The funniest, stupidest and strangest laws in the world

Jurisprudence is a complex and multifaceted thing, and the authors of laws have to sweat a lot to ensure that the interpretation of a particular article is as unambiguous as possible. So, legislators are also people, and not without a sense of humor. As proof of this, we present the top ten, which includes the stupidest laws in the world, which are completely officially in force in the territory of different countries. Since most of the government decrees listed below are truly absurd, we tried to describe them with a smile and frivolity - that is, with the same components with which these laws were issued. Let's begin!

MPs banned from entering House of Commons wearing armour - UK

Hmm, where else can I get hold of this very armor to show up in the House of Commons... Today it is really not easy to do, but 700 years ago (the law was passed at the beginning of the 14th century) it was not difficult at all to come up with armor. According to one version, the law itself is purely mercantile in nature. The fact is that a person in armor is perceived as a warrior. That is, he fights and can theoretically die within the walls of the House. Another law states that everyone who dies in this building has the right to a funeral with state honors. So they limited the waste from the budget in this way. It is not known whether this has greatly strengthened the British economy over 7 centuries, but the law has not been repealed to this day.

It is illegal for pig owners to name a piglet "Napoleon" - France

The following picture immediately appears before your eyes. At the local farmer Jacques Fermeriac, Churchill, Franklin and Roosevelt are frolicking in the mud, Lenin, Washington and Lincoln are sipping from a trough, and Caesar and Hitler are rubbing their backs against the fence. Someone is missing here, right? However, our Jacques is not allowed by that same law to name the piglet, who has remained without a nickname, Napoleon, to complete the picture. Note that it is not forbidden to call Napoleon a piglet. In addition, a donkey, a goat and a ram can be called by the name of the famous commander and emperor - also absolutely nothing to worry about. And that's not to mention the cake (though in France they have hardly heard of the layered delicacy "Napoleon"). One way or another, the law rather discriminates against pigs than protects the honor and dignity of Bonaparte.

Rescuing a drowning person is illegal because it is an interference in their fate - China

No, not even Destiny, that's it. In China, like nowhere else in the world, they believe that a person is destined for a certain series of events with his participation, and it is categorically forbidden to interfere with the course of these events. It is this judgment that underlies the law, according to which a drowning person may not even count on help. Apparently, here you really need to understand the Chinese mentality well in order to understand this nonsense. I wonder if in the Celestial Empire they did not think that a person's fate may not be to die in the water, but to be saved by an onlooker who contemplates the drowned man and says that this is how fate decreed? By the way, there is a known case when a drowning man was saved in China, and surprisingly, the local media were proud of the brave person (it was a tourist from Russia, who did not know about the strange law).

Stepping on any coins or banknotes of the national currency is an offence - Thailand

At weddings in Thailand, they certainly don't throw change at the newlyweds' feet, and it's not really about saving money. The situation here is about the same as with the pink Napoleon. Stepping on local money or crumpling a banknote in Thailand is considered a crime, since each banknote and coin has an image of the country's king. In general, it is logical that trampling on a portrait of the head of state is a sign of great disrespect for his person. However, such a procedure as folding money or carrying it in the back pocket is also equated to an offense. You must agree that this is not a very justified requirement for tourists in a country where it is not yet clear what gender you are communicating with until the matter reaches its conclusion (sometimes illogical and undesirable).

Detonating a nuclear device within city limits could result in a $500 fine - US

Where would we be without America when it comes to absurd legislation? In general, each state has its own legal atmosphere, but we paid attention to the stupidest law in effect in the town of Chico, California. According to this wonderful fruit of bad legal fantasy, any person who detonates a nuclear device within the city limits will be fined $500. A couple of questions immediately arise. Did the American government really value the entire settlement called Chico with its houses and residents at just $500? And who the hell is going to collect this fine if, after the above-described action is carried out, all that will remain of Chico is a crater?

Condom imports banned - Ireland

Well, the world legislation is getting deeper and deeper. They've even gotten to the intimate details. Ireland is a Catholic country, and this religion is the most militant about human control over procreation. They say that sex only has a place to reproduce one's own kind. Now let's try to combine sex a couple of times in a lifetime and Ireland, where alcohol flows from almost every crack. It's not working out very well, is it? Nevertheless, the government managed to get the church's stingy and silent approval for the sale of condoms only in the 80s of the last century, and the import of rubber products is prohibited even today. As they say, import is still there.

