this day, and will certainly not pay attention to a lonely friend. The most offensive thing is when after the holidays they also ask "how did you celebrate Valentine's Day?" Not only is it possible not to run around and not wait for gifts on this day, but friends also make fun of you, not understanding the essence of the whole problem.

Many who did not have time to start a personal life for one reason or another came to the conclusion that this holiday should be renamed in their own way, and gather somewhere together, so that it would not be so lonely. Perhaps it would be better if this was a day for the most important people in our lives, and not just for those who started dating on the eve of Valentine's Day.

Sometimes it seems like this is the one day of the year when it is either fantastic or a disaster. Thanks to this day, someone feels their love, and it inspires, or on the contrary - loneliness, which perhaps did not bother them much before.

Every February 14th, single people all over the world are alone and feel nothing but emptiness. On any other day of the year, they really don't have any problems with loneliness, but when they are surrounded by so many couples and so many little things that symbolize love, it becomes a little depressing.

Valentine's Day is a wonderful holiday and for many it gives a chance to express their feelings, or to realize their emotions towards another person. It's great to celebrate a day that belongs only to the two of you, but if you are single, then dedicate this day to those people who are dear to you. Even if there are none, then light candles for yourself in the evening. You are a dear person to yourself, aren't you?

So, for all the single people out there, you can celebrate not Valentine's Day, but your Independence Day. Treat it as something funny. Maybe you're not like everyone else, maybe you're not a fan of stereotypes and banality! You don't need someone else to celebrate something.

Go to a bar, to a movie, watch your favorite movie, not because you have no one to go with, but because you want to. Don't sit at home if it depresses you. Do what you want! Sometimes the adventure itself is just fun, if not more fun than with someone else. A happy day for realizing your independence, not loneliness!

Breakfast in bed

A classic of the genre is breakfast in bed! Any romance is built on this. Why not arrange it for yourself? Besides, there are only advantages: firstly, no one will count your calories and hint at going to the gym to lose extra pounds; secondly, you can have a feast for the stomach and not bother your head about how you look in the morning and how long you sleep.

Yes, there is one downside: tomorrow you will have to cook it yourself, and for that you will have to get out from under the covers. But is it really that significant, compared to the fact that you can turn off your phone all day and have a day off for yourself? A comfortable and leisurely breakfast in bed is a rare pleasure, why not treat yourself in honor of the holiday?

Relaxing treatments

Perhaps, many will think that this is a purely female part of the holiday, but what prevents single men from also joining in the wonderful relaxation? Let it be, although not a bath with foam and rose petals, but an invigorating shower with your favorite music, or a sports channel on TV? Stock the refrigerator with beer and fish or even go hunting or fishing? Nothing contributes to the rest of the body and soul as lazily and luxuriously lying in a foam bath or on the couch. The dim flickering of candles, quiet music, a glass of white wine or a cup of delicious tea will create a pleasant atmosphere for girls, but guys prefer beer, fish, chips, and some horror or action movie.

List of horrors from the past

After the procedures for the soul and body and your favorite breakfast, you can think and, sipping aromatic coffee or a glass of foamy, you can write a list of what irritated you in your past relationships, what you had to put up with, what you had to give up in favor of your then beloved half. If the relationship ended, then everyone usually has some claims to their exes that interfere with their life today, and perhaps became the reason for loneliness on this day. This point is especially useful for those who experienced a difficult breakup on the eve of the holiday.

Each list will be unique. Some are still allergic to their ex's old jokes or their ex-lover's strange sense of humor. Some were tired of hiding their personal life from their friends because their boyfriend was cheating on them, some didn't like to publicize their relationships everywhere possible, from casual acquaintances to social networks, where there had to be an avatar with your kissing couple. Some couldn't stand horror movies, but they were the only ones they preferred, laughing at their beloved's interests, some tolerated watching Fifty Shades of Grey for the 55th time, and were even given the book to read. Many were irritated by everyday habits: throwing socks around, unsealed lids on various tubes and pots. Everyone has little things that they had to put up with and not argue with in order to save the relationship, but even that didn't save it.

So, now the longer the list, the greater the pleasure must be that now you don't have to endure all this! You've gotten rid of this torment and can breathe a sigh of relief.