Scenarios for March 8, 2025 for kindergarten, school, work

March 8 is one of the most interesting and unusual spring holidays. Initially, it was a holiday dedicated to women revolutionaries, but later it lost its clearly expressed political context and became simply a day of beautiful women and the beginning of spring.

Traditionally, on this day, festive events are held at enterprises and organizations, morning performances at schools and kindergartens, and feasts at home. Men congratulate women, and children congratulate their mothers and grandmothers. In order for the holiday to be fun and interesting, it is recommended to think through the scenario of the congratulatory event in advance.

Scenario for March 8, 2025 at school

A school holiday should be:

  • cheerful;
  • bright;
  • not too long, so that students and teachers don’t get bored.

The ideal option is a school amateur concert: a “cabbage party” where students sing songs and read poems, congratulating their favorite teachers (most of whom are women).

But recently in many schools this day is celebrated not at school. Students go to a club or entertainment center and have fun there. But still, it is much more interesting to hold the holiday according to your own scenario.

For teachers

Scenario March 8, 2025 for teachers can be held in the form of a talent parade, when teachers perform on stage and show off their abilities: they sing, dance, recite poetry.

Another win-win option is a beauty contest among teachers. On March 8, 2025, the event scenario for teachers can also take the form of a culinary contest, when women present their favorite dishes, cooked with their own hands, and men evaluate them, and then a ceremonial tasting takes place at the festive table. The winners are awarded a prize.

In many Russian regions, March 8th is not yet a sign of spring, and it is truly winter outside. If the weather permits, you can organize a trip to the countryside for teachers so that they can go skiing or, remembering their childhood, make a snowman.

A great option is to organize a sports event for teachers, for example, a humorous Spartakiad or "Spring Starts". For teachers who teach a foreign language, you can hold an event in the language they speak.

In this case, students should prepare numbers with foreign songs for their favorite teachers in advance or choose a good film to watch in the original language.

For math teachers, you can organize an event called “Women's Day in the Chess Kingdom”In this case, each teacher is given the role of one or another chess piece, large squares are drawn on the floor and a chess game begins.

The teachers are divided into two teams, and each team is given hats of their own color (black and white). Then the black and white "figures" take turns moving, according to the rules of chess. When a figure is "eaten", it performs a pre-prepared number: sings, dances, reads a poem, or shows a trick.

For schoolchildren

Schoolchildren will be very happy if you organize some kind of flash mob or mass action for them on March 8th, which will then be filmed. You can come up with many such events. For example, you can buy flowers and give them to all the women passing by on the street.

After the end of the action, a competition of pre-made crafts "Congratulations to Mom" should be announced. Then a sweet table can be organized for the children, and such an event should end with a fun disco.

A festive matinee can be held for younger schoolchildren, similar to those organized in kindergarten, only the theme should be more relevant and topical, for example, to connect the theme of the holiday with modern technical innovations (the play “Smartphone for Mom”).

Positive and negative characters should be invited to the children's party (perhaps teachers or senior students themselves will want to transform into them). After the fun performance, children will congratulate teachers and mothers who came to the party, and boys will give gifts to girls.

A party for younger schoolchildren should not last long, maximum 45 minutes, because at this age it is still difficult for children to concentrate their attention on something for a long time.

In the Orthodox tradition, people do not celebrate March 8, but rather the Women's Day is considered to be the Day of the Holy Myrrh-Bearing Women, which is celebrated on the second Sunday after Easter. On this day, religious women are congratulated in churches.

Scenario for March 8 for adults

The script for Women's Day for adults should be:

  • unusual,
  • memorable,
  • such that all guests actively participate in the celebration.

You can celebrate March 8 at work, in your home office, or at a club. Each option has its pros and cons. On the one hand, it is more convenient at work because you don’t have to go anywhere. But, on the other hand, the work environment prevents some people from completely relaxing.

Corporate party

For March 8, 2025, the corporate scenario should be funny and topicalFor example, you can take the film "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" as a model and come up with a scenario about how a negative character (Baba Yaga or Old Woman Shapoklyak) decided to steal women's holiday.

Positive heroes will help bring back March 8 and gifts. You can decorate the festive performance with the favorite music of beautiful ladies.


The scenario of the corporate party on March 8, 2025 in the office should be such that all participants of the event for some time forget that they are at work. To do this, it is necessary, first of all, to festively decorate the office with garlands, lanterns, balloons.

After this, you should decide on the theme of the holiday. The ideal option is a costume party, when all the women come in suits, and the most beautiful and inventive employee wins the main prize.

For those who love to read, the scenario of the holiday "Women in Russian Literature" will do. In this case, each guest of the holiday comes in the costume of a predetermined heroine and learns her monologue or dialogue (which can be read in roles with a partner).

The host can arrange a competition: a woman acts out her role, and the others try to guess which heroine and from which book she is portraying. A similar scenario can be based not on book plots, but on plots from popular films, cartoons, and computer games.


The scenario for March 8, 2025 in the club is perfect for young people who prefer an active lifestyle. The club can celebrate March 8th with a group sports event, for example, arrange a fun bowling match.

Those who love to sing should consider a karaoke party scenario as an option. In this case, it is advisable for the participants of the event to prepare songs for the performance in advance.

Scenario for March 8 in kindergarten for the senior group

March 8 in kindergarten is, first of all, a day of declaring love to mothers and grandmothers. The scenario of a concert on March 8, 2025 in kindergarten can be the simplest, the main thing is that the children themselves are interested.

Scenario March 8, 2025 senior group can be a regular concert, during which children sing, dance, and at the end of the holiday they give their mothers their improvised crafts. The number when preschoolers dance with their mothers looks very beautiful and touching.

An interesting competition that requires joint activities of mothers and children can be included in the event. For example, mothers are invited behind a screen in which holes are cut. Mothers stick out their hands, and children must find their mothers by their hands.

Mornings to kindergarten shouldn't last long, The recommended duration of the party for children aged 5–6 years is no more than 40 minutes.

The holiday begins with a plot twist. A negative character (for example, the old woman Shapoklyak) wants to harm the children and does not allow them to celebrate the holiday on March 8. A positive character comes to the rescue. The children complete the tasks of the positive character, sing and dance for their mothers, after which the negative character becomes kinder and celebrates the holiday with everyone (or simply leaves).

The moments when children look at the stage and follow the action should alternate with active games, songs and dances performed by the children themselves.

But the main goal of the holiday is not to teach children to sing or dance beautifully., and to form in preschoolers a respectful attitude towards mothers, grandmothers, sisters and teachers. Therefore, an obligatory surprise moment during the holiday is the moment when children present their mothers, grandmothers and teachers with gifts made by their own hands.

The younger the children, the shorter the holiday should last. In the older group, children are no longer afraid of negative characters, but you shouldn't invite Baba Yaga to a group of little ones, they might get seriously scared. The theme of the holiday performance should correspond to the age and interests of the children.

Russian mothers are very lucky: their children congratulate them not only on March 8, but also on Mother's Day, which is celebrated on the last Sunday of November.

Not everyone likes the holiday of March 8, but this red day of the calendar continues to exist. Now this holiday has lost its political subtext and is filled with new meaning.

This is the day of the beginning of spring and the day of declaring love to wives, sisters, grandmothers and mothers. It should be celebrated brightly and cheerfully. For this, funny and witty scenarios for festive events will come in handy.

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