Landing or parking flying saucers in vineyards nationwide is prohibited - France

Well, what can I say – you can’t hide in the bushes! The law is the law, so you, citizens from Jupiter, will have to pay $10 for a parking space in our comfortable parking lot. In general, there is no need for any comments here. It is enough to just smile along with the mayor of one French town, who does not want to cancel the stupidest law adopted half a century ago. At the same time, the mayor calls the decree a bit piquant – like, it’s funny, and fair, and no one will be deceived. In the end, you really can’t deny the strict observance of this law by the French. It is unlikely that the police will ever bring an interesting catch to the station, so let this funny law continue to exist.

Male doctors are banned from examining women and women are banned from practicing medicine - Saudi Arabia

Wow, what a twist! So who examines and treats women in Saudi Arabia? Calm down, in reality, it’s not that categorical, and theoretically a woman can work as a nurse or a doctor. Here, we need to take into account the fact that Saudi Arabia is the epicenter of gender segregation, and almost the entire life of any woman here depends entirely on a male guardian, who can be a father, husband or brother. Consequently, the choice of profession for a girl is also the prerogative of a man. Given this fact, and also the fact that women’s work in Saudi Arabia is not welcomed from the start, it’s hard to find female doctors.

All signs must be written in French - ???

We did not immediately reveal the city and country of origin of this law. Where do you think this decree is widespread? Paris? Nice? Toulouse? Marseille? Nope. Well, at least it definitely concerns France, you think. And in vain, because the unusual law is in effect in the city of Quebec, in Canada. And again, what a twist! Indeed, in this Canadian city, an entrepreneur must first put the inscription on the sign in French, and only then duplicate it in English, and with the condition that the text in "English" will be 2 times shorter than the main words. Dear visitors, forgive us for our French!

The pillow is officially classified as a so-called “passive” weapon – Germany

Well, for the last legal comic for today, we are heading to Germany, where an ordinary pillow can take you not only to the world of dreams, but also to the police station. The thing is that this bedding is considered a “passive” weapon here. In general, it is no secret to anyone how to use a pillow with bad intentions, but, for example, in the same kitchen there is a much more serious combat arsenal. One way or another, remember that starting a pillow fight in the middle of Berlin or just kindly hitting a German with a sleeping accessory is a bad idea. They don’t understand all these delights there. Well, then, good night, dear Frau and Herrs!

United Kingdom

Sweet pies were banned. The law restricting their consumption at Christmas was introduced in 1644 by Oliver Cromwell. The purpose of this act was to combat gluttony as one of the biblical sins. Despite its archaism, the law officially continues to operate.

Another ban, like in France, restricts kissing at train stations. The regulation was introduced in 1910 because passengers taking too long to say goodbye to each other was disrupting train schedules.

One of the archaic regulations is in force in York County. The law officially allows the killing of a Scotsman if he has a bow and arrow.

The ridiculous ban also applies to the country's legislative body. It is forbidden to die in the British Parliament. The law was introduced because Westminster has the status of a palace. Accordingly, all those who die there must be buried with state honors.

It is also forbidden to appear in parliament in armor. And it is even more forbidden by law to appear in armor and die.

There is a funny restriction on drinking coffee or tea. It affects health workers at three hospitals in Leicester. Lawmakers decided that the staff's drinking created the impression of irresponsibility in their work.

The legal acts also concern suicide. This act is treated as a serious crime.

In Scotland, it is illegal to let someone into your home who asks to go to the toilet.

In London, there is a funny restriction that says it is not allowed to beat your wife after 9pm. The order is aimed at protecting the peace of neighbors who might be disturbed by the screams of the beaten woman.


As in the UK, kissing at train stations is banned in France. The law provides for special zones for this purpose.

An important legal act for all pig owners is the regulation that prohibits giving a piglet the name "Napoleon".

The law restricts the consumption of ketchup during lunch. The ban applies to schools and colleges. The purpose of this regulation is to reduce the sugar consumption of students and support national cuisine.


