10 Amazing Animals That Can Inflate Themselves

Among the thousands of animal species that live in nature, there are a handful of animals that manage to attract attention with their lifestyle, some with their diet, and some with their interesting coloring. But we won’t be looking at any of them today, because in this article we’ll be looking at ten of the most amazing animals, all of which can somehow inflate themselves…

Фрегат (фрегата великолепная)

Frigate (Frigate magnificent)

Frigatebirds are a family of seabirds called Fregatidae that are found throughout tropical and subtropical oceans. The five extant species belong to a single genus, Fregata. All have predominantly black plumage, long, deeply forked tails, and long, hooked bills.

Слоеная гадюка (Bitis arietans)

Puff adder (Bitis arietans)

When threatened, adders inflate their upper bodies and hiss. This habit gives rise to their common name. Despite their slow movement speed, adders are known for their quick strike. According to Perry's Bridge Reptile Park, they can strike within 0.25 seconds of being threatened.

Морские слоны (M. angustirostris)

Elephant seals (M. angustirostris)

Elephant seals are very large oceanic earless seals of the genus Mirunga. Both the northern elephant seal and the southern elephant seal were nearly extinct due to oil in the late 19th century, but their numbers have since recovered. They get their name from their inflatable, trunk-like snouts.

Сиаманг (Symphalangus syndactylus)

Siamang (Symphalangus syndactylus)

The siamang is a black-furred arboreal gibbon found in the forests of Indonesia, Malaysia, and Thailand. The largest of the gibbons, the siamang can be twice the size of other gibbons, reaching up to 1 m (3.3 ft) in height and weighing up to 14 kg (30 lb). It is the only species in the genus Symphalangus. The large throat pouch (large sac) found in both males and females of this species can be inflated to the size of the siamang's head, allowing it to produce loud, resonant calls or songs.

Красноглазая древесная лягушка (Litoria chloris)

Red-eyed tree frog (Litoria chloris)

The vocal sac is a flexible membrane of skin that most male frogs and toads possess. The purpose of the vocal sac is usually to amplify their mating or advertising calls. The presence or development of the vocal sac is one way in which a frog or toad can externally determine its sex in many species; frogs are an example.

Прерийный цыпленок Аттуотера (Tympanuchus cupido attwateri)

Attwater's Prairie Chicken (Tympanuchus cupido attwateri)

This species exhibits sexual dimorphism: males have elongated feathers called quills that stand up to form what looks like an ear. The male also has bright orange or golden air sacs on either side of his neck, which he inflates during mating displays.

Иглобрюх (Tetraodontidae)

Pufferfish (Tetraodontidae)

Tetraodontidae is a family of mostly marine and estuarine fishes of the order Tetraodontiformes. The family includes many familiar species that are variously called pufferfish, blowfish, ballfish, blowfish, blowfish, bubblefish, globefish, rowanfish, toadfish, toadfish, toadfish, honey toadfish, sugar toadfish, and sea scraper.

Большой шалфейный тетерев (Centrocercus urophasianus)

Greater Sage Grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus)

Birds have a double-barreled vocal apparatus (called a syrinx). Some species, such as the greater sage grouse, also have a pair of vocal sacs contained within a flexible gular sac. When sound waves are emitted from the syrinx, they resonate with the elastic membrane of each sac, which stretches like a drumhead when inflated. The gular sac can also be brushed against the wing feathers to produce a dramatic whistling sound.

Самец хохлача (Cystophora cristata)

Male Hooded Seal (Cystophora cristata)

The hooded seal is a large phocid found only in the central and western North Atlantic, from Spitsbergen in the east to the Gulf of St. Lawrence in the west. The seals are typically silvery-gray or white in color, with black spots of varying sizes covering most of their bodies. The generic name Cystophora is Greek for "bladder bearer," from the species' unusual sexual ornamentation, a distinctive inflatable bladder septum on the head of adult males. This bladder hangs between the eyes and down over the upper lip when deflated. The hooded seal can also inflate a large balloon-like sac from one nostril.

Африканская ветвистая змея (Thelotornis)

African Branch Snake (Thelotornis)

Branch snakes, also commonly known as bird snakes or vine snakes, are a genus of rear-fanged venomous snakes in the family Colubridae. The genus is native to Africa. All species in the genus have a slender and elongated profile, a long tail, a narrow head, and a pointed snout. When threatened, they inflate their throats to reveal bold black markings between the scales.

Do you know any other amazing animals that can inflate? Which of these animals did you like the most? Let us know in the comments below.