The Most Amazing Facts About Roses

Rose is one of the most beautiful flowers on the planet. It is surrounded by music, poetry and love of many generations of people. Probably, there is not a single woman who would not smile, looking at a bouquet of roses presented to her. Let's get to know the queen of flowers better.

1. The rose is the national flower of the USA, Iran and England.

2. Natural rose oil is one of the most expensive in the world.

It is valued more than gold and platinum. To obtain one kilogram of rose oil, three tons of petals are needed.

3. The largest number of roses – about three million – are sold on Valentine’s Day.

But it is not necessary to please your beloved only 1-2 times a year, the girl requires attention and care so that she smells like a rose, that is why today you can buy roses online if you do not have time for this during the day - fast delivery and the best service.

4. A person who regularly inhales the scent of roses becomes friendly and calm.

Incense with the aroma of the flower is lit to improve the mood. Those who regularly inhale the rose aroma are much more friendly, unobtrusive and have an even light aura.

5. Shakespeare mentioned roses more than 50 times in his works.

One of the varieties with an unusual center is named in his honor.

6. The smallest rose in the world (variety "C") is the size of a grain of rice.

7. The oldest rose in the world grows in Germany near the cathedral in Hildesheim.

A rose bush reached the roof of this building. This rose is about 1000 years old. The plant was damaged during the war, but it sprouted again from the surviving root. In 1945, the bush was again covered with modest but beautiful flowers.

8. The fruits of the wild rose - rose hips - contain more vitamin C than lemons.

Their decoction is an effective remedy for strengthening health.

9. This amazing flower was first seen in Russia in the 16th century.

People began to decorate gardens with rose bushes under Peter I, and under Catherine II the rose became the queen of the royal gardens.

10. The Japanese have developed one of the most beautiful varieties, “Chameleon”.

During the day, the flower is filled with a bright red tone, and with the onset of night, it changes to a snow-white shade. The Chameleon rose is distinguished by its surprisingly delicate petals.

11. Some varieties of roses are used to make jam.

12. Multi-colored roses were created not by breeders, but by chemists.

13. Florists create rosamelias from rose petals.

14. Rose oil.

It is included in ninety-eight percent of women's perfume products and forty-eight percent of men's.

15. In the Middle Ages in France, roses were given to the smartest and most modest girls on holidays.

16. Roses and the Romans.

The Romans were the first to grow rose bushes in ancient times, and over ten different varieties were described in writings. For example, the Romans sprinkled petals on the marriage bed, the newlyweds wore rose wreaths, and emperors drank rose wine at feasts.

17. The scent of rose is one of the most powerful antidepressants.

18. A rose is an essential attribute of a wedding celebration.

Traditionally, white roses are used, symbolizing purity, eternity, the strongest feeling of love and sincerity, but they can also be scarlet - hot strong feelings and crazy passion.

19. Pink roses symbolize sophistication, refinement and elegance.

20. Confucius has about six hundred volumes about roses in his collections.

21. Crossbreeding roses

An interesting fact: if you cross two fragrant roses, the result will be a hybrid that is odorless or has a weak scent.

22. Rose petals

In Christianity in the early centuries, white roses symbolized the Virgin Mary, and the five rose petals were identified with the five wounds of Christ.

23. Aphrodite and the Roses

In many legends, scarlet roses appeared thanks to the beautiful love goddess Aphrodite. They wrote that the goddess plucked a white rose and, having pricked herself on the thorns, dropped a drop of blood on the flower, which is why it acquired a scarlet hue. According to another version, they were grown by her beloved Adonis.

24. White roses

They symbolize the admiring pure feelings of the giver.

25. Festival in Bulgaria

In Bulgaria, a festival in honor of this flower is held annually in May, which symbolizes the beginning of the collection of petals for the production of oil; here the rose is a symbol of happiness.

26. Yellow roses - declaration of love

In England, two yellow roses are traditionally used to declare love.