In most of Europe, female nudity is, if not illegal, then unacceptable. The wording of some laws is interesting – in the Italian city of Tropea, women are prohibited from appearing naked on the beach if they are overweight, old, and ugly.

Venice has an interesting law prohibiting feeding pigeons. The regulation is aimed at preserving the historical appearance of the city and keeping the streets free of bird droppings.

On the island of Capri, it is illegal to wear noisy shoes. Tourists can be fined for loud slapping, which is a violation of public order and safety.

In Eboli, kissing while driving is prohibited. The fine is more than 500 euros.

There is an interesting law in force throughout Italy that prohibits women named Maria from engaging in prostitution. Violating the rule is considered an insult to believers.


A fine for running out of gas on the motorway can be considered a ridiculous law. A driver stopped on a highway creates a danger to traffic, and therefore it is necessary to carefully monitor the fuel tank indicator when entering the motorway.


A funny law would seem to be the ban on picking your nose on Saturday. Believing Israelis believe that in this process you can pull out a hair, which will cause bleeding. And bleeding is a desecration of the sanctity of the Sabbath.

Saudi Arabia

It is illegal to listen to music in public places. The fine is up to $150. Because of the restriction, music is not taught in schools and higher education institutions. It is also not allowed to listen to music in music stores.

The following restrictions of the law are also an absurd contradiction:

  • male doctors are not allowed to examine women;
  • Women are not allowed to have the medical profession.


A number of funny and interesting laws in force can also be found in China:

  • the rule "a drowning man's salvation is the drowning man's own doing" is fully in effect in China; it is believed that saving a drowning man means interfering in his fate;
  • In Hong Kong, a woman has the right to kill an unfaithful husband, provided that she does so with her bare hands, without resorting to outside help or the use of objects;
  • the same regulations allow a woman to kill her husband’s mistress, who threatens to destroy the family, and the law does not limit the methods of retribution;
  • The Chinese government has restricted the reincarnation of Tibetan Buddhists, making it possible only with official permission;
  • Looking at naked women in China is not considered a crime, but looking at the legs of a clothed woman is a grave insult, which entails several days in prison.


In India, the cow is a sacred animal that cannot even be driven away. In the state of Bihar, anyone who kills a cow will be hanged. And anyone who dares to clean up after it will have their hands chopped off.

It is not legal to leave more than 5 rat hairs or pieces of droppings per kilogram of rice, corn or wheat.


One of the most densely populated cities in the world imposes serious legislative requirements for cleanliness. If a person throws garbage on the streets of the city three times, then every Sunday for a month he washes the sidewalks with a sign around his neck saying "I littered".

Fines for violation of cleanliness also apply to everyday things. The law prohibits blowing your nose or spitting in the street. A penalty will also follow if a person does not flush the toilet after himself.

There are separate restrictions on chewing gum. You can only buy it at a pharmacy with a doctor's prescription. Carrying it in your luggage for personal use is allowed, within reasonable limits. It should be remembered that throwing gum on the street entails a large fine.


Throwing chewing gum on the street can also result in a fine or imprisonment in Thailand. The fine is around US$600.

A law in Thailand that seems funny at first glance is the ban on trampling money. It applies to the national currency. The regulation was adopted taking into account that the current ruler of the country is depicted on the banknotes. Trampling such an image is considered disrespectful to the head of state.


In this African state, women are legally considered a lesser part of society. They are not allowed to wear clothes that in any way resemble men's.

In order to respect the ancient traditions of the state, restrictions also apply to underwear - its wearing by women is strictly prohibited. If such is found, law enforcement officers have the right to tear it off.


Melbourne has a ridiculous law that prohibits men from wearing strapless dresses. No restrictions apply to any other women's clothing.


The law prohibits the use of walkers for children. It is believed that they interfere with the normal development of the child, create an incorrect load on the joints, bones and muscles. The order provides for a large fine or imprisonment for up to six months.

Signs are designed in French. There is a law that states that if there is an English design, it must be half the size of the mandatory French one.

In Taber, Alberta, you can get a fine for yelling and swearing in public places. Even if the person yelling is trying to get the attention of someone they know. There are other funny laws in the same province:

  • according to an outdated but still valid law, a criminal released from prison is entitled to a loaded pistol and a horse so that he can leave the city in a short time;
  • In Itobicoke, the water level in the bathtub cannot exceed 10 cm.

