One of the most important Christian holidays - Nikola Summer in 2025

The day of the great Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker is one of the important holidays for adherents of Christianity.

In order not to miss the celebration, many prefer to find out in advance when Nikola Letniy is in 2025. We will reveal the exact date and tell you what is best to dedicate this day to and what should be avoided.

The main traditions and rituals of the holiday

It is believed that a properly held holiday can bring happiness and prosperity to the family for the whole year. When St. Nicholas Day 2025 comes, you must not forget to prepare a large table.

But it is customary to feast not only in the company of loved ones - on this day it is especially important to feed those in need, those who do not have a home and the opportunity to organize a feast on their own.

Other traditions on the summer holiday of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker are associated with those whom the saint patronizes:

  1. In love. On this day, single girls and women say prayers about meeting their true love. It would not be superfluous to decide for yourself what kind of person you would like to meet - smart, strong, faithful, and so on.
  2. Animals. Owners of sheep and horses especially honor this day - it is believed that on the night before the holiday, you need to let the cattle out to pasture and let the animals frolic to their heart's content. Such grazing was a joy not only for the animals, but also for all the villagers - many people gathered in the field and even small children walked until late, admiring the horses. When it became very late, only young people remained in the meadows - this night was considered the beginning of their adult life, so the boys and girls were allowed to have fun as much as they wanted.
  3. To farmers. On the festive morning, our ancestors addressed prayers to the rising sun for fertile land and a well-fed life. During the day, work was in full swing - spring crops, cucumbers and other heat-loving crops were sown. It was believed that after Nikola Letniy, summer comes into full force and there will be no more frosts.

There were also several signs about St. Nicholas Day. For example, if it started raining on the holiday, the villagers expected a rich harvest in the current year. Another custom is connected with water - washing or drinking from wells and springs.

People believed that Nikola endows water with miraculous powers, and that by touching the moisture on this day, a person would protect himself from illness for the entire year.

When is Saint Nicholas Day celebrated in 2025?

It is not difficult to understand when the summer holiday of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker is in 2024 - the date of the celebration is fixed and does not depend on either the day of the week or the specific year. The saint's remembrance is celebrated and all the festivities associated with him are held on May 22..

What can you do on St. Nicholas Day?

The summer day of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker in 2025 should be dedicated to prayers. Both in the morning and in the evening, they should be dedicated to the saint, but requests can contain any. The main thing is that the desire is sincere and comes from the heart.

Also, having understood what date the holiday of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker is in 2024, it is worth immediately planning agricultural work or other household chores for this day.

It is important that the whole family is involved, even the younger children. If you have your own plot of land, it is better to go there and plant potatoes and buckwheat. It is believed that the best harvest comes from crops planted on this day.

Another important aspect of the holiday is cleanliness.. It would be appropriate to go to a bathhouse or at least take a bath at home, put on clean, ironed or even new clothes. The house also needs to be tidied up, Nikola Summer is a great time for a general family cleaning.

Particular attention should be paid to pets. It is customary to treat them with delicacies, take them for long walks and please them in every possible way. The festive evening should be spent with the family - set the table and have a common dinner.

What is prohibited to do on this holiday?

Most of the restrictions when the summer Nikola 2025 comes will not be related to specific actions, but rather to the state of mind. On this day, it is not customary to indulge in sad memories, cry and be despondent. Also, do not be lazy - the main symbols of the holiday are joy and hard work.

However, there are more measurable things that happen on St. Nicholas Day. Also not welcome:

  1. Use of knives, scissors and other sharp objects. Such equipment is only allowed in the kitchen and when working with the earth.
  2. Sew or knit (in general, follows from the previous point).
  3. To offend children or refuse them sweets and gifts. The saint is the patron of children, so he will reward those who prepare some pleasant surprises or memorable souvenirs for the little ones.
  4. To indulge in excessively wild fun. It is important not to abuse alcohol and to follow the rules of decency. It is not worth dancing until you drop, shouting loudly and disturbing your neighbors with late-night singing.
  5. Quarrel, sort things out and, especially, fight. It is believed that if May 22 is spent in conflicts, there will be no peace in the family all year.

The biggest mistake you can make on St. Nicholas Day is to refuse help to someone who needs it. According to legend, such behavior can ruin not only the current year, but also doom your entire family to misfortune for the next 7 years.

Helping the disadvantaged has always been one of the main priorities for St. Nicholas the Wonderworker; those who do not share this position are punished by the saint with particular severity.

Patronage of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

Every Christian should know what date St. Nicholas the Wonderworker's holiday is in 2025.

Honoring the memory of a saint is important to many because He is the patron of families, children, pets, prisoners, travelers and lovers., which means that most believers have turned to him for help at least once.

Nikola also directs her mercy to those who work in the fields, rewarding their efforts with a good harvest and helping them to avoid hunger.

What do people ask Saint Nicholas for?

Not all themes for prayers allowed on the date of St. Nicholas the Summer have formed folk traditions around them. The saint patronizes many categories of people and animals, so His help can be expected in the following endeavors:

  • traveling, especially by water;
  • concluding a happy marriage and creating a family;
  • release from unjust punishment;
  • the repose of the soul of an unbaptized person;
  • maintaining the health of pets;
  • obtaining a bountiful harvest, creating a well-fed and stable life.

It is interesting that Nicholas is one of the few Christian saints who listen to prayers and requests even from unbelievers. The kind soul of the Miracle Worker is open to everyone, he is ready to help everyone - especially in a moment of great need. To receive support and forgiveness, it is enough to say the right words, turning your gaze to the icon.

Congratulations for 2025

May 23 is the date of the summer Saint Nicholas for 2024. On this day, it is important not to forget to congratulate not only family and friends, but also those who are left alone for the holiday. The elderly and children deserve special attention - they should be given at least small gifts.

If older relatives live far away, it is worth making them happy with a postcard or a thematic picture with a congratulatory text.

Having gathered with the whole family, Orthodox people not only congratulate each other, pay tribute to the memory of the saint and pray. It is also customary to remember how the day of St. Nicholas of Winter went, to notice pleasant changes and to thank for them.

On the holiday of St. Nicholas of Summer it is customary to wish health, joy and well-being in love. In wishes and prayers it will not be superfluous to wish for the good and relief for the suffering, the disadvantaged and the sick. It is also customary to ask for forgiveness for one's own or others' sins.