10 Simple Foods That Will Make You Smarter

A balanced diet has been shown to make a positive contribution to physical and mental health. Junk food does little to improve your well-being and even less to improve your brain function. Unhealthy fats and other preservatives can slow blood flow and have a negative impact on cognitive abilities. Luckily, there are some delicious foods that promote longevity and help expand your brain power. These are the top 10 foods that make you smarter.

1. Fish

Experts recommend that people eat fish at least twice a week. Fish is an excellent source of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), which is a source of Omega-3 fats that help improve brain function and prevent dementia. Studies have shown that a deficiency in Omega-3 fats can cause fatigue, memory loss, and mood swings. Clinical studies show that people who eat fish score higher on psychological tests than people who do not eat fish at all. But these studies are not conclusive. Fish such as salmon, tuna, and halibut are especially good for the heart and brain, so they should be an integral part of a healthy diet. Nutritionists recommend prioritizing river or sea fish over farmed fish.

2. Nuts

Vitamin E prevents cognitive decline. It helps reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Nuts are an excellent source of vitamin E, which is why they are among the top 10 foods that will make you smarter. Nuts contain Omega-3 fats and many other beneficial vitamins and minerals that are very beneficial and necessary for the heart and mind. Omega-3 fats increase the stability of the brain and cellular functions. In order to maximize the benefits of eating nuts, it is recommended to eat them raw or dry roasted, without harmful additives in the form of spices and seasonings. Walnuts have many benefits, such as reducing the risk of cancer.

3. Avocado

Avocados are called “superfoods” because of their versatility. They contain a wide range of vitamins, healthy fats, potassium, and several other important nutrients. Avocados can reduce the risk of heart disease and lower cholesterol. Avocados are also believed to reduce the risk of cancer and have anti-inflammatory properties. Regular consumption of avocados can also improve brain function by increasing blood flow to the brain, which helps preserve brain nerve cells. One of the top 10 foods that will make you smarter, avocados can be eaten raw, used in various recipes, or added to drinks.

4. Brown rice

Brown rice is the best healthy food on this list that can curb your hunger if you are willing to eat an elephant. Brown rice is also great for maintaining cardiovascular health and promotes blood flow to the brain, which improves memory and cognitive function. In other words, brown rice is good for the heart and for the brain. It is a low glycemic complex carbohydrate, which is suitable for people who avoid gluten. Brown rice is a great source of fiber and it effectively fills up the stomach to satisfy hunger, which makes you mentally stable and smarter.

5. Blueberries

Blueberries are one of the healthiest nutritious berries. Low in calories, high in nutrients, these berries boost your health and cognitive abilities. They contain high levels of antioxidants that reduce the risk of cancer, help fight the effects of aging, help lower blood pressure and protect against cardiovascular diseases. Eating blueberries also maintains normal brain function and has a positive effect on memory, making this berry one of the 10 foods that will make you smarter. Blueberries are a healthy alternative to a bag of chips. These wonderful berries can be used in various dishes or added to smoothies for taste and health.

6. Eggs

Eating eggs in moderation can make you smarter. Selenium is generally considered the main nutrient for memory retention and increased brain activity. Eggs are rich in selenium, which means that eating this product for breakfast gives a great energy boost to the brain for the whole day. Eggs also contain choline, which helps regulate brain activity and the nervous system. Tests were conducted in which older people were given at least the US recommended daily allowance of selenium. It turned out that their cognitive abilities rivaled those of people 10 years younger, thus making eggs one of the top 10 foods that will make you smarter.

7. Chocolate

Wait! What? Chocolate makes you smarter? According to a number of studies, including one conducted at Harvard Medical School, cocoa makes you smarter, and cocoa powder is probably the best way to effectively get flavanolins, which stimulate blood flow to the brain. Of course, it should be consumed in moderation. Tests have shown that older adults who drank 2 cups of hot cocoa a day for a 30-day test period experienced a significant increase in memory and cognitive function. Chocolate is one of the delicious 10 foods that make you smarter.

8. Oatmeal

Oatmeal is a great breakfast food. It warms the belly, satisfies hunger and contains much-needed components such as fiber, protein, and Omega-3 fats. Oatmeal for breakfast gives a feeling of satiety longer and also promotes blood flow to the brain. If oatmeal seems like a bland porridge, then you can add blueberries, flax seeds, yogurt, honey, dried fruits to it. This trick will add flavor to your breakfast and enhance the benefits for your taste and brain. Healthy does not mean tasteless. Oatmeal is one of the top 10 foods that make you smarter.

9. Spinach

Spinach is one of the healthiest foods in the human diet. Many of the health benefits of this food are related to slowing down memory loss. It lowers blood pressure, reduces the risk of cancer, and improves cognitive function, making a person healthier and smarter. Spinach can be eaten on its own or included in any delicious dish. Drinking a spinach smoothie before an important exam can increase your chances of passing with flying colors.

10. Green tea

Hot green tea is not only calming, but also beneficial for the body. The content of antioxidants, amino acids, and other beneficial compounds in green tea has healing properties. It reduces the risk of cancer and heart disease. Green tea contains caffeine, which gives a quick energy boost to your brain and body. It contains the same amount of caffeine as coffee, but this dose is enough to stimulate brain activity and concentration. A cup of green tea in the morning to wake up is better and healthier than coffee.