Ridiculous Laws in the USA

The US legal system is structured in such a way that any court order becomes an official legal act. That is why there are the most ridiculous and absurd laws in this country. For convenience, their consideration is divided by states.

IN Idaho It is prohibited by law to fish from a camel.

In Iowa:

  • In Ottumwa, winking at strangers is not allowed - such actions are interpreted as sexual harassment;
  • In Fort Madison, also in the state, firefighters are required by law to undergo 15 minutes of training before going out to a fire;
  • According to the law, a kiss should not last more than five minutes - apparently there were complaints about a lack of air;
  • One-armed pianists are required to play for free.

Funny Laws in Alabama:

  • It is forbidden to blow your nose in the wind; the order also applies to picking your nose;
  • It is prohibited to drive a car blindfolded;
  • A man may not beat his wife with a stick if its diameter is thicker than his thumb;
  • In Montgomery, pedestrians are prohibited by law from opening umbrellas on the street to prevent them from frightening horses;
  • In Mobile, women are not allowed to wear high heels and drivers are not allowed to honk at passing women;
  • It is illegal to sprinkle salt on rails under penalty of death;
  • It is considered a crime to carry ice cream in your pocket, spit in the presence of women, wear a mask on the street, and wear a fake moustache to church.

IN Alaska It is forbidden to wake up bears in order to take pictures with them. It is forbidden to throw live moose out of a plane. The latter cannot be given alcohol to drink either. Especially not in order to throw them out of a plane.

Interesting laws in Arizona:

  • A fine is imposed on anyone who puts a donkey to sleep in a bathtub;
  • Cutting down a cactus is considered a serious crime - the offender faces a prison term of up to 25 years;
  • hunting camels is not allowed;
  • A thief who is caught stealing soap is washed with it until it runs out.

IN Arkansas The law prohibits the Arkansas River from rising above the Little Rock Bridge.

Funny Laws in Washington:

  • It is not allowed to ride scary horses in public places;
  • It is not allowed to create the impression that you have rich parents;
  • Visitors intending to commit a crime must first call the police and describe it in detail.

IN Vermont A woman must obtain written permission from her husband to wear dentures.

IN West Virginia Animals hit by cars are allowed to be taken home and cooked for dinner. Students are also banned from attending school if they smell of onions.

IN WisconsinIn Sainte-Croix, a law prohibits women from wearing red clothing in public places.

In Honolulu on Hawaii It is considered an offense to try to pester birds in city parks. Also, billboards and posters on roads and in public places are prohibited on the islands. The restrictions were introduced so that advertising does not interfere with tourists admiring the local landscapes.

IN Delaware The law does not allow a woman to propose marriage to a man.

Interesting laws in Illinois:

  • In the city of Eureka, men with moustaches are prohibited from kissing women;
  • In the town of Geisleburg, a man who hits rats with a baseball bat is fined $1,000;
  • In Zion, it is prohibited to give animals lit cigars;
  • In Joliet, a woman will be arrested if she tries on more than six dresses in a store.

Funny Indiana Ordinances:

  • It is not permitted by law to take baths between October and March;
  • the law officially states that the number "pi" is equal to four, not 3.1415;
  • citizens do not have the right to visit the theater or cinema, or to ride a tram, for four hours after eating garlic;
  • The law does not allow opening canned food with firearms.

Funny Laws in California:

  • Animals are officially prohibited by law from having sex within 500 meters of public places;
  • Whale hunting from a vehicle is not permitted;
  • In Carmel, you can't eat ice cream while standing on the sidewalk;
  • In the city of Chico, it is illegal to detonate nuclear devices within city limits, the fine is $500;
  • In Waldwin Park, bicycles are not allowed into the pool;
  • Baths are prohibited by law.

Funny Kentucky Ordinances:

  • the law requires citizens to take a shower at least once a year;
  • it is not allowed to marry one's wife's grandmother - it is difficult to say from which side the complaints for the corresponding court decision could have been filed;
  • a drunk person is considered sober as long as he is able to stand on his own feet;
  • Women are not allowed to walk on the highway in a bathing suit, but if she is accompanied by two police officers or is armed with a stick, the ban is lifted.

