How to combat premature gray hair and why does hair turn gray?

A very important part of the image of women and many men is the hairstyle. Beautiful, well-groomed and healthy hair is the key to a great look. Hair color also plays an important role. There are many color types that give each uniqueness and zest.

Unfortunately, premature graying can ruin a once beautiful head of hair. Hair color loss is unpleasant even in old age, but for young people this process is doubly annoying. To combat this effect, you need to know the causes of graying, and then take action. You can consult a trichologist or add to your knowledge with the help of specialized medical literature.

How to fight gray hair?

If your hair has turned grey due to a genetic factor, then you can only combat it cosmetically, that is, regularly paint over the grey hair. If genetics is ruled out, then it is necessary to determine the real cause.

Preventing graying is quite simple. It is important to maintain all necessary microelements at the required level. To do this, it is recommended to eat citrus fruits, seafood, sea fish, greens, vegetable and animal protein, and foods with a high iron content more often.

You can also use folk methods. For example, it is useful to wash your hair and rinse it with decoctions of burdock, walnut shells and leaves, nettles and other herbs. Most often, folk remedies are natural. Even if the effectiveness of these methods is not pronounced, they will definitely not cause harm. For example, it is believed that frequent consumption of green beans fights gray hair. In addition, it contains a lot of vegetable protein and fiber, which will benefit other organs. Beans contain cobalt, which should contribute to darkening of hair.

Among the methods from the “folk” list are diets based on bananas, avocados, nuts, goat milk, pumpkin seeds, apples, liver and parsley.

Masking gray hair using folk methods also uses natural products. The most effective dyes are basma and henna. If you add coffee dissolved in boiling water to henna, you can enhance the shade. You can also dilute henna with chamomile decoction. On the contrary, this will lighten the resulting shade a little. Strong tea also dyes hair, but you should not count on a bright, lasting color.

An interesting color is given to hair by a decoction of blackberries. It will be reddish-brown. If you insist walnut skins on alcohol, you can achieve a chestnut shade. In addition, any of these coloring decoctions will give hair shine and silkiness.

How to hide gray hair from others using industrial products

Unfortunately, it is often impossible to get rid of already clearly visible gray hair. This means that it needs to be masked. There are countless dyes and tint balms on store shelves. It is important to choose the right brand, product form and shade.

In a month, the hair roots will grow by about 10 mm, which means that every 3-4 weeks you need to refresh the coloring. For hair with a small amount of gray hair, it is enough to use a tint balm of a natural color. As a result of the procedure, the hair will acquire shine, and gray strands will look like they have been burnt out in the sun.

Bright shades are unacceptable for graying hair, as they will look unnatural on bleached strands and can change the tone to something quite unexpected. If gray hair already occupies about 40% of hair on the head, then you need to turn to permanent dyes with a small content of oxidizer. You can also resort to toning or coloring.

Among the new dyeing products are preparations that affect only gray hair without changing the color of healthy hair. The application procedure is much simpler than when dyeing with paint, and the effect lasts longer (up to 2 months).

Why Hair Turns Gray - TOP 5 Common Reasons

1. Lack of vitamins

Vitamin deficiency is detrimental to all body systems. It often manifests itself externally on the skin, nails and hair. If premature graying and destruction of hair structure are observed, then the possible cause is a lack of vitamins A, B, C, as well as iron, zinc and calcium. Their reserves should be replenished both internally and externally.

2. Melanin deficiency

The main reason for graying is a lack of melanin. Naturally, this occurs during the aging process. In men, on average, the first signs appear at 35-40 years old, in women at 40-45.

The initial amount of melanin in the body will determine the hair color. The more of this substance, the darker the hair. Obviously, fair-haired and blonde people have much less melanin than burning brunettes.

Based on laboratory studies, it was concluded that with age, the body produces less of a special enzyme, catalase. It is designed primarily to prevent the destruction of melanin by hydrogen peroxide. Thus, over the years, the body accumulates more and more peroxide, which methodically destroys melanin. The result is a loss of pigment. The hair becomes transparent, which looks like an unsightly gray color, sometimes with a yellowish tint.

3. Thyroid disease

Iodine actively participates in the body's metabolic processes. The thyroid gland takes the main load in this matter. If this part of the body is unhealthy, then metabolic processes slow down, which immediately affects the appearance and condition of the hair.


Stress has become a permanent condition for city dwellers. Too many factors provoke it. Most often, the source of stress is work and its derivatives:

  • complex tasks;
  • lack of rest;
  • increased responsibility;
  • fear of losing one's job;
  • lack of light and open air when working indoors;
  • conflicts;
  • uncertainty about the future and instability.

All this provokes that very stress, deterioration of mood and health, nervousness.

4. Improper nutrition and harmful substances

Abuse of harmful products, tobacco and alcohol is a powerful factor in the destruction of useful substances in the body. Lack of useful products, greens, fruits and vegetables, as well as good protein has a detrimental effect and provokes early aging of any, even the strongest, organism. As a result - premature thinning and graying of hair.

5. Genetics

You can often see a young and seemingly absolutely healthy person with a gray head. This is not a pathology, but a variant of the norm. Surely, among the closest relatives of such a person there is someone who also went gray much earlier than expected. Only genetics is responsible for this.