Grandparents Day 2025: Date of Celebration, Congratulations

Throughout the year there is occasion to hold festive events in honor of certain events, professions or personalities. In most of them, celebrations are held in public places or government institutions.

But there are also holidays that are more pleasant to celebrate in a cozy home environment and among your family. Grandparents' Day is one of them.

This is a warm and touching holiday dedicated to the older generation of the family. With the arrival of this date, grandchildren should pay more attention to their loved ones who spoiled them since childhood, told them fairy tales and treated them to delicacies.

Where is Grandparents Day celebrated?

In many countries of the world, including Europe and the USA, they celebrate a date dedicated to grandparents.

In Italy, annual traditional celebrations in honor of the older generation take place on October 2. The law on this was adopted in 2005 by the state government. In their language, the holiday is called La Festa dei Nonni, and the symbol is the blue forget-me-not.

In the UK, the event is held on the first Sunday in October (the date has been set since 2008). The idea for the celebration was initiated by the charity foundation Age Concern. For the British, it is a cozy family holiday.

In Poland there is no single date dedicated to ancestors. The Poles celebrate Grandmother's Day on January 21st, and Dzien Dziadka will take place on the 22nd of the same month.The latter is not considered official, so it only takes place within the family circle.

History and Traditions

Events dedicated to the holiday date are preferably held in schools, kindergartens and clubs for teenagers.You can please the elderly with postcards, gifts and various handicrafts.

Many children have already become accustomed to visiting their ancestors every year in honor of their holiday. Therefore, they eagerly wait and ask when Grandparents' Day will come in 2025, and their parents will take them to visit their grandfather again, where granny's buns and pies await them.

Such education of the younger generation will make them more compassionate and caring. In addition, they will learn to respect adults.

The history of the holiday is associated with an ancient Slavic custom. At the end of the second month of autumn, people celebrated an ancient festival called Autumn Grandfathers. The date was dedicated to the unification of all generations of the family. According to tradition, the Slavs called for strengthening the connection with ancestors and showed their deep respect for them.

In Russia, Grandparents' Day has been celebrated since 2009. The idea was initiated by employees of the Dutch Flower Bureau. They suggested giving them live flowers, or more precisely, flowerpots. This was a symbol of the connection between the old and young generations of the family. The roots of the plants symbolized the beginning of family ties - ancestors, and the young shoots - grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

Date of Grandparents Day 2025

The time of the holiday is October, the second month of autumn, the date of Grandparents' Day is the 28th. The date is fixed and unchangeable. This means that events in honor of one's ancestors can be held annually on October 28.

In 2024, it will be celebrated on Saturday, so working people also have the opportunity to have a great time with their families, look through albums and remember old times.

They also celebrate the International Day of Older Persons, which takes place on October 1 and is dedicated to everyone whose age exceeds 60 years. As for individual dates for ancestors in the Russian state, Grandmothers' Day is celebrated on May 26, and Grandfathers' Day on January 22. These are different holidays, and there is no need to confuse them.

How to celebrate?

For many families, there is a tradition of setting the table in honor of the older generation., cook their favorite dishes and have tea with relatives. And children can draw posters, portraits of grandpa and grandma or make a beautiful bouquet for them.

If the grandparents agree, then you can organize a party, visit clubs, have dinner in a cafe or restaurant.

For a more interesting pastime, it is recommended to prepare a surprise for them.. You need to select old photographs from the album, the main thing is that the pictures are about their lives.

Next, the images need to be scanned and made into a storyboard or a presentation prepared. A short film about their life turns out to be more emotional if you add cheerful music.


In 2024, everyone decides for themselves on Grandmothers' Day, from what date they need to be congratulated. There is both an autumn and a spring holiday for them (May 26). And you need to remember and visit your ancestors all year round. In festive events, you can raise toasts, express your love and respect with warm words and read poems in honor of your ancestors.


Grandma and Grandpa,

I love you more than anyone!

Their smile is like the sun,

Gives the world tenderness and laughter!


Grandpa and grandma,

You are an authority for us.

We wish you good health,

And many, many happy years!


Who gave us mercy in childhood,

We spent the whole day together,

He played with us and shared our joys,

Of course, it's grandpa and sweet grandma!



Children can read funny poems, and sincere heartfelt words are more suitable for adults. The main thing is to express your gratitude to them, because they are in our lives. For them, attention is important, not the value of the gift.


"You are the most dear to me. You are everything to me in this life. Therefore, I wish you good health, success and joy. Live long!"


"My dears, I needed your support and help even as a child, and I still need it now. Please, always be with us!"


"Grandma and Grandpa, you are like a lighthouse, showing me the right path in this life. Everything I have achieved up to this point, all this is thanks to you alone! You are a bright light on dark nights, warmth in the frost and our sun in cloudy weather!"