In Colorado, in Logan County,

It is a crime to kiss a woman while she is sleeping. It is also illegal to let your neighbours use your vacuum cleaner. In Stirling, cats are allowed to run free as long as they have tail lights.


In Connecticut:

  • In the city of Hartford, it is forbidden to cross the road on your hands, and here spouses are not allowed to kiss on Sundays;
  • cyclists are prohibited from traveling at speeds exceeding one hundred kilometers per hour;
  • Walking backwards after sunset is illegal in Devon.

IN Massachusetts Snoring is illegal. To legalize it, you should completely close all the windows in the bedroom.

IN Minnesota Those who prefer to sleep naked face prison terms. It is also forbidden to hang men's and women's underwear on the same line.

IN MichiganIn order to cut her hair, a woman must obtain her husband's consent

In Montana:

  • It is not allowed to have sex in any position other than the missionary one;
  • It is not permitted to transport sheep in the cab of a truck unless a shepherd is present.

IN Maine Fines await homeowners who fail to take down their Christmas decorations by January 14. In Portland, the law requires that people walk down the street with their shoelaces tied.

In Lehigh, Nebraska It is illegal to sell doughnut holes. Whale hunting is prohibited in this state, which is equidistant from any sea or ocean. A citizen will also be arrested if his child starts hiccupping during a church service.

IN Nevada, in the city of Elko, it is allowed to walk only in a mask.

In New Jersey

Loud slurping of soup in a restaurant is not allowed. Drivers are not allowed to fill their own gas tank in this state. Drivers should also be careful - boats and motorboats are not allowed to be parked on lawns.

New York State's legislation may also seem funny:

  • It is prohibited to sell ice cream after six in the evening, with the exception of the buyer having a doctor's certificate;
  • It is prohibited to hunt rabbits from a tram;
  • the death penalty is imposed on those who jump from the roofs of skyscrapers;
  • There is a fine for talking in an elevator, even with people you know;
  • the law does not allow the presence of naked mannequins in store windows;
  • the official ban applies to the arrest of a corpse for debt;
  • In the city of Carmel, a man will be fined if he goes out in the street in pants that do not match his jacket.

In New Mexico,

In the city of Carrizoz, women are prohibited from appearing in public places unshaven.

In Ohio:

  • Throwing reptiles is prohibited;
  • In Oxford, women are not allowed to undress in front of portraits of men;
  • the situation when a car runs out of gas is treated by law as illegal;
  • It is forbidden to offer alcoholic beverages to fish;
  • In Bexley, slot machines are not allowed in toilets;
  • In Clinton County, anyone who leans against a public building will be fined.

In Oklahoma

The law does not allow dogs to make faces. No matter how funny they are. Dogs are also prohibited from gathering in groups of three or more. However, if they, the dogs, have special permission from the mayor of the city, then they can. Teasing dogs is also prohibited.

In Oklahoma City, it is illegal to walk backwards while eating a hamburger. Taking bites out of someone else's hamburger is illegal.

In Oregon

The law prohibits the use of obscene language during sex with a spouse. As in New Jersey, drivers are not allowed to fill their own gas tank.

In Pennsylvania

The law prohibits more than 16 women from living together. Seventeenth, according to legislators, makes such a gathering of women a brothel. At the same time, the law allows up to 120 men to live together.

Restrictions are also introduced on the following aspects:

  • a separate law on cleanliness prohibits housewives from hiding dust and dirt under the carpet;
  • It is not permitted to catch fish by any part of the body other than the mouth;
  • Drivers at night in rural areas are required to stop every mile, fire a flare gun, wait 10 minutes for potential livestock to move off the road, and then continue driving.

In North Carolina

Public organizations are prohibited from gathering if their members are dressed identically.

In Tennessee

It is prohibited to share your own password for entertainment services.

In Texas

It is illegal to shoot bison from the second floor of a hotel. The Encyclopedia Britannica is also banned because it contains a recipe for making beer at home. It is illegal for men to carry wire cutters.

In Florida

Unmarried women are not allowed to jump with a parachute on Sundays. It is also forbidden to break more than three plates a day, even for married women. It is illegal to shower naked.

In South Dakota

If more than five Indians are found within the property of a citizen, he has the right to shoot at them.